january 9.

incoming facetime call from joshyπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί!

accept decline

"Happy almost-birthday to you! Happy almost-birthday to you! Happy almost-birthday dear Oliiiiii! Happy almost-birthday to you!" Josh sung as his face appeared on the screen in front of Oli. Oli beamed at the boy, feeling ever-so blessed by his gorgeous voice before cocking an eyebrow jokingly. "You know there's another two days til my birthday, right?" "Yep," Josh nodded seriously. "That's where the 'almost' comes in." Oli held back a laugh at the adorable boy. "Well, it was very nice and I appreciated it greatly." Josh grinned. "Well, you get to appreciate it atleast once more before the real thing." The pair sat in silence, comfortable and enjoying the others presence. Oli just wished she could admire his face when it was right in front of her, rather that just being on a screen. "How's press tour?" She asked finally, her eyes meeting Josh's slowly. "It's great." Josh nodded. "But I can't wait until I get home. You see, I have plans to go see someone very special on the eleventh and-" "You just can't help yourself, can you?" Oli laughed at the boy happily, who responded with a smirk. "What can I say? I'm a charmer." "Only for me I hope." Oli hoped the words would catch in her throat but they didn't. Josh heard, and raised an eyebrow slowly before his face broke out into a smile. "Only for you, my dear first ever New Years Kiss." Olympia rolled her eyes lovingly at the boy. "You're lucky you're cute, Bassett." "No, I'm lucky you're cute." He corrected seriously, sending Oli into a mess of blushes.

Suddenly, a voice came from round the door of Josh's hotel room, causing Oli to jump violently. "You two never stop flirting, do you?" "Olivia!" Oli yelled, ecstatic at the sound of her friend. "Arden, too!" Olivia and Arden popped into the view of the camera, smiles covering their faces. "Ardie, Liv, hi!" Olympia called to her best friends over the camera. "How- how long have you been stood there?" Josh stuttered and Liv laughed in response. "Long enough." "What's up?" Josh asked, daring to take his eyes off of Oli for a second. "People are here for an interview." Arden said. "We gotta go." "Sorry, Oli." Josh frowned. "I'll call again later." "It's cool." Oli smiled smally in response. "Bye Liv, bye Ardie. Love and miss you both!" She called after her friends. "Bye, Joshy." She grinned before Josh hung up.

call ended!
call time 30:42!

JOSHUA POCKETED HIS phone and followed Olivia and Arden out of his room and into the hallways. Arden had already run ahead to walk with Julia and Dara, so Joshua just walked alongside Olivia, who kept looking at him and smirking. "What?" Joshua finally drawled after a good two minutes of Olivia's stares. The girl just chuckled slowly. "Oh, nothing." She said nonchalantly, "just that you are so falling for Oli." "I am not." Josh defended instantly, causing Liv to raise an eyebrow. "Woah there, tiger. What's the issue?" Josh sighed slowly, before looking around and making sure everyone was out of earshot, especially Arden. "I just-" Josh faltered, letting out a sigh. "I, I can't admit that, Liv. Because that's when it all becomes too real." Olivia looked at the boy with sympathetic eyes. "Liv, you know me by now." Joshua continued. "And you know that nothing scares me more than the fall. Because I know that once I'm gone, there's no safety net. Once I've fallen for her, there's no stopping it. And that-" the boy's voice shook as he spoke. "That terrify me." Olivia placed her hands on the boy's forearms comfortingly, pulling Josh to look at her. "It's okay to be scared, Joshy." She soothed. "And I don't want to pressure you. But really, I think you should give this a try. Oli's a really great girl. You know this. Not everything has to turn out like the last one did." Josh took a steadying breath. "You're right, Liv. You're right." Olivia smiled warmly at him. "I know, Joshy. But just remember, I'm by your side the whole way." "Love you, Liv." The boy mumbled, coming to a stop beside his other cast mates as they reached the interview room. "Love you too, Joshy." Liv beamed in response.

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"YOU ARE SO FALLING for him." Arden insisted over facetime to an exasperated Oli. The Asian girl merely straightened her glasses and shrugged. "So what if I am?" "What?" Arden's eyes went wide. "Did you just, admit that? What the hell, Oli?" Arden said, still in shock. Oli just laughed at her flabbergasted best friend. "What happened to all the denial? To the 'Ardie I swear I'm not falling for him' 'I do not have a crush' . Where did that phase go? I was actually kinda looking forward to watch you bullshit your way through that." "Sorry to disappoint." Oli chuckled.
"I've just- I don't know. Matured." The pair let out an outburst of laughter at the statement. "Sure you have, Olls." Arden composed herself, readjusting the camera before speaking. "Normally you're so scared to admit you're falling for someone, because it makes it too real." Arden said seriously. "What's different this time?"Β  Oli pondered the question for a minute before answering. "Falling in love with him isn't like falling for other people. Instead of falling off a cliff with no way back up, it's like falling into bed. It's soft and comforting and warm, and I'm not scared." Arden smiled at her best friend's statement. "I'm happy for you, Olls." Oli grinned back in response.
"I'm happy, too."
