Chapter 9


The sound of bird chirping snapped me out of my daydream. I looked around my surroundings. I was sitting in a swing at the playground near my house in Russia. There were other kids across the ground. Some were playing the merry go round giggling, some were laughing at some stupid joke on the see saw while the others were playing sand near the slide.

"Поторопись! Магазин мороженого скоро закрывается (Hurry up, Chae! The ice cream store closes soon!)" a Russian voice beside me said.

A voice that I had missed for so long. Different accent but I would recognized it anywhere. That I would do anything to hear it again. Even if it's for the last time.

"William?" I turned my head.

There he was. In his 8-year-old self, pouted impatiently at me.

Then suddenly the skies turned blackening. Birds were no longer chirping. No more children on the playground. The wind blowing hard. I turned my head to see William. But he was gone.

Instead I was met by a tree. I was standing there dripping wet in my old Dark Force uniform with my guns strapped around my shoulders and holsters. I recognized the forrest in New Orleans.

William, now in his 22 year-old, was leaning against the tree. Inspecting his gun casually.

"You still owe me 22 dollars, Chae. Don't think I forget that already." He teased and grinned at me.

I just stood there dumbfounded. I didn't know what to do.

"Anyway, where is this client you found? It's been bloody 20 minutes." He grumbled.

Oh God! I knew this day. Please, not this day! I remembered it like it was yesterday. That day Alex and Hexa were dealing with other payment. It was just William and I. It was when we made the deal with that backstabbing bastard client. I was ready to get us out of here before a voice interrupted me.

"There he is." He suddenly stood up, on-guard position.

Hugh Fraser standing proudly with his umbrella holding his briefcase on his other hand.

"Dark Force. So, glad you came but I'm afraid I don't need you anymore. I take back my deal offer." He said with his posh accent.

Wait what? It wasn't what happened. But bloody great, nonetheless.

"We had a deal." William seethed.

I wanted to screamed for William to just get the bloody hell out of here. Reject the fucking deal that will ruined our lives. But I couldn't move my body. I couldn't scream. I just stood there watching.

Suddenly a howl was heard.

"Unfortunately, you knew too much. Farewell, fellas."

No! No! No! No! I wanted to screamed. Get out of here. Bloody run!

Out of nowhere, that same bloody werewolf came attacking William. I was just there helplessly. As if I was invisible. I tried to move my body the best I could. I wanted to cry and help him. My body was paralyzed I couldn't do shit.

I watched as the werewolf beaten William up as if he was a doll. I shouted as loud as I could 'Come here! Kill me, wolf! Kill me! Leave him alone! Bastard!' I cried but no sound was heard.

William looked at my direction one last time. With his last breath he whispered "You could've saved me."

"Machae! Bloody hell wake up! Machae!" someone shouted.

I woke up with a gasped. Kol was hovering above me shaking me by the shoulders. I was sweating heavily. Fresh salty tears on my cheek. My hair was a mess. My heart was racing and I was breathing heavily.

"Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale." Kol soothed.

I did as he exampled in front of me.

"Good, darling. Again. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale."

I finally calmed myself down.

"How bad was it?" I asked.

"Machae, you were screaming and trashing around. I tried to wake you up like years ago, but I couldn't, for a moment there. No matter how hard I shake you. You just wouldn't wake up. It's like... you were not even here."

I just stared at him shocked. I didn't know what to say.

"Do you have this often now, Machae?"

"No, Kol. I swear. It was still the same since you left. I only have those nightmares only if I had intense day." I said. "But this time it was different. I could feel it."

"It must have been the bloody witches." he glared.

"The Abbott?" I asked confused.

"Yes, yesterday before you woke up I saw Marcus doing something with your head. I tried to stop him but I was still weak."

"What was I screaming, Kol?"

"You kept screaming William's name and told him to run. Then you were screaming at someone to kill you. More like... 'Kill me, wolf'."

"It's the same werewolf, isn't it?" he asked.

I just sat there not saying anything still trying to process what he said. He got his answer in my silence.

"The bastard Marcus was messing with your brain, M. Whatever he did to you, it seemed like trapping you in your worst nightmare."

"I know." I mumbled.

"We need to find a witch to remove the spell, M."

"No! No need!" I immediately said. "I'm fine. Let's just bloody focus on Thomas and Linda."


"Yesterday, he said 'My past will be my demise.' Now we can confirm that Thomas and Linda knew about my ugly past. The problem is who did they tell?"

"I noticed a burnt red wood at the fireplace on the hut when we were in their meeting room. It was usually used to contact other covens. The more flaming the colour the farther the location of the coven." Kol said.

"And I found this on one of the bodies." He said holding up a broken wooden bowl. "It reeked of wolves smell."

"I thought witches hate werewolves?" I asked.

"I don't bloody know anything too, darling." He mumbled.

I sighed. "So, we're back to square one?"

"Not exactly. I may not know shit about werewolves. But I know someone who knows every bloody thing about them."



Once again, I was back in the familiar mansion. I'd been talking to Kol my entire drive. He said he was bored out of his mind, nothing interesting there and would rather spent his time with me here. Our wounds were thankfully healed already. We were back, good as new.

"They should be at home already." Kol said through my phone. He was sent to Denver as part of the deal.

