
y. incubus x reader

"Another day, another girl." Delvin was putting on his dress shirt from the night before, staring down at his last one-night stand's sleeping form. She was gorgeous, with long blonde hair, a heart shaped face, and a perfect body, but he didn't want attachments or a long-term relationship.

Every day there was a new girl, used only to satisfy his sex drive as an incubus. He often never even said goodbye to his flings, uncaring about the outcome of it. Besides, he had to return home for a few hours to relax then get ready for work.

Delvin worked as a bartender at the club, which gave him flexible hours, and more of an option when it came to girls. Most females were immediately attracted to him, his enhanced appearance only increased due to his power and nature as an incubus.

He could pick any girl, or even guy, he wanted, and they would fall to his feet, which gave him immense satisfaction. The male knew he was talented, in more ways than one, and his cocky nature clearly showed this. Slamming open his door, Delvin fell onto his couch dramatically.

Now was the hard part, waiting for the next time he could engage in sexual relations. It was easier at work since he was busy, though he still focused on finding his next girl or guy, but when he had nothing to do, every minute lasted forever.

Incubi didn't need to sleep or eat since they lived off the life energy that sexual relationships provided. The more they had sex, the higher their power was. Devlin just didn't know what to do with that power though, also unknowing of what to spend his time on.

The time couldn't pass quickly enough, but eventually the time reached 5PM, and he could head to work, dressed in the required uniform the club required. Admiring himself in the mirror, Delvin analyzed his form, smirking at how the tight button up shirt accented his muscles, and how the loose, but formal pants gave him a sophisticated, yet simple air.

Once behind the bar at the club he worked at, which was known as Oasis, Delvin's eyes started darting around, searching for a person he thought beautiful. Since he himself was handsome, he thought it fit for himself to be with a gorgeous human who could give him the pleasure he needed.

Hours passed and no one caught his attention quite yet, though a group of overly loud girls did annoy him. It was almost 10PM, and Delvin was growing impatient, unsatisfied with the women and men he had seen so far. His shift ended in two hours though, and he still had hope that an attractive person would catch his attention, though if he had to, he could just pick someone and go.

One of the patrons of the bar came up to him, a frown on the older male's face. Delvin put on his smile, "How can I help you, Mr. Orion?" The male before him grunted over the loud music, shaking his head and pointing to the loud group of females from before.

"Those girls are ruining the club atmosphere, tell them to either keep quiet or find somewhere else to scream and whine." His words, while harsh, registered to Delvin and he nodded, unable to refuse a male who payed a lot of money to the club.

"Thank you for telling me, sir. I'll have a word with them." Mr. Orion walked away swiftly, most likely back to his drink and table of older women, while Delvin groaned, walking over to the table of rowdy females. A slender figure cut him off however, stepping in front of him abruptly.

Delvin recoiled, annoyed by the audacity of the person in front of him. You didn't spare a glance to the male you just cut off, too focused on your task: shutting up the obnoxious table who was ruining your night out. You made your way over to the table he was supposed to reprimand, and he watched as you slammed your hands down on the table.

The girls all just stared at you, as you glared at them. "Look, girls, can you guys keep it down? Some of us are trying to enjoy the evening and would really appreciate it if you go drunk in a quieter manner." Delvin tilted his head, partially admiring how you handled them, his interest piqued.

The leader of the group, with painfully obvious fake boobs, rolled her eyes. "We were leaving anyways honey." She then slammed down a few hundred bucks, which covered her and her friends' drinks, then left, her friends either bumping your shoulder harshly or glaring at you.

You only shook your head, turning away from the now empty table, only to run into someone else's chest. Your (e/c) eyes quickly looked up at the person you ran into, Delvin's arms braced around your waist to keep you from falling.

Delvin felt the world around him fade as his red eyes met yours. You were the prettiest person on earth, but he felt an immediate attraction to you, your gentle features and body language an instant hook. Your hands braced on his chest felt like sparks on his skin, a pleasurable and comforting feeling.

Your body was slender, fitting in his hands perfectly. Your prior actions also made him even more curious and interested in you, your semi-aggressive attitude something new for Delvin. He was so lost in memorizing your features and staring at you that he didn't realize that he had been holding you for too long.

You cleared your throat, trying to catch the male's attention. "Excuse me, sir? Could you let go now?" Delvin snapped out of his trance, and while he was hesitant to let you go, he removed his hands, backing away. "Sorry, mis."

You nodded, somewhat perplexed by the male before you. He appeared to be an employee of the Oasis club with his formal uniform, the nametag on the left side of his chest also giving him away. His hair was red at the roots, fading into a dark black color. His skin was also pale, but it suited him in a way. You had to admit that he was drop-dead handsome, but you just got out of a relationship, so you weren't too interested in starting another so soon.

You began to walk away, but Delvin grabbed your wrist, an action he didn't even register until his skin met yours. You turned back to him, eyebrows raised with a small smile on your face, and Delvin swore that he could feel his heart throb, which was highly unnatural for him.

"Thanks for your help with them, I didn't really want to do it by myself." You nodded, figuring he was referring to the noisy group of girls you had just warded off, "They were ruining the enjoyment of tonight, so it was no problem."

Delvin nodded, a soft smile on his face. He let go of your wrist gently, and watched as you went back to your two-top table, where you sat by yourself. Delvin went back to the bar, continuing his shift while his thoughts kept drifting back to you.

His eyes occasionally drifted over to where you were, trying to make sure you didn't leave. He wanted to talk to you, to get to know you, to understand why he was feeling so different. Delvin was so unfamiliar with the feelings he was currently experiencing, used to having no attachment at all.

