Chapter 12

Kol and I were in a school in Denver holding our own cups of drink. I just finished telling him what that Tyler kid informed me this morning.

"You know I don't do wolves, Kol. We both don't."

We both knew better than involving ourselves with wolves. Learnt it the hard way.

"The only wolves I associated myself with was the ones in my kingdom. That lives in the same bloody city as me."

"All this trouble seriously tiring me. When did I infect you with my family drama, darling? It was bloody easier when it was just the two of us." He groaned rolling his eyes.

"So why not stay stay with me?"

He looked at me confused.

"Come with me, Kol. Back to my home." I stared directly at his eyes to tell him how serious I was.

"My offer for you to rule by my side still stands." I said softly. "I'm not forcing you into anything. But just give it a thought." I smiled.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He just nodded.

"There he is" a familiar voice said was heard using our vamp hearing. Elena Gilbert.

Just the whole point of our trip.

We saw her and Damon outside the batting cage, a few meters away from us. And her brother playing a terrible baseball. Jeremy Gilbert.

Kol told me about him when he had his little trip yesterday. Naïve little boy. Too gullible. Compelled by Damon to move out of the town ordered by his own sister in the name of protection. Poor boy. Couldn't even made his own decision.

"Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball." Damon said.

"Hey Jer!" Elena called her brother.

"Elena? What's wrong?"

Damon, Elena, and Jeremy were walking out of the batting cages. Damon explained what had happened over the past few months.

"Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose." Damon said.

"So, you travelled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?"

"Dead vampire is redundant, but yes."

"Well, I can't. I could talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them. I've never even met Rose."

I smirked hearing this.

"What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?"

I rolled my eyes at Damon's typical sass.

"Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use him as a connection."

"Fine, fine, but can we do this later? My friend just got here and yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done."

Well that was our cue.

Jeremy walked towards us. Elena turned around and saw Kol. I stepped away behind him and revealed myself as well.

"Jer..." Elena's eyes widened.

"Hey man." Jeremy greeted Kol. "Didn't say you brought a friend." He said looking at me.

I smiled at him. "The name's Machae Antonova, darling." I winked.

"Jeremy Gilbert." His cheeks flushed.

"I know." I smirked. I glanced at Kol to see his devilish smirk latched on his face. I knew this look. He had been itching to get his hands dirty on Damon up since his idiotic little stunt back on the ball. He was growing impatient by each minute.

"Damon, it's Kol!" Elena gasped surprised. I thought she was over her shocked a few seconds ago. How long did it take for her to get over it? Seriously?

Kol hit Damon with a wooden baseball bat. The bat broke in half and Damon fell to the ground. I smirked. I wasn't going to join. I let Kol had his fun with him. After all, I had some myself.

"What are you doing?!" Jeremy panicked.

"Don't worry about him, darling. He deserved that. It is well long due, actually."

"Jeremy, get back! He's an Original." Elena exclaimed. I couldn't help but rolled my eyes at her antics. You're human coming here with your boy-toy vampire to see your lovely brother that you deliberately sent away without his consent in the first place. And now you were complaining about his choice of friends. Seriously?


"No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds." Kol smiled.

"Ouch, darling. I think you might hurt his feelings." I faked pouted at Kol and smirked right after. Kol returned the gesture.

Kol grabbed an aluminium bat from the bat rack.

"You know, I'll never get use to aluminium. But hey, at least it won't break."

Kol swung to hit Damon with the bat, but Damon grabbed it and with his other hand picks up half of the broken wooden bat and stabbed Kol through the chest with it. Kol fell to the ground.

I sped to him tackling him to the ground punched him repeatedly. "This is the third time already, Damon. Luck was running away from you. Yet you still gamble."

I twisted his arm and switched his position so I was now straddling his back. "For what? A simple girl? Pathetic really." I grabbed the other half of the bat stick and was about to stab him with it when sharp pain attacked my stomach from behind.

"Elena" Jeremy whispered.


"Did you kill them?" Jeremy asked.

