
Requested by:ย Dark_Luna_2527ย (based on myth of Hades and Persephone)

y hades x f reader

How long had something been watching her? (Y/N) didn't know, but the eyes followed her every move. When she was out in the fields picking flowers, they followed her. When she was swimming in the lake with her friends, they followed. When she tended to her garden, they followed. They especially followed her when she was alone, her stalker intent on getting the girl to himself.

Hades couldn't help himself. He'd never seen anyone so beautiful, so innocent, so perfect for him. (Y/N) was a ray of sunshine and cleared even the darkest parts of the god of death's soul. He ruled over the damned, the dead, in the darkest place possible, the very pits of hell, so the girl he fell in love with was a welcome change.

The dark god hadn't even meant to fall in love, he just did. Hades remembered that faithful day like it was yesterday. (Y/N) was accompanying her mother, Demeter, goddess of agriculture, in Olympus, leaving the grand throne room as he was entering.

When his dark eyes met her light ones, he felt his heart stop. She smiled at him, her warm glow warming his heart and stirring up deep possessiveness that he'd yet to experience. What made the girl all the more enticing was the way she didn't shy away from him.

She had to know he ruled over death and controlled it, yet she still was welcoming to him. She was the light Hades had been lacking his whole life! She was perfect, a little ray of sunshine, made just for him!

The first time he saw (Y/N) was over three years ago, and he'd been trailing her ever since. From trailing her in the shadows to observing from the underworld her using his powers, he was always with the girl who'd captured his attention.

Now all he had to do was get it together and talk to her. However, it wasn't that simple for the god of death. He didn't want to taint her innocence, her natural glow. He was the god of darkness, of death and despair, but she was just so different, so perfect. How could he dare to encroach upon her, to taint her?

Currently sitting upon his throne of skulls and bones, Hades brushed his pale hair from his face. It just fell back over his dark eyes in a wave, the tamed, but straight locks of hair obscuring his vision. He wanted more than anything to be with (Y/N), who always made his day seem just a bit better.

He couldn't though, he was forced to sit here and rule over people who were dead, devoid of any importance in the underworld. Yes, they had an impact on the real world, but they were gone now. Hades was forced into a role he didn't want, and despite the immense power he had, it was overshadowed by the dull and dark life he led.

He wanted nothing more than to just take the girl of his dreams into his arms and cuddle her. He needed her, he sought her to be his, to brighten his dull world. He loved her, and yet he'd only ever seen her from afar.

(Y/N) just simply wasn't there though. He couldn't laugh with her, hold her hand, eat dinner with her, or anything that he wanted to and that was because he was too much of a chicken. He needed to just approach the one and only girl he loved, yet he couldn't.

Frowning, Hades ran a hand over his pale-skinned arms, pushing himself up from his throne. His thin cloak stretched across half his chest and waist, tied at the waist by a golden belt. The dark fabric hung around his body loosely, half his ashen skin revealed.

On his shoulders rested a heavy piece of dark gold armor, a dark hood covering his head. He wasn't dressed as a regal king, but he was the lord of death and looked the part. Across his back was a scythe, the sharp metal an ominous and frightening symbol to all the living.

Prowling through the dark halls, Hades looked for one of the other gods who resided in hell. He needed someone to overlook hell for the time being, so he could obtain the one thing that would make him feel complete.

An idea crossed the gods mind as he paced back and forth, and he sighed, quickly rushing back to the throne room and out the great doors to the palace. The obsidian walls loomed over him as he made his way to the river Lethe, jumping up and across it.

Making his way to the Cave of Hypnos, he found the god he was looking for, who was sleeping, something very common for the immortal. Hypnos was the god of sleep and Hades considered turning back around and forgetting this whole idea but forced himself to shake the male awake.

The god yawned and lazily opened his droopy eyes, but upon noticing Hades above him, snapped to attention. The god of death wouldn't visit him for nothing, so this must've been serious. The god rubbed his eyes, and Hades stared down at him, his dark eyes narrowed.

