12.Long day with full of Drama

It seems Navya wanted to break her own record, it is almost 7 hours but she didn't find any dress for her. To add to this, I received my manager's call. Good... really good...nothing more need to make my day. I ignored his calls hoping he won't call me again. But no, he is not in the mood to spare me that he called 3rd time.

"Harshad, that project submitted 3 days back and Aryaman have submitted that, so I believe the person you need to contact is Aryaman not me."

"I didn't expect this irresponsible response from you. I got alert mail yesterday about the submission, so I need to confirm." I cut the call after 15 minutes where Navya watch me with little worry that she have not seen me this much frustrated.

"What is the problem, anything serious?"

"My manager has gone mad, he is not sure about the project submission that we completed last week and he wants me to return Pune."

"He can log in to Aryaman's system and check right?"

"Even that's not need. Aryaman used to cc my TL, manager and all other members of team both offshore and onsite while sending final project module to our client."

"Does Aryaman forget to CC you manager in the mail this time?"

"No Navya, I was there with Aryaman while he sending and I remember he cc'ed that stupid manager".

"Then why he wants you to return to Pune".

"He is saying he didn't receive the mail. And he needs to check the module once again. Aryaman or I usually have module of the project in the system. He is saying Aryaman's mobile is not reachable"

"I can smell something is wrong"

"Hi beautifuls, Can I join you?" we are interrupted by a young man around 25 walked towards us. He is two inch taller than Navya looks cute and intimating that naughtiness in his eyes is quite visible. He seems a more like meltdown Abi.

"What? Who are you? Where we have to accompany? Why we have to?"

That is Navya who uses almost all 'WH' question in one go.

And this seems Déjà vu. 6 months before, once we came to beach, a man came and ask how to reach beach. As we are also going to beach he came with us. He is also trainee in our office so we became friends. Navya become so close and after two weeks he proposed to Navya. He is still in same Chennai DC torturing Navya. He is no harm but used to irritate Navya like Dexterity recruited him only to send good morning and good night message to Navya. In these 6 months, he never misses single day not sending any message to her.

"What is the question I am supposed to answer first? "

Navya glare at him.

"I heard you both are going to beach..."

Navya cut him, "Does anything written in on our heads like we are taxi or auto driver to accompany strangers to beach?" yes I thought, this reminds the scene while she met Priyan (the person proposed to her) for the first time.

"I can't see anything like that written on her head" he pointed towards me but "on your head it is written something like Uber driver, sorry if you are from OLA" he stated this towards Navya with mischievous smile.

"Cheap one" this was from Navya.

"It seems cheap only for you angry bird, but see she is laughing" He points towards me again. And I interupted before I will be awarded with death glare from Navya.

"Guys cool down, where you want to go?" I asked the man.

"To hell" Navya replied.

"Yes, It seems I am almost there" He says by seeing Navya.

"Listen both of you, stop your kids fight. The beach is near, both of you just follow me."

"Nandhini, he is a stranger. Didn't you learn from our last lesson" and I chuckled.

"I can't come with this arrogant creature, and how are you expecting to come with the person who I don't know?"

"I am not arrogant, that's you. I am not going to kidnap knowing ,kidnapping you will be dangerous for me only".

"That's correct" I spoke under my breath which was only heard only by Navya.

"Navya, please it's already getting late and he is just coming with us, that's it. Getting late is bad only for you not for me". She needs to go office early tomorrow and we need to reach the apartment early. She understands what I want to say that's when the man introduces himself.

"I am Cabir Dhawan. And I know the angry bird's name is Navya".

"I am Nandhini".

"You guys don't use second name".

"To your poor GK, we don't have second names".

I gave an unbelievable look to Navya, "We don't mostly have second name but add our father's name behind. So mine is Nandhini Murthy and her's is Navya Sridhar. With this can we move?"

Both followed me silently, may be both were tired of their fights. In between Cabir got call from his friends and he informed his friends that he is coming towards the beach.

"I didn't believe when Horoscopy in the morning when it states that I am going meet the most unwanted person of my life today" Navya started their childish fight again.

"You believe in Horoscopy?"

"Yes, what's wrong in it?"

"Nothing! For me, I do not need to see horoscopy, when I see you I know that today will be my life's unlucky day"

I cannot enjoy their fight as a tall person standing far away resembles someone I have met earlier. As I go near his eyes also falls on me and we both are staring at each other.

"You?" Both pointed at each other with same hatred. WOW what a similarity.

"Nandhini, you know my friend." Cabir asked me curiously.

Well today is very long day with high drama. I can't take anymore.


Finally !!! Manik and Nandhini gonna meet. Wait for the next update. Do comment what you feel or vote if you like.
