january 31.

incoming facetime call from joshy๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜!

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"Hey, Oli," Josh grinned at his girlfriend through the phone. "How's being a big star?" Oli smirked, her heart fluttering at the sight of his adorable curls and his adorable smile and him. "I don't know, Joshy. You tell me." Josh smiled at the remark, before comfortably making conversation with Oli. "How's Japan?" Oli's eyes sparkled. "I love it here. Everything's so beautiful." Josh followed the remark with a slight mumble which Oli didn't quite catch. "What was that?" She asked with a smile. "Nothing." Joshua bluffed. "Just that you're still the most beautiful thing in Japan." "You make my heart melt, Joshy." Oli blushed. "What can I say?" Josh answered. "I'm a real charmer." "Yeah, and you know it." Oli joked, but her smile soon turned sour. "I miss you, Josh." Josh's brown eyes watched the girl as she sighed. "I miss you too, Olls." "This was the worst time to be so far away from you all." Olympia breathed angrily. "With Nate and River breaking up, and Theo coming out, and me and you and I- I should be at home." Josh sighed, wishing more than ever he could be in Japan so he could hold the girl he loved. "No, Oli, you should be there. This is the role you always wanted, and I can't let you give it up for me or anyone else. I can handle what's going on back here, and you can still be there for River. But you're where you're meant to be for now." Oli nodded, taking in a shaky breath and wiping the tears from her eyes. "God, Josh, I'm a mess, I'm so sorry." "Don't be." Josh smiled warmly and comfortingly at her. "I'm here for you always. The good bits, and the days like this. Because two thousand miles can't change the fact that I'm so fucking in love with you, Oli." Olympia felt her face begin to glow as she heard Josh utter those words. Her heart swelled as they played over and over in her head. 'I'm so fucking in love with you, Oli.' "I love you, Joshy." Oli said through the phone, and she meant every word. "I love you too, Olls." Josh replied.
