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y. phoenix x reader

There was a legend, a fantastical myth that spoke of a being made from fire who would come to cleanse away the frozen winters that plagued the Northlands. The story had been around for centuries, often referring back to the old days when the sun shone brightly above and the land was fertile, not choked by the frozen weather.

It was said that he would come from the mountains, freed from the ashes spread around the cave beneath the one of the great peaks by an unsuspecting traveler. His ashes were supposedly made from the dying fire of the phoenix, only accessed by the thing that created it: flames.ย 

No one knew where this cave was, and many had tried to find it, with no such luck. The phoenix was hard to find, but still so many believed in him.

You didn't believe in the Legend of the Pheonix. If this fiery being was alive, or was said to return then why hadn't he? To you, a legend was only a legend. It didn't help that everywhere you went there was some form of worship to the deity, some form of statue or reference to him.

He didn't exist and he was the bane of your existence. You couldn't stand to hear any more theories from your family about this phoenix, it only reminded you that life was unbearable, and the only hope was in a false being who was only a myth.

It was ironic to you how everyone thought about fire and life the being brought to everyone when all they had and knew was cold, harsh, and unforgiving winter. Fire had no place in the bitterness of an eternal winter, at least that was what you believed.

"The phoenix will save us from this winter, with his fiery wings that will melt the frozen and unfertile ground. Everyone believes he will save us, so why don't you Y/N?" Your father was glaring down at you, unappreciative of your resentment for the phoenix deity he, and everyone else you knew, worshipped.

You could only scoff, gathering your tools for hunting. The land was unfertile, yes, but there were still animals who lived off the frozen plains nearby. There was a whole area where life flourished despite the odds, inhabiting the mountains, plains, and frozen forests.

"Then why hasn't he yet?" You waited politely for a response, but your father could only stutter. You smirked victoriously, "He won't be rising from the ashes of his temple or whatever you believe. All we have is the resources around us, and we need to focus on that, not some fake creature."

Angry red blotches appeared on your father's skin and your mother shook her head in disappointment. They were both always either mad at your contradictions to their own opinions or criticizing of your opposing beliefs, but you didn't really care. His fist was shaking in anger, and your father pointed to the door, "Then find somewhere else to live."

You froze for a moment, then began gathering your things. If they didn't want you here, then so be it. You had other places to go, and their constant disapproval would finally cease to exist. You loved your parents, you did, but they didn't understand reality, or you, they never even tried.

Once your three bags had been packed, clothing, tools, and a few personal items all included, you shouldered the bags, and walked out the door, your parents not even sparing a glance. You were an outcast, one that they wouldn't miss, but then again, not many people would miss you anyways.

Walking through the village was always a nuisance with all the statues and worship towards a false god, but now with your bags packed, you found it all a little more bearable. This was probably because you wouldn't be coming back much anymore, not unless you needed to trade.

The villagers all watched as you passed, as they always did. Their judgement was heavily placed on your shoulders, but you had other things to worry about. In all honesty, you didn't care about much of anything, and it was apparent your blank face and emotions giving away the fact that nothing, besides the matter of the phoenix and your family, bothered you.

You passed through the village with a blank stare, as usual, and when you reached the final house, you knocked on the door, knowing that the old woman inside would be sure to give you some comfort or advice.

She was considered the village "crazy lady," so it was only natural that you both were close, the two outcasts together. Once the woman opened the door, you took in her appearance, her fizzy, white hair a usual mess. She was quite short, only coming up to your hips, but you still bent over and gave her a hug.

"Hey Milea, I just wanted to stop by before leaving the village." The old woman smiled, nodding appreciatively Her only eyes scanned your form before looking to the three large bags you had slug across your shoulders.

Her brow crinkled in concern, "Where are you going with all this stuff, Y/N?" You shook your head, taking a deep breathe, "My family finally kicked me out for not worshipping the phoenix, and I thought it would be best to move outside the village."

The old woman had begun to shake her head, and you knew she would offer you to stay with her. You would accept, but she sprouted theories about the phoenix all day, every day. She used to be liked by the village, her theories always welcomed, but then when she started trying to make human sacrifices to the deity, she was quickly cast out. It was ironic how they despised you for hating the phoenix and their worship, and yet treated the most devote person in their little religion like she was the plague.