Maybe it was just because I owed them for helping him, Delvin thought. The only other reason he could be feeling this way was that he... no that couldn't be right. The incubus quickly shook his head, trying not to think about the possibility of that being the case.

The two hours till his shift was over couldn't pass quickly enough, his red eyes constantly darting to your form to make sure you didn't leave. It was curious how you were alone, but still enjoying yourself. Maybe you were like him, scoping out your next partner, though the mere thought of you being with someone else made his blood boil.

Delvin had never experienced jealousy, only attached to others for their bodies and sexual talents, but you were just so different. When he finally was off his shift, the club not even close to closing, he quickly approached your form.

Striding up to the table you were at he grinned at you trying his hardest to impress you. "Is this seat taken, babe?" You blinked at him; eyebrows raised.

A light grin made its way onto your lips, and you stood passing by him, caressing his arm as you walked by him, "Sorry, but I'm not interested." Delvin stood shocked, his mouth hanging open. Never before had anyone not been interested, his good looks often too good to pass up.

Delvin's eyes darted back and forth, and he followed behind you desperately, driven by new impulses and desires. You had reached the door, but looked over your shoulder, catching his gaze. You only sent him a wink, then closed the door behind you.

Delvin had begun to run, slamming the door open, trying to see which way you went. He darted down the street to the right, finding your figure already far down the road. His sprinting was desperate, and he began to think he had gone crazy.

Was this need for you love or just sexual desire? Delvin needed answers, and the only way to get them was to go to you. Your form turned around a corner, disappearing from sight, and Delvin darted after you. Once he turned the corner, however, you had disappeared.

Where did you go? Delvin shook his head, beyond upset that you were gone. Running a hand through his hair harshly, the incubi turned around, heading back in the direction of his home. The clearing of a throat startled him, and he whirled around to face you, leaning against an alley wall.

"Looking for someone?" Delvin chuckled, approaching your form. He placed his hands on either side of your head, arms trapping you against the wall. "I'm looking for you, baby."

You only smiled, attracted to the gorgeous male before you. Even though you had just broken up with your boyfriend and weren't looking for a relationship at the time, Delvin would serve to ease at least some of your burdens.

Your lips upturned in a smile, Delvin leaned forward, placing his forehead on yours. Your hands made their way onto his chest, "Well I hope you found what you're looking for." Delvin smirked, your hands on his chest giving him a euphoric feeling, one he hadn't experienced before.

"I certainly did, though I suppose you don't want to stay in a dark alley so late at night." You shook your head, your fingers now playing with the ends of his red and black hair. "Are you suggesting we go someplace else?" He nodded, loving how you fit against him.

His mouth came close to your ear, and he whispered into it, "Why don't we take this to my place? It's not far." You nodded, the sexual tension between the two of you too hard to ignore at this point. Delvin smiled, and wrapped his arms around your waist, touching as much of you as possible on the way to his house.

To say the least, Delvin was in love. The night the two of you had shared was beyond anything he had ever experienced, and he felt more rejuvenated than ever. The only problem he had the next morning was why you weren't still in bed with him, and how every trace of your being was gone.

You had shown him a new perspective. You were so different than anyone else, and it only showed him that he needed and wanted you, not anyone else. You were challenging, and had a personality that rivaled his own, something he had yet to experience.

Your touches were also euphoric to him, the absence of your physical affection sending Delvin into a dangerous spiral. He couldn't believe that you had just left him without leaving your number or anything. He knew nothing about you besides the fact that he wanted you to belong to him, and him to you.

He began searching, though without anything to go on, it proved to be difficult. He stopped having sexual relations with girls that he used to pick up and focused it instead on saving himself for you. You on the other hand, had moved on. Delvin, at least to you, was a way to reduce sexual desires and to have fun, nothing more.

So, it was only natural for you to get a new boyfriend. This one was more controlling than you would've liked, but he was attractive and gave you everything you wanted: money, sex, comfort, and anything else your requested from him. He was wrapped around your finger, as most guys were.

Delvin, meanwhile, had begun to slip. When he wasn't working, he was looking for you, and his lack of energy only heightened his aggressiveness and desire for you. He was almost deranged, the lack of sexual relations draining his powers and energy as an incubus.

He needed you and soon, otherwise things would get even uglier for him. Delvin knew that he was running out of time, so after his shift at the bar, he would search using the weakened powers that he had. Luckily for him, your boyfriend took you out for a date to Oasis.

Delvin was cleaning a wine glass when he saw the door open. It was already crowded, and he had little hope for you to show up where he worked, but still, every time the door opened, his eyes darted hopefully to it. To his surprise, he saw your beautiful face, and the world stopped.

Adoration and happiness faded though as your male partner placed his lips on yours. Delvin clenched the wine glass in pure rage, the glass shattering. Glass shards found their way into his palm, and concerned onlookers rushed to help him.

He shook them off, apologizing and stating that the glass was very fragile and broke just from his touch. Delvin ruffled his red and black hair, his red eyes focusing again on you and the disgusting guy who was all over you.

How could you do this to him? Did you not realize that you were made for him, and him alone? Clearly something had to be done, he just had to wait until the time was right. The male with you would die a painful death, and you would be his, there was no other reality Delvin would live in.

His desire for you was overwhelming, but he couldn't help it. You were perfect in every way, and Delvin refused to believe that you didn't desire him as much as he did you. Love was an unheard thing for an incubus like him, but now that he had experienced the feeling, he'd never let it go. His desire for you was beyond love, beyond obsession, and he was going to make sure that you knew it.ย 
