I arrived back at the hotel and was welcomed by Daniel, who stood in front of the bed. When I got closer I saw that he was picking out an outfit. "Oh hey beautiful, you need to help me." he said while kissing my forehead. I looked at what he picked out already and nodded "I like this, I would choose the black jeans and the vans with it." I said and he nodded after listening. "That's good, simple but we'll dressed." he said and laid on the bed.
"And now, what should I wear?" I ask while pulling out different things.
After showing a few possible outfits to Daniel, he told me which one he likes the most. I decided on a black t-shirt dress and some vans as well.
We met with his and my family in the lobby and took one of the vans to a restaurant. I was so relived to see how well my parents get along with Daniel's. We sat down on the table in the Restaurant. "Can I please sit between uncle Daniel and auntie Amilia?" Issac asks as he looked to us. My heart skipped a beat and a big smile appeared on my face when he said that. Seems like he accepts me as a part of their family. "Yes of course you can, come here buddy." I answered while petting the space between Daniel and me. Daniel looked at me with such a big and proud smile as well.
The night at the restaurant was lovely. I'm so glad that my parents get along so well with Daniel's. We came back to the hotel and I felt myself being pretty exhausted again. I changed into my pajamas and laid down in Daniel's bed, he followed shortly after and we quickly fell asleep.
We woke up early the next morning because today we have the free practices. Daniel left already and I went back into my room to change into an outfit.
Arriving at the track I looked around to find Charlotte. We planned to have breakfast before the practice starts."I'm sorry it took us so long, thanks for waiting." I hear a familiar voice behind me. Charlotte and Charles walked up to me, both hugging me. "Don't worry." I answered and Charles left us and walked to the garage.
We went into the paddock club and sat on the balcony. She asked me how my surprise for Daniel went and I told her how much he liked it, I also told her how glad I am that our parents get along so well. "May I ask you something else?" Charlotte asks carefully. I nod and wonder what she'll ask me. "Please don't misunderstand it but it seems like you lost some weight and you look pale, are you alright? Or is something wrong? I want you to know you can tell me anything in case you need someone to talk to." she says. I have to accept the fact that it is in fact very obvious by now. "Ok I'll tell you what's going on, only Max knows it. Neither my parents nor Daniel know. Could you do me a favor and keep it a secret?" I explain. She nods and I told her what's going on. I explained that I didn't want to ruin Daniel's season and that I'll tell my family and him soon. "How can you act so normal the whole time? I mean it seems like nothing is wrong, how do you do that?" she asks interested but I saw the shock in her expression. "It sometimes works out, sometimes I struggle a lot." I reply, telling her that I have IV's from time to time.
Charlotte found suiting words for my situation and made clear that she won't tell anyone. She added that she'll support me whenever I need something. She's such a wonderful person.
After the breakfast Charlotte went into the Alfa Romeo garage and I went into the Red Bull one. I was welcomed by my parents, Daniel's family and even Max's parents.
We watched the practices from here as usual and they went pretty good. Both drivers are looking forward to their last race of the season.
On Saturday the mood was good, Daniel qualified himself for P5, Max for P6. We spend the rest of the day with Daniel's sister, her husband and little Isaac and I fell in love with the way Daniel is with Isaac. »he'd be such a good dad.« was a thought that's going on in my head.
"Now rise and shine sleepyhead, cause the race is about to start and the lights are about to go out." Daniel said into my ear. It took me some time to wake up properly when I realized it's race day, the last race of the season.
The weather was perfect, and we walked through the paddock and into Daniel's driver room. He changed into his suit and we went into the garage, his and my family already waiting for us.
Max and Daniel wanted me to come with them onto the circuit to be with them before they step into the car. It was around time and I wished Max good luck for his race. "Thank you so much, enjoy the race." he said while hugging me. I went over to Daniel and was able to give him one last kiss before he put on his helmet. "Enjoy your last race, I'll see you soon, I love you." I said and he smiled through his helmet. "I love you too." he replied.
