
(y/n) POV: It was time for school but I didn't feel well. I was vomiting a lot, from the food last night with Dib. I felt so weak that I couldn't even get up to brush my teeth, but I soon got to do that but I was in alot of pain. My aunt had to call the Skool to tell them that I wasn't coming in today cause I would be in the hospital because I was throwing up alot. My aunt soon called an ambulance and they heading straight to the hospital with me and my aunt by my side. I was rushed to a hospital and was put on some medicine that made me sleepy. Once I woke up the nurse told me that I was going to stay here for a week. I was a little scared because me aunt would have to go to work, but not to long ago the nurse told me that I had two visitors. It was Dib and Gaz. " Hey (y/n) we heard that you were at the hospital, so we got you some " get well soon gifts"", said Gaz as she handed me a card and a balloon. Dib walked up in front of Gaz and handed me a bouquet of flowers. "Thanks Dib these are beautiful". "But not as beautiful as you", he mumbled to himself. " What was that Dib". " Nothing." Gaz soon had to leave to take care of some stuff so it was just me and Dib once again. Dib helped me get ahead with homework. I had to excuse myself from vomiting a lot but he didn't mind. " Hey (y/n) are you sick because of the food from last night"? Dib asked. " Yeah did you"? " I was only constipated and that was it, sorry it's my fault that your in the hospital I should've picked a different one that was safe", Dib said with his head down in shame. I soon put my hand on his cheek. "Dib it's not your fault you're not the one who made the food okay." I think I made his face a little red but I didn't mind at all. "Oh -oh-okay well I'll visit you tomorrow after school. See ya(y/n)." "Bye Dib". 
