63.Everyone knows except the who needs to (last chapter)

I request you guys to hear the song in the media box when Manik and Nandhini start their travel from Pune to Mumbai.

Please ignore mistakes.

This is the last chapter and I will write this continuation in another book 'YOU ARE EVERYTHING I NEED" after a break. I could read you mind voice 'already I am not updating regulary and now  break😎'. But seriously I tried my best to give in this chapter and update another book after a month. For those who asked to write something which is happening in present, I gave just glimpse of present but I promise to give more in next book.

Vote or comment what you feel.

And ... Happy Independence day.


We cannot expect all the fingers in our hands equal. Just because thumb finger is smaller than index, it doesn't mean thumb is weaker than index finger.

 Each one have their own unique facet.

The same theory goes well with Fab5, they are friends for  years but still each one are different from others. But still they are together now and that's the beauty of their friendship.

It's been two weeks after the dare but still Dhruv is apologizing for that stunt whenever we come across. After we spent time in Lonovala, I thought Dhruv become comfortable with me and then this dare makes him old Dhruv who used be to shy and distant. And Alya's cold behviour makes him more guilty. 

Alya become so distant from me after the incident. We don't realize what we have until we lost it, I didn't realize when and how Alya and I become so close until she distant herself away. She used to call me or atleast ping once a day and shares her feeling for Dhruv with me and and I used to listen being a good listener until the dare. Now it seems like we are nothing  but strangers.

And the worst is Abi is decided to go to Germany for MS and written the enterance exam and currently enjoying his holiday in our native.

And our conversation with Abi on his last day before going  to our Native.

"Nandhu, don't worry everything will be ok" Noone understand how I felt except Abi.

"What if everything goes well with me and Manik and our family don't accept us?" The same thought was going inside my mind for long.

"You are worries are like a father of unborn child worries how his daughter will walk once she born, whether she could walk without falling"

" Abi I am worried very much, don't joke on it"

"I am not joking Nandhu" his voice now turn serious  which makes me listen with almost concentration.

"Your worry is same as that of the father's worry. His child is still not born and he worries about her walking and that too without falling. You just realised you are attracted towards Manik not your in love with him. It may be or may not be a casual fling. With time and spending time with him you may get know what exactly you feel and it still have more time. I know this is the first time you have such feelings and you need to go slow and about father's concern about  baby without falling... You are unreasonable like the father. You know how our family following all tradition and concervative. Ofcourse there will be lot of drama and emotional blackmail from our family against your decision and you cannot except a magic to happen and expect our family to accept your decision. You have to strong enough to face them and your love have to be strong enough."

I felt so lucky to have Abi by my side, he is one big brother that every girl should have. I have been worried thinking the same for past two weeks but he is the one who exactly understand what is going inside my tiny brain.

"Nandhu, just inform Manik that I hold black belt in karate"

" Abi, but you didn't even go near the place where master taught karate in school"

"Just lie to him, he should think before hurting you"

Although Navya, Cabir and Mutki intentions are correct but the way they executed is wrong. I was so angry on all of them and after some drama we batch up again.

Amongst all, one good aspect is Manik and my equation. Manik become more comfortable with me. I could see all shades of Manik Malhotra now.

I came to know he is so soft and sensitive deep down that even though he shows off himself as cold and insensitive.

I came to know his childish and cute side which he have safely locked inside him not other's to see.

If any one told before that Manik cracks jokes and he can be humorous also then I would have laughed out hard, for me Manik can be sarcastic not humorous.  But when he cracked jokes and I heard his jokes no one can have come beat him except Cabir. He jokes were so jovial won't hurt others and with lot of timing sense and where did Manik hide this side of him before?

A person feels comfortable and carefree only when that person trust the other and I am happy I have  yearned his trust but at the same time worried that how will he react when he find out about my secret mission? I hope he understand why I did what I did.

"What is plan for this weekend" I can guess Manik have already planned for his weekend.

