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The yandere in this one will be female :)

y. griffin x male reader

"You know how loyal griffins are, she won't take well to another rider." Y/N was stroking his griffin's feathers, while talking to his fellow partner, Minx. The female next to him frowned, her eyes rolling, "Y/N, we need you to lead the tribe, not fly to your death on a griffin."

Y/N huffed, (h/c) strands of hair blown from his face. He was supposed to be leading the Kion Tribe since he was technically the chief's son, but he felt that he was obligated to fight for his people. He was one of the best fighters and griffin riders to ever be known, and everyone wanted him to sit back and watch people die.

Minx placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head. She was a griffin trainer and rider, grooming the beasts into shape and taming them. She flew into battle alongside Y/N, but she was tired of seeing him put himself in danger when he was needed by everyone.

"Y/N, your father needs your help to lead everyone, and they all look up to you. If you don't lead them, no one will." The two fell into silence, Y/N still grooming his griffin's feathers. "Minx, we need to end the conflict with the Demos Tribe, and the only way to do that is to capture their chief, who fights alongside his people!"

Minx glared at Y/N, "Stop trying to prove something to everyone by risking your life! We need you here, not on the battlefield." The female turned, then stomped away, her black hair flying furiously behind her. Y/N groaned, shaking his head as he watched the green-eyed girl walk away.

He'd stopped petting his griffin, and she nipped at his fingers, her beak gentle, but demanding attention. Y/N laughed, smiling at the beast, "At least you understand me, Leona."

Almost as if the creature understood his words, she nuzzled her face into his hand, seeking both to comfort and get attention from her rider and master.

ย Leona, his griffin, had the front legs, wings and head of a bald eagle, and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. She was a huge creature who was fiercely loyal, protective, powerful, and stubborn. Y/N had managed to tame her in under a few months, but not without the struggle. Leona had fought Y/N at every corner when they had first gotten her.

She was found with a broken wing, and he was only trying to help her, though the griffin certainly didn't see it that way. Over time, the harder Y/N tried, the more Leona fought against him. It was only when Y/N fell asleep in one of the pastures that Leona approached him.

She nudged around him and prepared to attack him but found that he was of no harm to her and laid down beside him. The griffin's relationship with Y/N only grew when he woke up and began grooming her feathers, soothing the beast greatly. Since then, the two had a mutual trust in each other, though some of the other griffin riders would say that Leona was fiercely protective of her rider, something slightly unusual for the creature.

Y/N and Leona had their own language and were very close, having absolute trust in each other. Leona swished her tail and stomped one of her clawed feet against the ground impatiently, meaning that she wanted food. It was her way of showing her hunger, and it was a gesture only Y/N understood.

The male laughed, "Alright, alright, girl. I'll get you some of your favorites." Y/N disappeared for a few minutes, gathering his griffin's food. Her diet usually consisted of raw meat, btu Leona had begun to fancy cows in particular.

Y/N tossed a slab of meat into the griffin's stall, chuckling at how Leona swished her tail like an excited dog. He petted her gently on top of the head, then turned away, heading out of the griffin's stable to retire for the night.

His tribe was made up of many different types of people, but they were united as one and were a tightly knit community. Y/N spoke to everyone he came across whenever he could, easing their worries and addressing their complaints like a good chief would. He was the ideal chief for the tribe and would take that place once his father passed it on to him.

Y/N was tense though as he walked through the village. The tents his people lived in were filled with warmth and people looking out at him as he passed. Many stopped him, and he felt the burdens fall harder on him. He was finally able to relax once he reached his own tent, the stress falling away.

He was supposed to be this figure of power and leadership and was expected to do everything everyone told him because that was what his father did. Y/N wanted to be his own person and do his own things, but he couldn't, not when everyone was depending on him.

He couldn't slack off, and he felt so much stress and tension from whenever he had to pretend to be someone he wasn't, to pretend to be great. No one understood his pain, and he never spoke about it to anyone but Leona, who was the only being who noticed his anxiety and tried to ease at least some of it.

It was strange how a beastly griffin could comfort him and make him feel more loved than anyone else. He just considered himself lucky that he had Leona in his life, someone to vent to, and someone to be himself around. Leona was a blessing for him, and she protected him fiercely from harm, which was much appreciated.

Y/N felt himself fall into a restful sleep but was awoken abruptly by someone shaking his shoulders harshly. Minx's green eyes peered into his, worry present in her irises, "Y/N we're under attack, we need to go."

Springing from his bed, the chief's son rushed to get dressed, throwing on his leather armor and strapping his sword to his hip, slinging his bow and arrows across his back. Minx watched anxiously, already clad in her armor, her lips pulled between her teeth.

"Y/N, chief ordered you not to go into battle and to find safety. He won't be pleased if you defy him." Y/N's heated glaze met hers, and he stomped past her, ripping open his tent harshly. "Minx, I'm going to defend my people, whether my father wants me to or not."

Leona meanwhile had been pacing, already missing her beloved master. The griffin in all actuality had formed a dangerously close bond with her master, becoming possessive and overprotective of the male. When he wasn't around, she was tense, and aggressive to everyone, and when he was with her, she was calm, but very needy of the male's presence.

The griffin needed his attention and presence otherwise she'd feel vulnerable and alone, something that scared her beyond anything. She viewed her rider as hers to protect since he took care of her, so when she couldn't guard him, she was anxious.

