Chapter 18

Alaric dipped the cloth that was in Caroline's mouth into a beaker of vervain. The skin around Caroline's mouth is very red and appears to have peeled away. Alaric walked back to her.

"No, no more, please, no more!" she groaned.

Elena got up.

"Alaric stop!" Elena cried.

Alaric pushed Elena back into a seat.

"Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razorblades with every breath."

Alaric put the cloth back in Caroline's mouth. Her skin began to smoke and burn. She cried and screamed in pain. Elena touched her arm.

"Why are you doing this?"

"To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery."

Alaric picked up the white oak stake and walked towards Elena.

"What?! No!"

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?"

Alaric holds out the white oak stake towards her. "Well, here's a vampire, Elena. Kill her."

"This isn't what I want."

"Of course it is. All those hours you spent training, getting stronger, you could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart."

He persistently held out the stake. Elena stared at it.


Meanwhile in Alaric's teacher room...

Ok this was my time! I need to escape from here now!

I mustered all my strength to pull my right hand out of the stake. I groaned and cried in pain. Coming out as a muffled scream due to the gag on my mouth. Slowly I moved my hand forward and forward until it was out of the stake.

With a shaking hand I uncovered myself from the bloody gag. Pulled out the many stakes from my stomach in one swift move, I bit my lip to hold the scream coming out of my mouth. I did the same to my other hand and thighs. I dropped to the ground with a thud. I groaned in pain from the contact.

I grabbed one of the stakes and stumbled my way out of the room. 


Meanwhile on the other side of Mystic Falls High School...

Jeremy was sitting on a table outside looking at his ring. Bonnie and Damon walked over to him. Bonnie showed Damon something on her phone.

"I just got this. It connects me to Caroline and Elena through our phones." Bonnie turned on the app and it located Caroline and Elena. "They're in Alaric's classroom. You should go in from the south entrance."

"Digital locator spell. Why the hell do we need you then?"

Damon and Bonnie walked over to Jeremy. Damon held out his hand.

"Hand it over."

"I'm not giving you my ring. Let me do this."

"By my math, you've already bit it once, this will be twice, wearing that thing and if for some reason, Bonnie can't restart your heart and you do indeed die, then before you know it, we have another psycho alter ego case on our hands, which is bad so give me the ring."

"This is my ring, Elena's my sister. No one's gonna fight harder for her than me."

"Fine. Be stubborn." He looked at Bonnie. "Try not to kill him, will you?"

Niklaus and Stefan walked up to them.

"Look at this, one big, happy family."

Bonnie pulled out a small vial with her blood.

"Drink this. It's my blood. It bridges us all together so that when I stop Jeremy's heart, you'll have the power to stop Alaric's. You need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream; a vein, artery, something connected to his heart."

Damon drank some blood out of the vial and handed it to Stefan.

"If one of us gets a clean shot, take it, the other two: hold him down."

Stefan took a swig of the blood and passed it to Niklaus.

"Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? I was the one who created your vampire bloodline, therefore I am responsible for your lives and Tyler's life, Caroline's life, and of course, Abby's life, should anything go wrong."

"Or you're just lying to save your ass."

"I'm not lying. But go ahead, call my bluff, let the teacher kill me. You'll all be dead soon thereafter."

Niklaus drank the remainder of the blood.

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

Stefan, Damon, and Niklaus all walk to the school, leaving Jeremy and Bonnie behind. In the classroom, Caroline was still staked down to a desk, Elena was in the desk next to her. Alaric paced in front of them.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked.

"Because you need me. Because you're an eighteen-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

"Look at you. How is this right?!"

He pointed to Caroline with the stake. "She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and liked it. Now how is that right? Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them."

"Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?" Alaric knelt down in front of Elena. "If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them. Now kill her."

Alaric handed her the stake. "Or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get up!"

He grabbed Elena's arm and pulled her out of her seat. He placed her in front of Caroline and forced the stake into her hand. He pulled away. Elena stands there with the stake in her hand for a moment, then turned around and tried to stab Alaric. He grabbed her wrist before she could.

"I thought I taught you better than that."

"You did."

Elena broke the beaker filled with vervain over Alaric's head. He screamed in pain and his flesh started to burn. Elena released Caroline and urged her to leave.

"Get help!"

Caroline rushed out of the room, Elena right behind her. Caroline managed to get out, but Alaric blocked Elena from leaving.

"Not so fast."


Meanwhile on the other side of Mystic Falls High School ...

I staggered my steps looking around the hallway trying to remember the route I took just now. Everything was spinning. I didn't really have a clear vision. It felt like I was in a bloody maze.

My whole body was still boiling. My wounds were slowly healing but it was still nasty opened. My clothes were bloody red, shredded at multiple places. The burning marks on my skin had yet to fade. Blood dripping from my body at every step I took leaving a trail of blood.

