The day in London was lovely, yet exhausting for me. We spend a lot of time with sightseeing and I fell in love with London even more. We went to some stores as well and both found some new clothes. Blair and I arrived back home in Milton Keynes and I thanked her for the day.
"Daniel I'm back." I said while walking into his apartment. "Hello beautiful how you doing?" he asks smiling. I told him about my day and showed him what I bought. "I'm so happy that you had a beautiful day." he said. "How was Yours? Did you do some more Simulator work?" I ask and he nods. He also told me that they already shot pictures for the next season and showed them to me. "You look so Good in these, what a model." I said while admiring him on the pictures.
We spend the rest of the night with cooking and had some time together on the couch. I decided to take a shower and prepare myself for tomorrow's invitation at the Renault's factory. I asked Daniel to help me change the band aids from my permanent IV and we went to sleep afterwards.
I woke up to Daniel's absent the next morning. He left a letter for me and told me he has to go to the factory but will be back around 12. I prepared myself some breakfast, started my daily IV and thought about what I could wear tonight.
Daniel came back around midday and we spend our afternoon with packing because we'll fly to Australia soon. I'm so excited to be there again because I'll see Daniel's family again and the new season starts. The only bad thing is I'm still struggling where I'll be at the races. Will I be at the Red Bull garage because it's where I work or will I join Daniel in the Renault garage? I still haven't made up a decision.
I chose to wear a navy blue, dark red and white printed blouse dress, added some sneakers and put my hair into a bun. I applied a little bit of make up and some jewelry. I walked out of my bedroom to see Daniel in a navy colored suit. "I love that we're actually matching, you look so handsome." I said to him. He smiled brightly at me and replied "The most beautiful creature in this world." and lifted me up and I had to giggle. We took a photo of us and send it to my and his parents. I was surprised that I look pretty "good" in that picture when you think of the circumstances. I still do look skinnier but I'm not that pale anymore which made me smile. It seems like it's getting better, maybe even back to normal.
We arrived at the factory and were friendly welcomed by some team members. Daniel introduced me to basically everyone and they were all friendly and open- hearted.
We sat down on a big table after having a chat with some of Daniel's mechanics. I'm so relieved that no one looked weird at me because of my IV. I tried to cover it up but it's obviously placed. While having the dinner we talked to literally every team member. Daniel's new physical therapist is such a nice guy, I got along with him very well from the start. We talked about how I worked with Daniel and how he will work. Daniel's new PR Eleanor is around my age and such a lovely girl as well. I had a longer conversation with her as well and she kinda reminds me of Charlotte.
The night was pretty long yet beautiful. Even though we spend most of the time sitting at the table I still was exhausted. Daniel recognized that and placed his hand on my leg "Do you want to leave, you look tired." he said and I nod "if that's ok for you." I replied smiling. He nods back and we said our goodbyes to the team. We thanked them for the night and the CEO of the team came personally to us. "Thank you so much for coming Amilia it was such s pleasure to meet you. I hope I'll see you in our garage from time to time even though I know you work for another competitor." he said smiling. "Thank you so much for having me, I'll definitely be in your garage in this season." I answered.
At the time we arrived back home, I was exhausted to it's fullest. All I wanted to do was lay down. Daniel had to help me change into my pajamas and I had to take some immune pills. I hope that I will feel better tomorrow, the flight to Australia will be a huge struggle as well. I obviously won't tell Daniel that because he's so happy that we are able to go there early and spend time with his family. I won't ruin this for him.
