7.Finally found one

Navya and I reached Chennai next week as per plan.

I find this is the biggest success of my life. But after we came to Chennai only we realize there are lot more in our life to come as told by my lectures.

Damn they are so correct this time.

First few days we were enjoying our success of coming here. Days pass we realize the seriousness. Most of the time Google map was our best guide to reach the interview location. God bless google map.

Two months passed and there is no sign of us getting any job and my house gave deadline that if I didn't get any job in next two months, I should go back to home and accept whatever they say.

If I go obviously Navya also need to go back as my family leave me to Chennai trusting Navya will take care of me and same goes to her.

After getting tired not getting job, Navya decided to go to home, and she started to brain wash me. I used to advise Navya to have hope and keep on trying;

I have strong feeling that we will get a job.

Navya like good girl will nod her when I am lecturing her but after 2 hours she again hop to same Navya who wants go our home.

For almost 3 days, this is the same happened, Navya brainwashing me, I advising Navya, and after sometime Navya will come to same point.

After that I started to sit outside of our room for preparing, as Navya is not letting me to prepare.
Exactly after one week, Navya is hell tired and bored of brain washing me and started pass time playing games in her mobile and watching movie in her laptop.

For some change she decided to check her mails and while she is checking she shouted.
When I hear her voice, it scared hell out of me, I feared that something happened to Navya and ran inside, but the scene in front make my boil blood.

No time to proof read. Sorry!!!!

Navya was happily dancing and throwing the pillows everywhere, one of the pillows she throws hit my face and with all I hold, I throw back at her. But to my dismay it didn't affect Navya who continues her eerie dance.

She shouted "I we got it", my eardrum vandalised and I am sure her sound vibration would have reached 3rd floor.

"Navya, What the hell, why you are shouting? Say it clearly" I annoyed by her loud voice.

"We got selected in the interview we wrote it last Sunday"

Both of us inform our parents and friends. Both Navya and my families are so happy. Our date of joining is one month from today and we started pack our things to home.