"Nothing much, as you know Abi went to my native last weekend and Navya's grandma is not well so she too went yesterday night to her hometown, so my plan is to have no plan for this weekend"

"Then you are joining me for the weekend"

He is asking me or informing me? No use of discussing this the Manik Malhotra.

Manik wants to go malhotra mansion in Mumbai which he have not went since his father's death. He have many memories of his father in that mansion that are too much for him to handle and he want me to accompany him.

How cute he is!

As he told he picked up me at saturday morning.

The songs are playing and suddenly a song played to which I was astonished. This song is one of my favourite and evergreen song from 2012. Some of our favourite song become non favourite when we hear them repeatedly but this song is not one of them. Even due to my habit of hearing this song repeatedly for more than 5 years, this song is one of my favourite till now. And the thing made me to surprise when Manik started to hear Tamizh songs.

"Music have no barrier and not language as barrier" he informed me.

I started to sing with Shreya ghosal's voice and AR Rahuman music is real treat to our ears.

Suddenly Manik started to sing to match with male version and I looked at him and he winked at me.

(Ignore professor nandu)

Though he don't know Tamizh he sang the song so well. Ofcourse he is a fantastic singer.

      Thean malai therkku nee than
Unthan tholgalil Idam tharama
Nan saayium tholmael veraraum
Saayinthalee... Thagumaa??

This line is my one of the favourite and I sang the line little louder and Manik nodded his head as if he understood what the line means.

We enjoyed all other song in his collection which are my favourite also and enjoyed the travel very much.

When he parked his car in front a mansion he shut all his emotion and looked at the mansion lifelessly.

"Each and every thing surround us have both positive and negative aspect. Neglect the negative and focus on positive. Focus on the happy memories you shared with your dad and his happy day in this mansions not the fact that he is not  physically presentwith you.  He will be always with you in your every step towards your success , in your happiness , in your struggle and everything emotionally only if you believe he is with you." I hold his hand and walked towards the entrance. 

He was ok since we came near entrance he was relectant again near the entrance and an elderly women came from inside seeing Manik entering. She was happy rather ecstatic seeing Manik and came forward and hugged him. 

"Now only you remember the address of this mansion?" She showed her fake anger to which Manik smiled sheepishly.

"How many years after you are coming, I am so happy Manik, your grand mother will be so happy if she came to know about your visit and Nyo..." Manik glared her and she shut her mouth completely.

Suddenly her look came and settled in our entwined hands and we left immediately and Manik introduced me to her.

"She is Nandhini, my friend" 

"Namaste" She acknowledged with smile.

"She is my tun tun" Manik moved toward the elder lady and side hugged her leaving me confusion, because of the name.

She turned ears of Manik and replied, 

"My name is Mala Sinha, cheif cook of Malhotra for past 45 years"

"And iron lady who raised me from childhood when my real mother failed miserably" Manik completed her sentence to which she glared him but that left no effect on him.

Manik's father leave him to Mala maa when ever he get busy and when he could not handle toddler Manik.

Mala maa made us the brunch and went to her house which is near by. I think this is tradition to Malhotra to build house of their workers near their mansion. Malhotra should have been into architecture some profession related to architecture, they almost have atleast 2 mansion in same city and I heard in Punjab too they have 2 mansion and in addition to that they build houses to their worker near their mansion.

"Don't you think what that the evil three said is true?" Manik asked and came sat near me in the sofa.

"About what" I moved little further.

"That we are slow in our relation" He again moved and sat near me.

"No, I didn't think so" I again moved away.

"Yes, we are Nandhu"

Nandhu? He called me with this name  for first time.

"Manik, say honestly what you feel. there is nothing like slow or fast what matters is how both comfortable with each other"

"Wow Nandhu what happens today with you lot of philosophical. You are always like this or something happen today?"

"I am always like this Malhotra. You don't know me in case" I know he feels irritated me calling him Malhotra.