"I need you to oversee hell for a day. I know you have... other things to do, but I'm not asking. You will do this while I handle something, yes?" The once sleeping god stood, his blanket in hand and followed as Hades promptly turned away.

The god of death didn't even address Hypnos as he jumped back across the Lethe River, and turned back towards the palace, where his steed awaited him. Hypnos trailed behind him, his arms stretching above his head as he yawned again.

Something was off with Hades, something serious, that much the god of sleep knew. Hypnos noticed his irritated attitude and thought back to how he'd been acting weird for the past three years. He was more distracted, less present, and there were rumors among the enforcers of the underworld that he had his eyes on Demeter's daughter.

Hypnos thought more about it, but then quickly gave up, too tired to think about such complicated things. Hades left him once they reached the palace gates, and the god of sleep merely shook his head, hoping that the throne he'd have to sit on for the day would be at least comfortable.

Hades, reaching the stables, mounted a dark-skinned steed, with fire surrounding it. The steed huffed, its breath that of fire. Once upon the horse, the god rose from the pits of the underworld, the steed able to travel through the ground and beneath it.

Racing to Athens, Hades paused once he was just beneath the surface of the earth. Above him were the fields outside the prosperous city where his lover lived, and right above him stood (Y/N). The girl was picking vibrant flowers, a bright smile on her face.

Hades felt his heart expand, a small smile quirking up at the corners of his lips. There she was, his ray of sunshine, his perfect and innocent girl. What was he to do now though? He could do what he'd always wanted to do, but he couldn't risk scaring (Y/N).

He wanted her to be happy, but he was more than willing to sacrifice her happiness as long as it meant she was with him. The god of death was in an internal conflict as he peered above at (Y/N)'s gentle features.

She was just so much better than he was. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowed around her in a curtain of perfection and her smile, as well as her endearing nature was far more than he deserved, but he couldn't help himself. While she wouldn't like it, he'd have to take her, he was far stronger anyways, so she wouldn't be able to resist him.

Stroking the mane of his horse in thought, he finally shook his head, deciding on his course of action. Urging his steed to breach the surface of the earth, the large beast jumped from the earth, right in front of (Y/N).

The girl, seeing the fiery horse, crept backwards, unsure of what it wanted. Her (e/c) eyes caught the gaze of Hades and she relaxed only slightly, knowing exactly who he was. "H-Hades, what an unexpected surprise."

The god nearly swooned at the sound of her voice, but he needed to appear strong in front of her, at least for now. "(Y/N), dear, you must come with me."

She only frowned, the tall grass of the field brushing against her legs. The flowers she'd collected were tightly clutched in her grasp and she suddenly began to fear for her life. Death came for everyone but the immortal, and since she fell into the latter category, she was afraid of what Hades truly wanted.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Dismounting from his horse, the god took a small step towards the terrified (Y/N), a heavy frown on his face. Why was she afraid? She didn't need to fear him, no he only wanted to love his sunshine!

He'd just have to tell her the truth, then she'd be less afraid, right? Hands held up, Hades sighed, "No, no love, far from it, but you just need to listen to me." Taking a deep breath, the god stepped even further to the paralyzed girl, who feared for her own life.

Tentatively taking her hand in his, he smiled, the feeling of her skin against his simply too overwhelming. "(Y/N), I love you. I can't describe how I feel about you, but I need you. You're the one for me, and I can't sit in hell anymore without you, so I need you to come with me."

The girl shook her head in a daze, morbidly confused. Trying to pull her hand from his, (Y/N) let tears slide down her cheeks. She couldn't help it, she was afrad of death, and even mroe afrad of the love it offered. Hades was dangerous, and while she wanted to cmfort him, she didn't know what he truly wanted from her despite his declaration not even a few seconds ago.

His heart felt like it was being ripped from his chest. His lovely (Y/N) was crying because of him, yet he couldn't find it in himself to let her go. What was she supposed to do, jump for joy? No, he had to be more realistic. She'd be so sad at first, locked away in hell, but she'd grow to depend on him as he did her and soon enough, she'd love him, she had to.

