chapter 1

(Y/N) POV:

I was moving to a new home cause my aunt wanted a better life for me. Once I got out of her car I got all of my stuff and went to an empty room. When I went backh out to get more boxes, there was a kid with a black leather jacket with a blue shirt with a ghost on it. He also had black hair in a bolt style. I was examining him when he noticed. I immediently turned my head and went to get some more boxes. "Hey your uh.. new here are you", he said in a stutter. " Yeah I am, what's your name", I asked. " Oh uh it's D-Dib. Dib M-Membrane". " I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you Dib". "(Y/N) that's a pretty name". " Hmm. What was that Dib"? " AHH n-n-nothing. heh heh".  " Oh I have to finish unpacking see you again Dib. heh heh". " B-B-Bye". As I went inside my aunt asked me if he was a new friend. "Yes he is".  " Oh (Y/N) you make friends very easily". "Heh heh thanks auntie". As I went upstairs I got my paranormal folder and my laptop. My dream was to be on my favorite show called Mysterious Mysteries" and also meet Agent Mothman. I didn't like telling people that I was into these kind of stuff because I wouldn't fit in, and people would make fun of me. My name was Agent Janet. I love reading Agent Mothman's documentaries they were so interesting I really hope I can meet them someday we would be great friends. As I was reading their last one I called it a night and went to bed, I was going to go to a new school. I wonder if I would see Dib there too.

Dib's POV:

What was wrong with me there, I'm surprised that she made me her friend. And I stuttered through the half of the conversation. But she is kinda cute. I feel my face getting warmer as I thought of her. It went from her hair, to her eyes, to her enthusiasm. I better wake up from this dream she's probably going to the same school as me, and everyone I'll say that Im crazy for being a paranomal investagator. I wish she would understand maybe she likes paranormal stuff like I do, or its just a dream that will never come true. I went home to find my laptop and got a notification. I got a new follower. Strange, no one ever reads my documentaries about aliens. Their name was Agent Janet. I looked at there profile and they had a lot of belivable documentaries, from creepy dolls moving their heads to a foot print that looked like it had belong to Big Foot himself. I followed them back and it seemed like that liked everyone of my documentaries. I decided to message them.

Hey I saw that you liked my documentaries and I would like to say thank you, and your not that bad of a paranormal investigator yourself Agent Janet. - Agent Mothman.

Oh wow I'm such a huge fan of your work Agent Mothman I was inspired to become a paranormal investigator like yourself and I got to say your documentries are amazing. I cant stop at just one. Thank you so much for the compliment.-Agent Janet

Hmm they seem pretty cool. If we could meet someday we would be great friends.
