56.I think I have found that person to hold me

Harry potter is my evergreen favourite. When I was studying 5th standard my uncle brought the CD of harry potter and no one from our family liked to watch. He was so disappointed and he made me sit with him to watch the series daily after I came from school. Initially I literally hated Harry potter because of my uncle's torture and slowly I too started to watch. I watched 'Harry potter and chambers of secret' is first movie watched in that series and for me that is the first part of series even I know 'Harry potter and sorcerous stone' is the first part among the series.

Slowly I was too interested, you can say addicted to watch that movie again and again that the CD stopped working because of many scratches one due to repeated playing. That is the time I stopped watching but started to act like harry potter.

In our group, Kavin is Hermione, Navya is Ron and I am Harry potter and Abi is Dumbledore, role of us get changed such that sometime I act as Hermione and Navya as Harry and Kavin as Ron but Abi always play as Dumbledore and he also fights that he wanted to play as Harry, but it never happened.

We all will take the broom stick considering that as Magic wand and play with it and get lot of scolding from my mother and Kavin's mother to damage the broomstick. And we have competition that who will memorise maximum number of Harry potter spell's and my always favourite is 'Riddikulus' which is easy to say and also due to purpose of the spell.

Abi will be the winner always in the competition followed by Kavin, Me and Navya. Navya as drama queen, she never accepts that she is last and used to fight and throw lot of tantrum, she is still the same till now.

"oiii, Hello come to earth" Manik tapped my shoulder to bring me back to present.

While the movie is playing, we heard a sound 'Riddikulus' and later I realized it was me who shouted the spell. I tried to control a lot but I started to speak the dialogue with characters in the movie mostly dialogues of Harry and later Navya and Abi too joined me. First Fab5 gave us weird 'Are-you-3-losted' look, but we 3 didn't give a damn and continued with the dialogues and later Cabir, Mukti, Dhruv, Alya, Veebha and Manik too joined us playing.








'Wingardium Leviosa'









Everyone started slowly and at last end up shouting the spells on each other and we started to fight. It was so much fun like olden days but now no one knows what character we are playing, we randomly said the spell throws pillow at each other and whole hall become the mess. But there was continuous laughter of Cabir and Manik from the starting to till end that everyone for some moment become statue and watched Manik like they are seeing rainbow at the night (Note naturally rainbow at night is impossible).

After getting conscious Manik stopped laughing and Cabir to stopped. To avoid the consequent talks, Manik went to his room and everyone started to slow retire to their respective room.

'Aiyappa' I freaked out.

"What happened Nandhini, anything wrong?" everyone gathered with worry.

"Guys relax, it's nothing serious' Navya replied and I glared at her, she knows the reason why I freaked.

"No, the time is 2.30am, how am supposed to sleep now. I cannot sleep now' I said everyone glared at me and threw pillow at me and started to move to their rooms.

Navya was watching me with smirk.

"Guys serious, I cannot sleep after the clock past 12" I said with puppy face that Mukti came near me and said. 'Go and lie on bed, one sleepless night won't cause big problem" She came near as if cares for me and giving some advice but she said one sleepless night won't be big problem.

'What the hell' I murmured and Navya's smirk become wider.

'Navya' I called her sweetly.

'Yes Nandhu'

'You are going to share the room with me right?"

'Yes of course'

'Let me see, how are you going to sleep if I am not' I smirked and went inside the room.

Navya decide to not to come to the room and might went to Alya and Mukti's room, clever she is.

I am not able to sleep; I am really not able to sleep. What type of disease I have that I cannot sleep after 12?

'Aiyappa' why did you allow me awake till 2?

'Any way what will he do, I had so much fun with them that I didn't even realize it is past 12 who is usually not able to keep the eyes open even after 11pm."

Already the timing and top of that Manik's thought.

Why everyone saw him weirdly while he was laughing is that so rare or what?

I have seen him laughing even saw him laughing more careless, and Fab is his friend and obviously they might have seen him laughing more often right?

Then why those stares?

I moved to swimming pool and half dipped my legs in the water and sat there.

I wish it will starts raining.