"Okay fine, lets play the  compatibility game, know how much you know me and vice versa"

"Favourite Actor" He asked and I have to answer his favourites.

"Amir khan and Ranbir"

"Favorite Colour"


He asked some different and difficult questions, thanks to Soha and her stories about Manik, I was correct most of time except one question which he himself don't know the answer i.e his favourite food which keeps on changing and changing. Basically he can even eat anything and everything if it is edible.

And my turn comes and I asked him.

"Favourite game"


"Wow Manik, how confidently you are answering wrongly"

"Nandhini, don't say lie, I know you like cricket"

"Manik, I used to like cricket and now I am no longer interested but my favourite is Kaabadi and throw ball as   my team and I won district level match in throw ball. So my favourite is Kaabadi and Throw ball"

"Try to think and answer, don't answer like 'I know everything'" I tease him for sometime till I satisfy, why not waste the rare chances.

"Enough, ask the next question"

"Favourite colour"

"White and shades of white" he smirked arrogantly. Why did I even ask this question.

I questioned few other and Manik being mind reading creep answer correctly and for those wrong I teased him.

 Aiyappa, we should play this game frequently, how happy I feel when I tease Manik and he cannot defend himself, this will be my favourite game now onwards.

"What is trust according to you?" I asked the question which I wanted to ask since long.

"Trust base of every relation Nandhini, it is not like trust is must only between husband and wife and can be optional for other relation. If we don't trust the pilot then we cannot travel in flight risking our life, knowing or unknowing we need trust for living this life like how we need oxygen"

"So cheesy, isn't ?" he asked. 

"No off course not, it have more deep meaning and I understand them completely"

"Okay, what is trust according to you" he asked me again.

"Every coin have two sides, if the person trust another person, he/she will understand the both side of the coin even though they can see only one side of it not otherside"

"So deep, but yeah, I accept"

If only Manik understand otherside of the coin or atleast tried to see another side we would have not struck and played by fate's play.

Both Manik and I were happy and were progressing in our relation till that fateful day when I really doubt whether he really trust me or not.


"Darling, what a pleasant surprise" I was stopped as a familiar car stopped near me and followed by unpleasant voice.

"I had work in Chennai DC and heard you, my darling also is in Chennai and thought of paying visit you know, but see your Aiyappa blessed me with your presence unexpectedly"

I paid no heeds and started to move forwards and stopped once that idiot came before and blocked my way.

"Till how long darling you will run away from me, because of me and my trick your husband you left alone..." I was urged to slap him but control, if I react it seems that his words are affecting me but in reality his words are not even eligible to put in dustbin. What wrong the dustbin did?

"Harshad, don't give too much credit to your self. It is not because of you we separated but is just a reality a check. I thought my love is the most strongest and unbreakable, and this separation is nothing but test and I know how to pass this test"

I heard another car stopping behind my head.

"Oh... here comes your current shinning in Armour"

Shinning in Armour?? Harshad used to call Manik as my Shinning in Armour.

Even though my rational thoughts says that no chance of Manik's arrival but my stupid heart expect and turned only to see another reality check.

"Does any one told that if you walk like this, the baby will come out immediately which in reality come after 6 months?" Kavin shouted at me but as usual his shouts are no near to making me to afraid.

"Thanks to Aiyappa, I was able to track you with GPS or god knows how we would have found you"

I have no idea where I was standing and how long I walked but his shouts are enough to say that too long to walk.

"Nandhini, you are pregnant?" Harshad asked from behind shockingly.

This is first time in history every others know the truth except the father of the child.


I know I left you guys in cliff both in past and present and will try give more interesting chapter in upcoming ones.

I seriously need honest feedback about this whole book. I have never demand for votes or commend in my past but I need know  how you all think about this whole book.

I seriously don't feel offended even if you say my writing really pathetic, and this book is some crap, I am open to all comments but do give your feedback which really helps me to improve.