But I paid no mind to any of that. I only had one goal. One goal only. To get the hell out of this town. Alive.

I looked to my left then to my right. I passed multiple classrooms. All hallways looked the same to me. I felt lost.


Meanwhile on the other side of Mystic Falls High School ...

Caroline got out into the hallway, turned around, and realized Elena was not with her. She continued to walk backwards when suddenly Niklaus grabbed her from behind. He covered her mouth, so no one could hear her scream.

"Shhh. It's okay, it's okay. It's me." he whispered.

He took his hand off of her mouth.

"It's okay, you're safe. We'll save Elena. You go straight home. You stay inside, do you understand?" he whispered.

He turned Caroline around so that she was facing him.

"Do you understand me?"

"Thank you." She nodded.

They looked at each other for a moment, then Niklaus rushed away.

"But Machae..." she didn't get the chance to tell Niklaus about the blue eyed vampire when he already sped away.

Caroline stood in the hallway for a second and then rushed out.


Back to Machae ...

I was about to turn left when I heard a commotion somewhere in my right direction. I walked towards it. I knew that was the place where I came from. I should be able to find the exit from there.

I quicken my staggered walk. I leaned against the lockers for support. I was pretty loud to be honest but I guessed they didn't realize it since there probably a hectic scene just there.

I finally reached the commotion. I saw Damon and Stefan was fighting Alaric. I looked the other way and was about to go the other way when I heard Alaric said "You save one of your girls and you abandoned the other one." Alaric choked. "I don't blame you really, what a bitch she is."

Then another voice joined in "Who are you talking about?"

Fuck. He was here? Of all places!

"Darling Machae, of course." Alaric said.


The commotion:

In the hallway, Alaric threw Elena into a locker and grabbed her by the throat, holding her up against it.

"I should kill you. I should gut you like Brian Walters, Bill Forbes, and all the other cowards I plan on ripping apart. You're the worst offender of them all, Elena. You don't deserve to live."

"So then, why am I still alive? There's obviously no humanity left in you, so what's stopping you, Alaric? If you want me dead then kill me."

Alaric's eyes start to become red and veiny.

"Do it! Kill me!"

Alaric's eyes became normal again and he released Elena from his grasp. Suddenly, Stefan and Damon rushed up to him and grabbed him by his arms.

"Do it now!" Damon shouted.

Alaric pushed them off of him and breaks Stefan's back. Stefan fell to the ground, temporarily dead. Damon rushed towards Alaric, but Alaric snapped his neck, temporarily killing him as well. Klaus rushed towards Alaric and places his hand into Alaric's chest.

"You save one of your girls and you abandoned the other one." Alaric choked. "I don't blame you really, what a bitch she is."

Niklaus hissed. "Who are you talking about?"

"Darling Machae, of course." Alaric smirked.

Something snapped inside Niklaus. He felt more rage than ever. Alaric used this distraction to grab Niklaus and throw him against the lockers. He flipped him over and was about to stake him with the white oak stake, but Niklaus fought back. A struggle ensued where Alaric continued to try to push the stake towards his heart and Klaus tried to push it away. Suddenly, Elena yelled at them.

"Stop!" she cried.

"You didn't think I would try to have a precaution, did you?" Alaric taunted Niklaus.

Alaric looked up at Elena. Elena had a knife to her throat.

"Let him go or I'll kill myself."

"Put it down, Elena."

"Why? Because you still need me alive? There's a reason why Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal, so she tied your life to a human one. Mine. That way you have only one life span to kill all vampires and then you'll be gone. So, when I die, you die too. That's it, it has to be!"

"You're wrong."

"Am I?"

Elena began to cut her throat open.




I turned around and headed back to where I was. I heard crashing against the lockers and another crashing. I quickened my pace and widened my eyes at the sight. Nik was pinned against the locker with white oak stake above his heart. He was fighting back struggling to hold off Alaric.

I couldn't sped there and fought him. I would only be a burden with my current condition. Hence, I tried to aim my stake at Alaric. My shaking hands and blurry vision were not helping at all.

I calmed myself and tried to focus the best I can. Didn't want to stake the wrong person now. I concentrated at my aim. I blocked Elena's cries or whatever noise in my surroundings. I ignored the pain my body was enduring for some time now. My sole focus was only at Alaric's beating heart. And with that I threw the stake at my hand to my target hitting perfectly at the bulleye.



In his moment of panic, a stake embedded itself in Alaric's heart. Niklaus seized the chance and threw Alaric off of him. He looked at the person who saved him. There she was. a bloody Machae leaning against the lockers for support standing there with shaking hands. He rushed towards her and Elena, grabbed them and left. Alaric got up and took out the stake and realized that they were gone.