"I'll go find them. See you later, darling." I hung up.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"Hello, love." He smirked. "Come in."

"Hey, thank you for agreeing to this." I entered his mansion. My phone vibrated. I pulled it out. A text from Kol.

'Most Handsome Partner In Crime:

Darlingggg I'm blooooodyy borreedd call me the moment you are doneee.'

I rolled my eyes. "It's Kol. I swear someday I would sew his mouth shut if I got another bloody one of his whining."

He laughed.

"How's Kol?" he asked.

"Well he just arrived and bloody bored out of his mind."

Just then I heard metal clinking from one of the rooms. We headed towards it.

What I saw behind the closed door surprised me. A good surprise, of course.

Rebekah clamped bear traps around Damon's wrist and hangs him from the ceiling. Shirtless cut-wounded chest and neck with my blonde friend holding the bloody knife.

I smirked widely at the sight. Truly enjoying the view.

Nik was leaning at the door and had the same smirk on his face and said "Well, look what you've caught. Trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to -

-hang him upside down?" Nik and I said at the same time.

"Glad to know great minds think alike, love." He smirked to me.

"I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much." Rebekah countered.

"Well, excuse me, it's not like I have any expertise in the matter." Nik raised his hands sarcastically.

"I need your opinion on my choices from your season, darling." Rebekah directed her gaze to me.

"Of course, anytime, Bekah." I smiled.

Step by step I walked my way to Damon made sure to emphasize my heels clinking on every step I took my time in doing so, never breaking my eye contact with him. I could tell both siblings were waiting for me in anticipation, curious to what I was going to do. As of Damon, my subject, I got the reaction I was aiming for. His eyes wide on guard watching me with every step. I smelt fear heavily coming from him.

When I finally reached him, I looked at him up and down and tilted my head to the side. He swallowed a huge lump down his throat. I leaned closer to him stared him dead in the eye and whispered "Have fun, darling." I smirked and walked back to Nik. He was grinning ear to ear.

"You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch or go help Machae over here?" Rebekah said.

Nik grinned and left grabbing my hand with him pulling me closer and whispered "You turned me on, love." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go check up on the witch first, then I'll tend you, love."

Nik lead us to another room in his mansion.

"Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now."

The girl in the room just glared at him a grimoire on her lap.

"I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not that easy, especially under duress." She snapped and eyed me weirdly.

I frowned. What was her problem?

"You've been warned. If you're looking for a way to send for help, I will kill anyone who comes to your rescue." Nik threatened. I desperately wanted to roll my eyes. His threats were getting old and repetitive.

"This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough." The girl got up and walked away from Nik.

"Then you should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie." So that's her name. Nik moved towards her. "Your energy helped my mother link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard. Very well."

Esther used her. Hmm, she was a powerful witch. A Bennett, I presumed.

I admit seeing a powerful witch in front of me really tempted me to ask her to help with my case. But I decided against it.

Nik pulled out his phone and called Kol.

"Kol. How's the weather up there in Mile High City?"

"Too sunny, Nik. Is Machae with you?"

"Yes, she is beside me." Nik rolled his eyes.

"Darling, you better not finish my bloody bourbon when I got home. It's bloody infatuating to see those bloody blokes drunk while I'm stuck here babysitting." Kol grumbled shouted.

"Yea yea." I rolled my eyes.

"And how's our friend? May I see him?" Nik asked.

Nik walked over to Bonnie and held up his phone. She saw Jeremy playing with his dog.

"There's Jeremy, playing fetch with his new puppy. Oh, isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?"

He pulled the phone away. "Thank you Kol, we'll be in touch." He hung up. "So, Bonnie, how bout that spell?"


"Now while we are waiting for Bonnie, why don't you show me the thing, love?"

I pulled out the bowl and gave it to him. He inspected it for a few moments. Turning it around side to side.

"A werewolf pack usually uses a bowl for ceremony. Welcoming ceremony, marriage ceremony, mating ceremony." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Different ceremony different bowl. And this is for Marking ceremony. It means this werewolf pack acquired this witch coven. In other words - "

"They were controlling them." I said. He nodded then sniffed out the bowl.

"Yes. And the scent was still fresh. You see right here, love?" he pointed at a little mark at the bowl's bottom part. "This is the symbol of the pack."

"Do you know which one?"

"I believe I do. I can even take you to them. But why go all the way to Miami when I have their member here?" He grinned.

"I want to speak to their Alpha."

He laughed. "I'm afraid that's not possible, love."


"Because I sacrificed her." He smiled proudly. Of course. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"So, you are suggesting that I have to rely on my luck to find a probably classified information from a discarded member of the pack?" I sassed. I mean it wasn't like he could gave me the address and I could go and find it myself, you know. Note that sarcasm.

"Have a little faith, love. After all, you should've been dead yesterday."

"Thanks for your optimism in my survival skills." I sassed.

He laughed. "You're welcome, love." He grinned cheekily.

"You might not know, but it's not in witch's nature to prolong one's life just for the sake of torture for the cause of revenge. Their definition of revenge is to end your life as soon as they have their hands on you." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I've killed and fought hundreds of them." He smiled.

"Which lead me to my conclusion that they need you for something."

"Or they are under someone else' order." I said thoughtfully glancing at the bowl.