I saw the ripples in the water nearby and saw the great Manik Malhotra already sat near me same half dipping his legs like me.

"Nandhini, it is so cold here and I think it will starts raining"

"You think it will start raining?" Before he replies, the rain itself answers.

I was so happy it rains now, I hadn't drenched it for almost one year. In my hometown whenever it rains, I will always drench and me my mom used have fights over that. She never allows me to play in the rain of course she will be one who is going to suffer if I catch cold more than me, but I never listens to her and she gradually stopped fighting with me. Now days if say it rain, she will start to say cold remedy that she was sure I would have played but in Pune I don't know when it is raining, that we sit inside office, I don't know what is happening outside like I completely shut down from outside world. Some irritating thing cause of IT employee. So now a day I was longing for the rain and it rains today.

"Oh hello Nandhini Murthy, don't say you like rain also"

"Manik... I don't like rain" relief wave passes through is face and vanished by my following statement.

"I love rain, I love them more than moon, star, sun, mars, Jupiter and everything in solar system. In fact, it fascinates me more than anything in this world" I was so happy that I am not aware of what I am blabbering, all I know is I am playing in the rain.

"Manik, can we dive in swimming pool?"

"What, are you mad?"

"Yes ofcourse" I didn't wait and I pushed him into the pool along with me.

"Nandhini, I think you lasted completely, I haven't any nutcase more than you..."

He was saying something actually scolding but I didn't listen and spread hands to shoulder level, lift my face above such that rain drops directly land on my face from the sky.

I was enjoying for long time that I forgot Manik presence near me when I turn towards him as there was no sound from him and he was staring at me with so much intense that his stare send shiver throughout my body. Does Manik has this effect on me?

Seeing me feeling awkward he spoke.

"Does really rain fascinates you?"

"Seriously Manik, Can't you see that rain fascinates me? Your question should be like how much the rain fascinates me"

He chuckled, "then answer your own question then"

"Rain is top most thing in the list of things that fascinates me. I always and will love rain. I usually imagine whenever I drench in rain, it not only drench and remove dirt from my body but also from my mind" I stated looking above the sky and turned to see confused Manik.

"I know you are confused but I have this ideology and I don't know from where I get this but I believe this ideology from my childhood. There are some problems you have neither control over the problem nor solution, only time can heal some. In that case we have to lose the hold of grudge on that person causing problem or reason for the problem in order to move on instead of killing yourself with it and struggling inside. In such case I choose to let it go and forgive the person or thing that causes the issue and I let it go by drenching in the rain and felt myself new born after playing and drenched in the rain. I feel that it removes the negativity from me"

"What if you don't believe in this ideology of rain but you are suffering from inside because a that the problem that neither you have control over it nor find solution."

"In that case, time will heal the hurt" I replied understanding where our conversation is leading.

"If healing is changing the whole person to new one that he can't recognize who really he is, then it is healing?"

"Yes, time makes the person more mature and strong and ..." I was cut off by Manik.

"What if the person does not satisfy with this type of healing that he wants his old self back but struggles to become his oneself?"

"In that case, you share the pain your pain with the person who cares for you"

"What if the he didn't find the person who genuinely cares for him but actually people sympathize him" Manik is growing more tense and impatient I don't what will be the end of our conversation.

"then he has to search the one who really cares for him instead of sympathize him"

"Searching there was no one who probably care for him and feeling empty is better that going through the pain all alone"

"Manik, I don't know whether you have noticed or not you need both your hands to hold or lift when the things are heavy. Either your right hand or left hand alone hand lift or hold up to 10kg, 15kg or little more but what about 75kg or 100kg weight object, you need two hand there, the same goes with bearing a pain. A person can bear the pain to certain limit, beyond that he need someone to hold him and share his problem"

One look from him I immediately hugged him not aware of the reason may be I saw pain in eyes that I have never seen Manik this vulnerable ever.

He holds me tight and whispered in my ears, "I think I have found that person to hold me"


I tried my best to proof read, please ignore if there is any error. As I told I tried my best cover his confession will cover the remaining in next part for sure.

I had faced connection problem in uploading this part, please mention if you ind any weird order of words in this chapter.

