

At the convention, Dib and (y/n) went to go get some burgers. " Hey (y/n) d-d-do you want to get a slushy after this", asked Dib. " Sure," (y/n) replied.  Once both of them got some merchandise and some charms, they went to get some slushies. Once you guys sat down you had some small talk. " So Dib, so since your Agent Mothman I would really like to in a partnership in the studies of paranormal,"said (y/n). "Well uh... we can a-al-always do that ya know", said Dib. "Okay, heh heh".

(y/n)'s POV:

Ya know Dib is always reliable for everything. He helps me out whenever I need guidance.  He's the greatest.  Dib never judges whether someone likes paranormal. But the thing is that he's always so nervous whenever I talk to him or giggle. Dib would always get all red and stutters all the type. To me I kinda find that a little funny, and kinda cute. Hmm.. I wonder what else will make him stutter. I GOT IT. "Oh Dibby~", I said. "Do you mind if I call you that I think it sounds kinda cute". "Gah.. uh..da..d-di-di-dibby. S-s-sure", he said as his face went bright red. I decided to get a little close to him so I gave him a hug and said these exact words. "Your kinda cute when you stutter". "Meep Meep Meep", he said. Uh oh I think I broke him maybe he was a little uncomfortable, I felt bad so I apologized to him. "Oh uhh... it's not your f-f-fault." "Oh okay well it's starting to get dark out so I'll see you later Agent Mothman heheh." "Same to you Agent Janet."