Long, pale fingers reached up to her face to wipe the tears away from her cheeks. Knowing he was out of options, Hades snapped his fingers, using his powers to knock (Y/N) unconscious. He didn't want her to struggle and hurt herself, and this was the best way to get her home.

Swinging her into his arms, he gently cradled her against his half-exposed chest. She was finally in his arms! The god could already feel the empty darkness that had sunken into his very bones begin to dissipate. She was perfect, she was so kind, and more importantly, she was his.

Mounting his steed in a gentle manner, (Y/N) was now placed across Hades' lap, his fingers running through her hair. Urging the horse back into the earth, they traveled back through the packed ground to the underworld.

Upon arriving, Hades dismounted his steed, put it back in the stables, and headed to his bedroom, his dark eyes never leaving (Y/N)'s sleeping face. She'd wake up soon, and he wanted her to be comfortable, to feel safe, though he knew any feelings of positivity she'd have upon awakening would be chased away by the fear of being trapped in hell.

The guilt of taking her was heavily placed across his shoulders, but he found just being in his little love's presence was enough to erase it, though it weighed heavily on his mind. Almost as soon as the god of death set her down, (Y/N) began to stir, her limbs twitching as he eyes struggled to open.

Hades inhaled sharply and rushed out of the room to grab an item that would ensure that his sunshine would stay with him. When he returned, (Y/N) had just sat up, her eyes darting around the darkly colored room in anxiety.

The god flinched at her fear, but shook it off, instead approaching the bed. (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes caught onto his movement and arrival, and she gulped, knowing there was no way to escape the powerful being before her.

"I know this is scary, but I wish nothing but the best for you, sunshine. I need you to understand that this is your home now, with me. It'll take time to adjust, but I'll help you every step of the way." Hands clasped behind his back, Hades gave her a soft smile, the expression unfamiliar to him, but coming easy in the presence of a person he deemed warm, innocent, and perfect.

(Y/N) just flinched, still confused, "W-What do you what from me? My mother can give you whatever you desire-" Abruptly cutting her off, Hades knelt on the edge of the bed, "Sunshine, I thought I already told you, but I'll say it however many times I need to. I love you, so much so that I can't live without you anymore."

The god approached her further, now sitting beside her startled form on the bed. His pale hand reached for hers, and he took it. Placing the item he went to retrieve from the kitchen before she awoke in her hands, the immortal being moved stray strands of (Y/N)'s (h/c) from her face.

The pomegranate felt heavy in her hands, and her cautious gaze lingered on Hades, unsure of what to do. The god just chuckled, "I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some food." Noticing her apprehensive gaze, he frowned, "I didn't poison it, so please eat it sunshine."

(Y/N) winced, and since she was so afraid of what Hades would do if she didn't comply to his wishes, she raised the fruit to her lips, taking a bite of it. The god beside her couldn't help but feel triumphant because now she couldn't escape him!

All he needed to do to ensure the possession of her though was to make her eat the whole fruit. Even if she didn't, (Y/N) would be trapped with him anyways. Hades sighed in contentment as he watched her eat, she was just so perfect!

She was being so kind to him even though he'd kidnapped her. (Y/N) was just such a ray of sunshine, the one to cut through the darkness around him and fill his aching heart. That was why he couldn't help but lean in closer to her and place his lips against hers as she finished the pomegranate.

His kiss was gentle, not forceful like (Y/N) thought it would be. Hades felt like he was holding a piece of glass, so beautiful and perfect that he couldn't bear to face shattering it. The girl before him was just so sweet, so perfect, and all his. Yes, she was his sunshine forever now!

Oh, if only (Y/N) knew that the fruit she just ate chained her to him forever. It wouldn't ever allow her to leave hell or his side, even if she tried. Yes, Hades felt guilty about this, but he couldn't bring himself to care anymore. She'd be happy eventually, and then they could live a perfect eternity together.

(Y/N) was the light to Hades' darkness, the life to his death. His lips still on hers, Hades let a smile grace his face. Hades, now that he'd found the light, refused to part with it ever. Nothing could take his sunshine away from him, especially since he remembered how life was without (Y/N), without his sunshine.
