Chapter 6

I woke up with sweat and gasping for air. The nightmare was getting more intense. And I had no idea why. It frustrated me to no end.

Kol called last night he was ok just his bloody pride was severely beaten. He told me to come to his mansion saying 'I'm bloody bored. I need my best friend's service.'

After my phone call last night with Daniel, his words about the witches stuck in my brain. I thought over all possibilities of what they could mean. They assumed they had leverage over me. I pondered what could I lose, what did I hold most dear? I only came up with two answers: my kingdom and my past.

Since the witches always nagging me about more land even though I gave them large enough, I figured since they went on extreme path here, they would want to take over my kingdom.

The only way that it could potentially happened was for them to either join forces with my enemies or get a hold of my past.

I had a lot of enemies but I knew they knew not to provoke war they couldn't win. They knew better than to mess with me. And I didn't have to worry about infiltration from the inside either. I might not trust my people with my life, though they didn't know that, but I knew them inside out and their passion for our kingdom to keep ruling. Not to mention their hate for the witches.

That left me with the last option. The one I dreaded the most. Because once it was true it truly be my demise. The end of me.

The thought lead me back to Thomas' words. His words rang through my brain over and over again. It had been haunting me ever since. I really need to get to the bottom of this. End this before I went insane.

The vibration of my phone snapped my out of my daze. I looked at the caller ID, 'Kol'.

"Impatient to see me already, darling?" I teased.

"Get your bloody ass over here, M. I could die of boredom here." He groaned.

"You do realize you've too many siblings to count to bother, right?"

"Yea but I only have one best friend to rely on, darling. And besides I need you for someone here to... persuade him as well." I can practically hear the smirk from his voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Be there in 20."

I got myself ready, check I had everything in me, wallet, phone, sunglasses, car keys, etc. Then head to my car and began my drive to the Mikaelson mansion.

Music blaring inside my car along with my singing voice. I'd always loved singing, it never failed to calm me. Even since I was human. Maybe if I didn't have a quite complicated life, I'd persued my dream to be a singer. Instead I ended up being a mercenary killing team. What were the odd.

Just when I was only a quarter of my way to the mansion, I saw a lady with a familiar green dress walking at the side of the street. I slowed down beside her.

"Rebekah" I called. "Hey, need a ride?"

"Machae" she greeted me. "No, it's fine. Thanks."

"Where are you going?" I asked.


"I'm going there too to meet Kol. Come on, just get in."


She got in to the passenger seat beside me.

"Just to be clear if you so much try anything to me – "

"If I wanted to, I would've done it yesterday, darling" I chuckled. "And besides I have enough trouble as it is."

"Good. I like your outfit by the way. It seemed you're the only one I know who fits my fashion standard."

I laughed at this.

"Thanks. I owned a fashion business. I could give you some of my clothes if you want." I smiled.

"That would be fantastic." She grinned.

"Ugh, my feet are bloody killing me." she groaned.

"Wild night?" I teased.

She smirked. "But you're not going to like who I had it with."

"Let me guess, that clueless boy, Matt?"

"Nah, I couldn't exactly do that after you and Kol decided to proceed with the plan last night." she looked at me pointedly. I raised my hand in surrender and gave her a 'I'm just there for Kol' look.

"So, who's it then?"

"Damon Salvatore."

I pressed on the brake instantly. The car came to an abrupt stop. Luckily, I didn't go to fast and we were alone in the street.

"The Damon Salvatore that snapped your brother's neck?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Machae." I began to drive again.

"You couldn't have picked anyone else?"

"Hey! I was going for Matt before some people began to screw my plan." She defenced sending me a pointed look. Though it was more a glare.

"Fair enough." I said. "So, how was he?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Wild." She smirked.

We both laughed and continued the conversation all the way to the mansion.


We pulled up in front of the entrance door of the mansion.

"Hey enough about me. Don't think I haven't notice you and Nik."

"What about him?"

"Come on. You two practically eye fuck each other last night. I even caught a glimpse of his yellow hybrid eyes when he saw you came through the entrance door last night. He bloody let a low growl when he saw you with Kol."

I thank the Lord vampire couldn't blush. I didn't even want to imagine what it would be like for me at this moment if we could. But my racing heart didn't help the case.

Rather than to give the satisfaction to her, I laughed it off instead.

"First off, we didn't eye fuck each other." I rolled my eyes. "Second, well if you don't remember, I just gave my best friend a favour came as his date. Nik and I only talked a few times. And besides, he brought a date last night."

"The baby vamp?" she asked. "Oh please. She just got close to Nik for the sake of her boyfriend. She practically just complained about her boyfriend to Nik the entire time. Since her boyfriend is one of Nik's hybrids. I would literally rip out her throat if I so much hear her whine one more time."

But you didn't say anything about Nik's feelings to her, I said internally.

"But I could also see how Kol looked at you." I stopped her right there.

"Woah, Bekah. As you know, Kol is my best friend. I never see him more than that."

"Maybe you don't but he does." She countered.

I just laughed.

"No, I'm serious, Machae. I could already see you are going to be a rift between both of my brothers." Once again, I cut her off right there.

