Chapter 19

(y/n) wanted to go to the arcade and play some video games. She really enjoyed playing games and your favorite ones were RPGs. She waited at the bus stop and got on the bus. She sat down since it wasn't that far. Once her stop came (y/n) got out and when in the arcade. They were a lot of guys at this place so they were little to no girls here. She was looking for her favorite game called "Dance Dance Revolution". (y/n) soon found it and put Love Shine on Extreme. She were technically a pro at this game. Once the music started, she held onto the rails in the back of the dance floor and started moving her feet. Her feet were moving so fast that it burned a little bit. Once the song finished, (in) painted lightly as you got your tickets. Soon she decided to play some classic Pac Man. The highest score was 2,346,480 points. She put your token in the game and played. She tried to not have any of the ghost get her, and she succeed. While (y/n) was playing, she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Sorry but I'm trying to beat this high score, your gonna have to wait," she said. "Wow yo-you're-really good at this game", said a familiar voice. From that stutter, (y/n) knew that it was Dib. Once you finished your game with 2,567,380 points, she saw her name on the top of the scoreboard in triumph. "Hey Dibby", she said. " Hey h-how's a going", he asked. "Good I guess". "Whoa girl gamer." " And a hot girl gamer". "Hey babe wanna go out for milkshakes", said a guy that put his hand around her. " Your really hot and sexy". He started to cup his hand, and put it on (y/n)'s boob. "You're a curvy and sexy babe maybe we can go over my house", he said while still groping her. Dib was starting to get angrier than ever before, and started to beat the crap out of that kid. Dib than pulled the kid's shirt to his face and said, "Listen kid, don't you ever touch her again she's my friend not your's. She's uncomfortable with your touching you disgusting piece of garbage." The kid started to whimper and panic saying that he was sorry, and both you left with Dib holding her in his arm. " It's okay (y/n), he got what he deserved, no one should ever touch you, okay", he said. "O-okay. Can we get some milkshakes Dibby", she asked. "Sure".
