Chapter 5

( I skipped Sunday sorry)

Dib's POV:

During class (y/n) and I were walking to class when I stopped at a poster. It said " Winter Dance. Boys ask girls." I really wanted to ask her to the dance but I didn't know how he was going to do it. Why can't I just man up and ask her. The dace is tonight and I don't have that much time. After school came and (y/n) and I were walking home as always, so I had to pop the question. I had to do. Just doit Dib. Just ask her the freakin dance already. Okay here goes nothing. "Uhh (y/n)". "Yes Dib". The way she looked at me send a dozen butterflies in my stomach. " Do y-y-you ma-maybe want to g-go to the da-da-dance with me". Why did I stutter so much. "Sure Dib it's tonight right"? "Yeah". "Okay meet in the school at 6", I said without stuttering for the first time. "Okay". I went home and looked in my closet for a tuxedo, and to my surprise I found one.

(y/n)'s POV:

Once I got home I told my aunt that I was going to a dance that the school was hosting. "hmm are you going with that Dib kid", she asked. " Yeah". " Okay but if he touches you in any part that you feel uncormfable you run and tell a teacher, he seems like a good person but all men are the same." " Okay auntie". I went to my closet and looked for a dress and I couldn't find the perfect one, so I decided do put a white long sleeve and put a crimson skirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and it looked really nice. I fixed my hair and put some makeup on. I also put some white flats. " Okay auntie I'm going out". "Okay (y/n) remember what I said about you being uncomfortable, okay. "Okay".

No one's POV:

Dib was waiting for (y/n) inside of the skool. Music was playing and lights were flashing. Dib started to get nervous thinking that (y/n) stood him up, but he was wronged very quickly. (y/n) came inside and Dib couldn't stop looking at her. " Hey Dib you look really nice". " Uhhh... da-da-da- ta-t-t-tha-thanks. Yo-yo-you look re-re-really cu-cu-NICE"! A smooth song that she liked started to play( this is when you play the video). (y/n) put her arms on on his shoulder and so does he. They slow dance and (y/n) decided to hug him and put her head on his chest. Soon she heard a rapid heartbeat. (Y/n) looked up and saw him sweating and red. Dib looked into (y/n)'s eyes and was sweating and hi face was getting warmer and warmer. Everyone was staring at Dib and (y/n). "oooohhh Dib and (y/n)". " Guys were just friends heh heh", (y/n) said. After the dance Dib walked (y/n) home. "Goodnight Dib". "Night (y/n)".