"I have no intention to be Elena Gilbert 2.0. And besides, my heart only belongs to one male. One deceased male for centuries now."

My first and only love. My childhood best friend. William.

She laughed at my 'Elena' remark before frowning and sighing.

"I'm going to park my car. See you inside."

I drove my car to the parking space. My eyes widened at what I was seeing. A bloody Lamborghini Aventador was sitting nicely in the garage. Shining brightly in his red.

Goodness Lord, today must be my lucky day if I could see this beautiful baby up close.

Quickly I got off my car and made my way to the beautiful red. I circled and inspected every inch of him. All smooth and clean. Not a single scratch or dirt. Then I looked at the plate. It spelled 'Kol'.

The bloody asshole.

Meanwhile, unknown to Machae, as soon as Rebekah entered her mansion. She was greeted by the very two brothers of her conversation Machae.

She entered the living room, where Kol and Niklaus were. Niklaus was on a couch sketching.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl!" Kol greeted.

He stood before her and blocked her way.

"Get out of my way, Kol." She rolled her eyes.

"Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?" Kol teased.

"I swear you and your bloody partner in crime, darling Machae, have the same mind." She rolled her eyes once again.

"You met her? Well I could safely say I taught her perfect then." He smirked.

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." She hissed. "What took her so long anyway?"

Niklaus grinned at her sister threat remark.

"Don't start, Nik!" Rebekah noticed this.

"I didn't say anything." He put his hand up in surrender.

Just then, a shout was heard from the entrance door. "Kol Mikaelson!"

"Morning, darling!" Kol shouted back.

Machae saw the blonde standing at the edge of the living room door and made her way to her. As soon as she saw her best friend, she wasted no time to march to him. Not noticing of the hybrid's presence in the room.

She smacked the back of his head. The blonde siblings just smirked amused by the two.

"What the bloody hell was that for, darling?"

"How dare you!"


"You owned a bloody Aventador and you bloody keep the beautiful red baby existence to yourself?!" Her mouth gaped in disbelief.

"Red suits it, right darling?" He smirked.

"Right give me the key, darling." She smiled.

Kol mumbled a cursed before another voice interrupted the two.

"Actually that's mine, love. Kol just shamelessly stick his bloody name plate on my car." A deep sexy Brit voice from her left said.

The dark-haired girl whipped her head surprised to find the hybrid sitting there on the couch with his sketch. 'How come she didn't notice him' she thought.'And God Lord, she swear his voice just getting deeper today. Sexier'

Unlike Kol, his brother's voice was much deeper and sounded old English just like Machae prefer.

"Oh" That's all she could managed. She looked away in embarrassment. The blonde siblings once again smirked amused.

"I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment." Kol grumbled.

"Why am I here again?" She rolled her eyes at Kol.

"What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it." Niklaus said without taking his eyes off his sketch. That's actually was a drawing of Machae in her dress last night.

"It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol gave his brother his best puppy dog eyes. Pulling his best guilt card face. For he knew he was just as hard as Machae at this.

"Excuse me. You've ruined my morning peace by your whining every 5 minutes for me to bloody come here because you're bored and now I'm here bloody useless with no purpose." She snapped at Kol.

"Who said you have no purpose, darling? You said I should bother my siblings, well I am. You're here for extra persuasion." He smiled innocently. While his best friend just looked at him in disbelief 'Did he just imply what I think he's implying' she thought.

Nik looked at Machae then Kol for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Okay. Why not?" He then turned to Machae and toss her his car keys. She caught it perfectly in her hand. Lamborghini logo shining proudly on the surface. Machae couldn't keep the grin escape from her face.

Both siblings looked at their brother in surprise for they knew Niklaus never shared his favourite possessions with anyone. This included his cars.

"I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you and her trying to murder Rebekah's date." Niklaus stood up and began to walk towards the door. "Not a scratch, Mae." He warned whispered. Kol followed his brother soon after.

"Until next time, Bekah." She mumbled. Machae caught a glance of a smirking Rebekah before heading out after the hybrid.

"Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around in it." Rebekah shouted.

"Just like you, Bekah." Kol shouted back playfully.

Rebekah threw her shoe at Kol before he ran avoiding it.

"Good riddance, both of you!" Rebekah shouted.

Once they were in the car, Machae at the driver's seat, Niklaus beside her and Kol at the seat behind.

"Can I have a go for a ride?" she smiled innocently at the hybrid.


After 45 minutes of high-speed driving, a constant yelling from the hybrid, the retorted sass from the vampire and the non-stop laughter from the wildest sibling. The three of them exited the supercar with various expression.

Kol with the wide grin, Machae with utter admiration for the red baby and Niklaus visible relieved pant of breath. He thanked himself somehow he didn't feel like vomiting.

"Never again you drive with me, Mae." He glared at the girl.

"Aww, is the all mighty hybrid afraid of my high-speed driving?" she teased. "And for your information, my driving skills are fantastic. I just gave your baby a piece of how it's supposed to be used. You're welcome."

He rolled his eyes in return.

"Right indeed, darling. Need a breather, brother? Take a seat and maybe some relaxing massage perhaps?" Kol further teased his brother.

He glared at his brother. While the two best friends laughed.