No one knew how old she was, but she always insisted that she was so old that she knew of the days before the land was frozen and plunged into an eternal winter. She claimed to know the phoenix himself, a statement that was highly frowned upon.

Milea was far worse than anyone when it came to the phoenix, but you knew she needed someone, and she cared about you. She was the only one you could call family, and she wasn't even your blood relative. That's why you grabbed her hands gently, looking her in her eyes as you told her you'd be fine.

"Milea, I'll find a cave before nightfall, then establish a home out on the plains or in the forest." The old woman pursed her lips and frowned. "Why don't you stay with me, instead?"

You winced, her invitation for you to stay with her endearing, but an offer that you had to reject. "I'm sorry Milea, but I need to do this. I need to leave, but I'll come back occasionally just for you."

The woman only sighed, "Then promise me to stay in the Cave of Heliopolis. It's said that if a fire were to ever be lit in the cave, then the phoenix's temple would be revealed, and he would be freed from the ashes!"

You groaned, knowing that she was about to spiral into a log session of phoenix theory, so you nodded to keep her happy. "I'll stay there tonight, Milea. I do have to be going now before the storm comes in tonight, but I'll be back soon."

Milea still gripped your hands and pulled you in for a hug. You bent down or her, and she whispered in your ear before you pulled away, "You were made for the phoenix, so I hope he likes you. You'll find him in that cave, don't worry, Y/N."

You shook your head, then ushered her back inside, the temperatures far too cold for an old woman like her. You waved back to her, then continued on your way, over the frozen wasteland you called home. There was almost nothing for miles in the direction you were heading, the mountains being over ten miles from the village.

It would take you a few hours to get there, but the caves on the steep slopes provided shelter and the forest nearby provided food, as well as kindling for a fire. The sun began to set by the time you reached the mountains, their gentle slopes giving you a sense of freedom and belonging.

You belonged out here, you could just feel it. You didn't know if it was tied to how you resented the village you used to live in, or how you had grown to love the nature surrounding you, but something about this mountain drew you in.

The Cave of Heliopolis was near the middle of the mountain, just below the tree line. After another hour of steadily climbing the mountain, you reached the cave. It was marked with red and orange paint, in the shape of the sun.

The picture intrigued you, not because you had never seen the sun due to the eternal winter, but because it was so intricately drawn, the colors vividly standing out in the gray environment. Entering the cave, you wandered into it and reached the back fairly quickly.

It wasn't a large cave, but it was sheltered, and gave you a sense of warmth, a foreign feeling. There was a bundle of wood in the corner, which saved you from having to forage for it yourself, and a pile of wool blankets, most likely made from the mountain goats found at higher elevations.

There wasn't a fire ring, but there was a small pile of ashes in the center of the room. There were intricate markings made from red and orange paint, quite like the marking outside the cave. Why they were here was a mystery to you, but they clearly resembled a flame.

Placing the wood over the ashes, you pulled out a flint and a small piece of steel from one of your bags. Before you started the fire, you grabbed the pile of blankets and set one on the floor, sitting down on it, placing the other two across your lap.

You sat two feet from the wood, setting it ablaze using the flint and steel. It took a couple tries, but finally a spark was created and then the flames formed, quickly generating heat. You were lucky there was wood in the cave otherwise you would have had to use damp wood, which would make starting a fire next to impossible.

Laying down, you snuggled under the two blankets, your form facing the fire, trying to soak in the warmth it provided. The heat was gentle, and soothed you to sleep, your form unaware of the being beginning to form from the ashes.

The ashes began to swirl around the fire, coming together in a wild dance, forming the shape of a human being. His hands and feet formed first, his arms, leg and torso following quickly after. His head began to form, his long, flaming robes the last thing to form around him.

His bronze skin complimented his long, tamed dark hair, and the red, orange, and yellow robes that swayed around him gently like a flame. The male was more than happy to be reborn, having been dead for over two centuries.

Being "dead" as a phoenix meant being all aware of everything and nothing all at once. For example, he heard every time Milea would come to the cave to talk to him, but he couldn't feel anything. Now he could feel every little thing around him, the air far colder than it was when he was last alive.