"No, but it'll give us a head start. Okay, come on." Damon answered.

Damon grabbed Elena, who was still shocked, no surprise there really and they left the batting cages.

I pulled the stake out slowly. Groaning in pain. Now there was a hole on my top. Cursing, I was wearing one of my favourite top.

Oh this bitch was going to get it.

After it was out of my body, I walked over to Kol and pulled out his stake. He rose to his feet. More enraged than anything.


I sighed in relief when Kol told me he knew where they were going to go. At least we didn't get staked for nothing.

Damon was sired by Katerina. Katerina by Rose. Who sired Rose?

Mary Porter.

Just our luck, she used to be one of Kol's flings. An uncontrolled flowing tap of free information one at that. Thus, Kol knew she sired Rose. We just had to find out her location.

Last time Kol heard about her was in Kansas, so I phoned my contacts there and asked about her whereabouts or at least if she was still living there or not.

Luckily, she was. So that's how we ended up [on a car?] on our way to Kansas now.

I was staring off the window when I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket. Who was calling me?


I frowned my eyebrow in confusion. What could he want from me? An update from us? Why was he calling me if he wanted an update from us? I mean Kol was his brother.

And... yea ok I didn't really want to talk to him right now. I went to Denver for a reason.

So, what did I do? I did what any coward does, I ignored it. Press the button 'ignore' so it didn't continue to vibrate.

"Are you not going to answer that?" Kol asked.

I shrugged. "Nah"

A few minutes later, Kol's phone rang.

"Missed me already, Nik?" Kol answered his phone.

"Well, the house grew rather quite missing your usual whining." I rolled my eyes. "So, I took my own liberty to have myself a room tour around the Salvatore's house. Found myself a stake in Stefan's room. By my count, we are just missing one more. And what a surprise when I saw the historian teacher chap was rotting in the cellar." He chuckled. "Ironically, he was the only one who knows where the last stake is. Well, not him, his alter ego. He can't remember anything. And I was feeling generous today to save the entire vampire race by snapping his neck. He passed out, we wait for his alter ego to surface, find the stake. Problem solved. Everyone lives. Which brings me to the question how's my back up plan going?"

"Your two favourite people were looking for who one of us were their Original sire. That doesn't sound right. Let me rephrase, they were trying to figure it out if you were their Original sire or not so they can confirm killing you won't bring them down as well. Fortunate for you brother, I knew where to stop the information source. And we're on our way to her. So, you're welcome, brother."

"That's why you're my brother. Is Machae with you?"

I shook my head frantically. Kol looked at me with raised eyebrows.


"Forgive me. I sent my message unclear apparently. Let me rephrase: give the bloody phone to Machae now, Kol. I can hear her heartbeat the entire conversation."

Kol sighed and handed the phone to me. I hesitantly took it and placed it to my ear.

"You're avoiding my calls, love."

"Glad to have my message crossed." I sighed. "I got no more update for you, Nik. Kol told you everything already."

"Who said I want to talk about update with you?"

"What do you want to talk about then?"

"You know what I want to talk about, love. But I'm not going into that now, I just want to check on you."

"I'm... fine? Why do I need checking?"

"You were screaming bloody murder at 5 in the morning, Mae." He deadpanned.

Oh that. Wait he heard? Was I that loud?

"Sorry to wake you. To be fair, I did warn you it wasn't a good idea."

"I could hardly care less about that, love. I would still offer you again even if I had the knowledge prior."

I bit my lip to hold back a smile. My heart sped up a little and he totally heard that. I could just picture him smirking on the other end. This is the most dangerous guy on the planet, seriously? More like the sweetest.

"Sorry, love. I've got to go. I'll call you later. Do NOT ignore me."

I laughed. "Hmm we'll see about that." I teased.

He chuckled. "Talk to you later, love."

I handed the phone back to Kol. Kol looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

I ignored it. But he kept glancing at me. So, I broke it.

"What?" I snapped.

"You like him."