It didn't help that people had been frantically running around, yelling at each other. The griffin knew something was wrong, and was harshly pacing, waiting for her master to appear. The male ran through the stable a few minutes later, concern written all over his face.

Minx raced in behind him, trying to stop him. Leona growled at this, displeased with another female being so close to Y/N. "Please, you have to consider the risk, Y/N! What if you die, or are injured, what then? We need you to lead us so we can survive!"

Y/N shrugged her off, rushing into Leona's stall, and sliding her saddle over her back. The griffin bristled her feathers, uncomfortable with the prospect of her rider getting injured, not that she wouldn't do everything in her power to keep it from happening. She could understand certain aspects of the human language, so she understood that Y/N was in danger.

Brushing her feathers soothingly, Y/N mounted the griffin, urging her out of the stall, Minx still yelling at him. The male leaned in toward his griffin's head, running his fingers over her beak gently, "I trust you to keep my safe, Leona."

He urged the creature out of the stable, and the griffin began to run, understanding that they were heading into battle. Minx tried to follow, but quickly was left behind, and while Y/N felt guilty, he knew that this was something that needed to be done.

Needless to say, Y/N and Leona were outmatched. His tribe had fled, leaving him to face the Demos tribe on his own. He was a very skilled fighter and since he had a griffin, he was at an advantage, but he was still alone.

He fended most of them off for as long as he could, dismounting from Leona and taking on the other tribe's soldiers in combat. Leona took out as many people as she could, tossing some with her claws, knocking others back with her wings, and ripping some apart with her sharp beak.

The duo was almost unstoppable until the Demos chief stabbed Y/N while he was fighting two other men. Y/N fell to the ground, the sword still stuck in his side, forcing him to release an anguished cry. Leona was immediately alerted to his pain and rushed over to him, killing the Demos's chief and anyone else near in a matter of seconds. The griffin knelt beside the fallen male, covering him with her wings, her face nuzzling against his in concern.

The Demos's tribe, leaderless and depleted, backed away from the raging griffin, retreating to their camps far away. Leona refused to move and kept nuzzling her head against Y/N's, her wings folded over his wounded torso protectively.

Y/N groaned, the pain rendering him almost speechless, "Leona, get help." The griffin whined, and nudged him, refusing to leave him.

The sound of large wings flapping sounded behind the duo and the griffin roared, turning to face the new threat. Minx stood back; her hands raised in surrender while her green eyes glanced down to Y/N's fallen form. The female was shocked by the carnage he and his griffin had caused, but she was more concerned with the blood pouring out of his back.

"Please, I'm here to help him, Leona. He's going to die if you don't let me." The griffin raised her head stubbornly but backed away from her master warily. Her sharp gaze was directed to the griffin Minx had arrived on, and she stood in front of Y/N and Minx, blocking the other creature's gaze of them.

The other griffin didn't react, uncaring about the situation. Leona huffed, judging his lack of desire to protect his rider. She'd die before someone took her away from Y/N, and he was hers to protect, hers to watch over.

Minx began applying pressure to his back, halting the bleeding. Her hands gently felt around the wound trying to scope the damage and Y/N groaned in anguish. Leona snapped her beaked face towards the duo, her eagle eyes watching her rider's every breath, a fierce desire to knock Minx away from him and cover him with her protective wings.

Minx had grabbed a needle and thin thread, working on stitching closed the long gash in his back. Y/N let out more anguished groans, barely conscious of what was happening. Minx cut the thread and cleaned the wound with some water she'd brought.

If Y/N was lucky, he wouldn't get an infection, but she needed to get him back to the tribe doctor. Minx tried to pick him up, but Leona screeched loudly, and knocked her back. Y/N stirred, but didn't move, and Leona stood over him, guarding him from who she thought was a threat.

Minx gasped, and her griffin finally took an interest in what was happening, standing beside his fallen master. The fallen girl just winced, fearful of the protective griffin before her. "Leona, he needs real help!"

The female griffin huffed stomping her clawed feet. Minx slowly got up and took very careful steps towards Y/N's fallen form. Leona stood back a few feet, letting Minx approach, but the griffin was in high defense mode, desperate to guard the male she had come to adore.

The griffin was loyal to Y/N down to her every cell, and she wouldn't let people continue to keep her from him. When Minx stepped withing her range, Leona swiped one of her front claws at the female's face, her talons ripping through skin and bone.

Minx fell to the ground lifelessly, her last breath taken just as Leona's claws raked across her face. Her blood soaked the ground, and the proud and defensive griffin shook her feathers, glad the dead female landed away from Y/N.

Minx's griffin stood a few feet away, and backed away, sensing the protective and tense aura the female griffin had. The other creature looked down at his master, and seeing her dead, raised his great wings, and took off into the sky, not wishing to meet the same fate Minx did.

Leona watched until the other griffin disappeared from sight, then lay next to Y/N, placing her head on his wounded back gently. The male, now unconscious was unaware of the carnage he and his griffin had caused and was unknowing of the swift death Minx had received.

Leona relaxed, feeling the tension leave her form knowing that Y/N was out of danger. He was her master, her rider, and most importantly, hers. He would know no fear as long as she was around, and she'd be able to guard him and keep her all to himself.

Her unflinching loyalty and overprotectiveness made her a fierce guardian, but a possessive one. Y/N knew not what had come to pass, and probably would never know. Leona was fine with that fact, and folded her wings over him gently, covering him in a protective, and unbreakable embrace.ย 
