From the beginning of our boat tour I enjoyed it. We laid on the loungers and sun bathed, had a few more cocktails and lunch. After that the boat stopped in the middle of the sea and we were able to jump into the water. We went into the water to snorkel and I nearly couldn't believe how beautiful it was under water. "I love this so much, we should do things like that more often." I said when we sat down on the boat again. "We definitely have to but do you still have time for that? Daniel's moving teams right?" Blair asks. "He does but I stay at Red Bull. I talked to Christian already and extended my contract. I'll be the personal physical therapist for Max because the new driver has one himself." I explained. Blair hugged me because she was really happy about the news.
After more sun bathing and cocktails we went back to the harbor. "Has Daniel told you what the two of you are doing tonight?" Charlotte asks. I shake my head "He said it's a surprise, I know nothing.". Arriving at the harbor Daniel already waited for us. "How was your day?" he asks as he pulls me into a hug. "It was perfect, thank you." I said while hugging him back. We said goodbye to Charlotte and Blair and sat down in Daniel's car. "Ok tell me what we Are going to do...I'm so excited." I said and looked at him but he just smiled. "One step after another, first of all we'll drive to a friend of mine." he explained which didn't help me at all.
It took us 20 minutes until we arrived at Daniel's friends house or whatever this is. We got out of the car and the curios look on my face didn't disappear when he walked straight towards a tattoo studio. "Daniel what are we doing here?" I ask confused. "As you know I have a lot of tattoos and you told me you want some as well....I thought we could maybe have one together." he explained nervous. "And I have to add something else.... Or someone." he said and Max walked up to us. " Hello you two are we ready?" he asks smiling. "Can someone please explain me what is happening right now?" I ask surprised. "Daniel and I thought about something personal that would always connect us. Daniel is moving teams and we won't spend as much time together anymore. But to keep the connection we thought about a friends tattoo." Max explained and I was overwhelmed. They thought this through so well, I'm actually surprised. "I love your idea, let's go." I said.
We went into the tattoo studio and Daniel's friend explained and advised us where to put the tattoos. He had to introduce us about the risks and then showed us the tattoo. It said 'All good | All ways' and I loved it from the start. Daniel was a bit scared at first because he said it sounds selfish since it's a quote from his merch. Max and I both agreed that the quote is just perfect for all of us.
Daniel was the first to go. He placed it on the back of his forearm. I studied his facial expression to see if it hurts. This will be my first tattoo and I get more and more nervous. Daniel was relaxed the whole time and talked to the tattoo artist as if nothing happened. 10 minutes later he was already done. Max was next up and he placed it on the inside of his upper arm. Just like Daniel he sat there, completely relaxed and laughed with us. His tattoo also took only 10 minutes and now it's my turn.
I laughed to distract myself from my nervousness. I expect it to hurt, a lot. After a short talk with the tattoo artist I decided to place the tattoo on the back of my upper arm. I set down and Daniel and Max kneeled down in front of me, both holding my hand. The needles went into my skin and it was more of a shock at first. I felt pain but it wasn't as expected. It's nothing that you'd enjoy having everyday but it was ok. Like the other tattoos it only took 10 minutes. "There you go." the tattoo artist said and I took a look into the mirror. "Wow this is so perfect." I said while admiring mine and the boys tattoos.

We took a picture together, showing off our tattoos. We all smiled into the camera and my smile didn't disappear for the rest of the evening. We went for dinner afterwards and back to the hotel. Daniel stayed at my room this night. "I can't thank you enough for this, for everything you've done for me. Not only tonight. I love you." I said to Daniel and hugged him. "Anything for you, I love you." he replied.
We went to sleep together but it was rough for me to fall asleep. I got up and stood in front of the window. There were these thoughts again. I'll tell them soon. How will they react? Will I ruin their lives? What will happen to me? How bad is it really? - I actually know how bad it is. These thoughts took over my whole mind and pushed me down. I started crying, trying to keep quiet because I don't want to wake him. I will probably break his heart with what I have to tell him.