I burst out laughing. "Don't be ridiculous."

Kol gave me a look.

"I might have said he's an attractive guy - it seriously unfair how it runs in your family gene actually - but it doesn't mean I have feelings for him." I said gesturing my hand to emphasize on the last part.

"Oh really? It's not like I could hear your heart driving nuts when he called you, asked you or still offering you his place to stay even when he knew you're going to scream bloody murder when the sun hasn't even rise." He sassed.

"Oh really? It's not like I could hear your heart driving nuts when he talked to you." He sassed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're exaggerating things, darling."

"I hope so, M. I sure hope so for your sake."


After 7 hours of driving, we finally found a hotel to stay in. It was a really long ride I don't think I could sit in a car for long anymore.

It was a silent ride for Kol and I after we had that conversation. Save for when I called Daniel for daily updates. Good news was George didn't wreck anything today, no action from the witches and the eldest Croftxx asked Thea for their first date already.

I plopped to the nearby couch. Exhausted beyond measure. I could see Kol did the same.

"Darling?" I called. He turned his head to me.

"Up for a quick snack?" I smirked.

"I was wondering when are you going to ask me that." He smirked.

We chose this hotel for a purpose. It's near the woods.

I used my vamp hearing and found a few couple campers from our east direction.

"About 8 teens, darling." I said.

"Race ya" the asshole sped away.

Oh you're going down, darling. I sped after him.

I heard his speeding figure and sped a little bit further from him so he didn't know where I was.

I reached the point first and stood in front of him as he arrived blocking his path.

"What's my prize for my victory, darling?" I smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, your pick tonight."

I thought over for a moment before coming up with another idea.

"How about a little hunt?" My eyes glowing mischief.

"As you wish, darling."


Feeding from pumping blood running in the veins was always the best. Especially when the heart was working at its maximum rate. Blood coursing in our fangs flowing smoothly from our head to our toe affected sending an increase of euphoria, addicted us even more.

That's how we ended up from 8 teens to 35 poor people. I wiped clean my mouth looking down at my clothes. No blood. I smiled triumphantly.

"Well feed, darling?" I asked.

"A nice snack, indeed."

We got back to our hotel. Kol cleaned up first since he feed messier than me.

I was on my earphone singing along the song playing when it's stopped interrupted by an incoming call.

'Sexy Hybrid Calling...'

I smiled. I decided to let it wait until the last ring before answering "Hello, Machae speaking here. Can I help you, sir?" I smiled innocently.

"You just have to bloody answer me on the last ring." He grumbled. I laughed.

"Maybe I like my ring tone." I teased.

"Your phone is on vibration, Mae." He deadpanned.

I laughed. "Right you are."

"You sound high, love." He chuckled.

"I am high. We just finished energized ourselves with our little snack hunt." He laughed.

Damn, his laugh was beautiful. God Lord, stop it control yourself, Machae.

"I assume Kol is still feeding"

"No, actually he's cleaning up since he feed messier than I do."

"I heard that, darling." Kol shouted from the bathroom.

"Good you're meant to." I shouted back.

"I thought you were over with your psychotic feeding days, love."

Just then Kol came out with only towel hanging on his waist.

"We need entertainment, Nik." I deadpanned.

"Yea brother try driving for 7 hours straight with nothing but an empty street to see." Kol joined.

"After getting staked by your precious doppelganger and her boy-toy." I said.

"By the way, you're toner than I remember, darling." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"I know right, I'm getting hotter and hotter day by day." He winked and posed in front of me.

I laughed at him. "You hear that, Nik? My darling here has an excellent taste and standard for man."

"Yea and where is that toned muscles when she needs it, for you know avoiding getting staked by a human?" Nik sassed.

"Oh he was busy getting himself staked by the Salvatore." I answered smiling innocently. Kol just glared at me. "While I was busy dealing with him, doppelbitch decided to stake me from behind." I seethed.

"Love, I still need her for my hybrids" he warned.

"Too bad, I just can't wait to get my hands on that bitch."