He peered around the cave, his eyes finally resting on our form at his feet. Milea had mentioned something to him about a young girl with (h/c) (h/l) hair who would be the one to bring him alive, and he assumed that you were the very girl she was talking about.

It took him a second to remember what your name was, but when he did, a soft smile came to his face. He was very grateful to you for igniting the flames that brought him back to life. He was also quite stunned by your soft, youthful beauty.

He could only hope that you liked him because he could already tell that he liked you. Conleth was already curious about you based on the information Milea gave him, and he hoped that one day he could thank the old woman for bringing you to him and for keeping him company.

The fire had grown smaller, the wood almost already all burnt. Your form missed the heat, and the cold of the night, while diminished by the cave, was still present, making you shiver. Conleth noticed, and sat beside you, the natural warmth radiating from his form representing the fact that he was a phoenix: capable of creating infernos in a mere instant.

You still shivered though, and Conleth decided that he wanted to keep you warm for the night, or perhaps longer. He lies down next to you, wrapping his arms around your blanket-clad form, his heat chasing away the cold that was plaguing your body.

You woke up unexpectedly warm, so you snuggled into it more. You quickly bolted up though when you heard a masculine laugh from right behind you. Conleth quickly released your startled form, knowing that it was frightening to wake up with a stranger's arms around you.

You were on the other side of the cave in an instant, glaring at him. "Who are you? What do you want? Why are you-" The male just started laughing, quick to cut you off. "I'm not going to hurt you, my little ember. I just wanted to keep you warm."

Conleth was confused by your harsh stance and opposition towards him. In all the centuries he had lived, everyone loved him, both for his gifts and his godly appearance. People worshipped him, and while he remembered Milea mentioned something about you being less than pleased about his existence, he didn't expect you to be so hateful.

He sat down on the blankets you had discarded, trying to show you that he was no threat. "My name in Conleth, and I am a phoenix." You crossed your arms, just the mention of the deity making you recoil. "Oh, really? What am I then? A werewolf?"

The dark-haired male laughed, his golden eyes shining in amusement. You were the first person to ever treat him this way, to oppose him or hold bitterness towards him. To put it simply, you intrigued him, and he found his attraction as well as interest for you growing every second.

"Now, now, Y/N. I'm just trying to get to know you." You scoffed, hiding your surprise. How did he know your name?

Conleth saw through your feeble mask though and shook his head, "Milea told me so much about you, and it's quite wonderful to finally meet you. You've exceeded my expectations, and I hope you'll let me stay with you for a while."

You shook your head, marching over to him. "If you really are the phoenix, then prove it. I don't believe in the thing, I never have, so good luck." Conleth smirked, and held out his hands, his flaming robe swaying as he moved his arms.

He closed his fists, then opened them, revealing a golden flame. He let the flames travel up his arms, quickly engulfing his whole form. You were too in shock to dodge the hand the grasped your arms gently. You expected the fire to burn as Conleth held you against him, but it just tickled instead.

The male looked down at your, his sharp eyes glancing into yours, a cocky smile resting on his lips. "Do you believe me now, Y/N?" You got over your initial shock, and shoved him away, watching as the flames danced on his skin.

You nodded, but Conleth was still confused. If you saw his powers and believed him to be the phoenix, why were you still so cold to him? The male deduced that it was because you were stubborn, a trait that greatly excited him.

He was honestly tired of people bowing down to him, praising him for what he was born as, all for their own benefit. You were so different, and he loved it. He loved how you shunned him, how you refused to give him a shred of emotion besides hate.

He knew that you would be fun to be around and hoped that you would learn to accept him. Conleth was imagining himself with you, slowly breaking down your walls, and found the idea perfect. When you were finally comfortable around him, what would you be like? He just knew that you would be a hundred times more entrancing than you already were.

You looked him up and down, wary of his awestruck and adoring gaze. Conleth only giggled, letting the flames still surrounding him to extinguish. Though his flames were gone, he felt his heart still ablaze, and it was all for you. "Y/N, my little ember, I think we're going to get along quite well, and soon enough you'll learn to love me."ย 
