Chapter 3

In the present time, I was currently waiting in front of a small house inside the forest belonged to an old couple of vampires that had been running away from me for a day now. I could've ended them yesterday but why came when they were prepared and with least number of possible leaks around them? In other words, their loved ones who were willing to defend and found out anything related to their deaths, which eventually potentially traced back to me if my covers weren't good enough. Although it never failed me, it was still safer not to risk it.

My plan was simple: as soon as they arrive, took out their sidekick, lure the rest of them to the forest, end them all. Possibly crashed their car to their front door just to add the dramatics.

The sound of car engine approximately a mile away snapped me out. I could see the faint light from their car coming approaching their house. I didn't have to wait that long before the car stopped at the house and people started to go out from the car. I smirked to myself.


As they began to take out their luggage, I hurriedly sped through one side of them whoosing them a gust of wind. Circling them, I counted total of 10 vampires. I found my first target. The side kick.

By now, everyone was alert of my presence. They hadn't seen me yet but they knew someone was here. I sped to the side kick grabbed him and go to deeper into the forest. I tossed away his crossbow and pinned him against a tree.

"Running away from me, darling?"

His eyes widened in fear. Though he quickly composed himself before he tried to punch me. I dodge and kneed him instead. He grunted and fell to the ground. Before he got back up in no time, tried to throw me punches after punches that I keep dodging. Until I grabbed his fist, when he tried to punch me, twisted it and kicked his arm as hard as I could, snapping it in two. He screamed in pain. I sped to his crossbow, grabbed his stake and staked him high on the tree. Armless with the dripping blood started to pool on the ground below.

And I waited for the rest to come.

Not even a minute later, 3 more vampires came to my view. They looked shocked and terrified of my work I did to their mate. What can I say? I was a creative person. I sped circled them as I did earlier. They turned around looking around from one side to the other. Tense and on guard. I stopped to face them

"Hello ladies, come to join the party?"

"You are gonna pay for this." The blonde hissed

"I can't wait, darling."

The three of them charged at me all at once. I choked the two of them while kicking the other one. Tossing the two on the ground, I charged towards the blonde one. I dodged low her punch, kicked her side and stake her heart to the ground by a nearby fallen tree branch.

I sensed the other two trying to sneak behind me so I dropped to the ground before going behind them and ripped out their hearts.

As soon as I did that, I was surrounded by 4 furious vampires. All baring their fangs at me.

"Come to join your fellow friends, darling?" I smiled sweetly.

"Any last words, bitch?"

"Be a dear. Send my love to blonde over there, would you darling? He's quite cute."

In a blur, they head towards me in the centre. I sped to one side kicked the guy to reach the tree behind him and did a backflip. I ripped out the heart of the first man in front me. Not waiting for him to fall, I sped to the second man on my left. He sped towards me too. We collide mid air. times like this my speed really helped me a lot. Just a moment before we collide, I move to a side a bit, grabbed his head and punch through his neck. I heard a thud of his fallen body before I landed perfectly on the ground with his head rolling a few feet away from me.

"Care to finish the job, darling?" I looked at the remaining two.

They screamed and charged at me. I sped to them, slide down at the last moment and snatched the stake out of one's hand. Throwing the stake to one of the man, hitting squarely at his heart and tackled the other one down. I was about to ripped his heart out when he grabbed my wrists. Damn he was strong. So I twisted it and change our position to release his hold on me. Then ripped his heart. I was about to get up when I felt burning pain in my stomach.

There it was a stake laced with vervain planted nicely in my stomach. I groaned and pulled it out.

"Hello Thomas, Linda. Spent your last day great?" I turned around to face my two vampires target.

"I told you before I tell you now. He's met his deserved fate. Kol Mikaelson is beyond your reach. You'd be long dead before you even see him."

"And you'd be long dead before you got to hear it." I hissed.

I sped to him and his wife. All the while dodging the stake after stake aimed at me by his crossbow. Side to side, flip flops, I finally reached them. I kicked their weapons away from them. Kicked Linda and threw a hard punch at Thomas. I fought against them one after the other simultaneously. Attack. Attack. Attack. Defense. Attack. Defense. Surprise attack.

When I was able to distance the two of them away for a bit, I took the chance to sped behind Linda and staked her heart. I heard Thomas screamed her name in agony. The way William did. It threw me off a bit. But I snapped out quickly and sped to Thomas pinned him to the tree. Just as I was ready to rip his heart off his chest, in his struggling breath, he said "Go on, kill me. I lost everything already. Just as you are about to, Queen."

I frozed.

"What did you say?" I hissed. I tighten my grip on his heart.

"I may not live to see it. But I will be your greatest destruction." He smiled maniac.

'I may not live to see it. But you will be my greatest masterpiece.' His voice rang in my head sending unwanted dread. I'd had enough of this. I ripped out his heart, killed him on spot.

I stood there for a while trying to compose myself. The sound of a car stopping at the side of the street snapped me out of daze. In a blur, I sped to the nearest motel.

After a long exhausting day, I needed to stay for the night and went back home in the morning. I took off my bloody top and bottom, hopped in the shower trying to relax myself. Changed my clothes and off to bed.

I guess one night at Mystic Falls won't matter much, right?


"We experimented on bloods. We combined genes, take the powerful traits to implement it into our creation. We are winning the war."

"the key ingredient. Vampire's blood"


"Believe all you want. But don't blame me when you're too late to realize the truth."

But suddenly, the weak girl veins around the neck to the face started to show coloured in black travelling up to her face. And her face turned pale and was transformed hideously with full-vein black eyes and fang teeth before she sinked her fangs to Hexa's neck.

"Hexa!" The three of us screamed.

"Hexa, no!"

"No! No! Please, Hexa! Don't leave me!" He sobbed.

She caressed his cheek for the last time before her hand dropped as does her heart stopped beating.

"No!" William screamed in agony. Holding Hexa closed to his chest. "AAARGH"

"I may not live to see it. But you will be my greatest masterpiece." Before she could question what he meant, she was chocked by some liquid the doctor gave her. She released her grip on him, demanded "What did you do?"

"Gave you greatest gift." He said holding out an empty vial with the label 'Kol'.

Blood started sipping through the girl's top. Slowly her knees started buckle out and she dropped to the floor. Revealing Dr. Humming with a gun in his hand.

"Machae!" Alex screamed.

"Hey! Hey! Stay with me! Wait for us, ok? We'll get you out of here!" She just nodded.

Just when Alex thought he could surprise attacked the wolf-man. The wolf-man turned around and pludged his claw through Alex's heart where you can clearly see the claws from the other side.

"Alex!" Machae screamed in horror. One more of her friend was gone. She hated her weak state came to the prize of her friend's life. She hated she wasn't there to help him. She hated he paid his life for helping her.

"No! Alex! No!"

"Please if you can hear me, please help my friend, I beg you."


Her eyes widened in horror as she watched her best friend being bitten by the wolf-man.

"No! William!" She whimpered. She didn't even have the energy to scream his name one last time. There lay another one of her teammates, her childhood friend, her first love. Blood surrounded his body sourced from the ugly bite mark at his abdomen. She watched as his eyes fluttering to close. Before the life was out of his eyes and he closed his eyes for the final time. Her heart ached in agony, screaming in agony for her love, her best friends, her teammates. She couldn't stop nor she wanted to stop the tears flowing freely down her face. How could she be the last one standing?

"William!" I gasped out of breath. Quickly I sit up straight. I blinked hard a few times still trying to regain my breath.

That same nightmare had been haunting me for centuries now. The night that change my life forever. The night I lost my family.

It was only then I noticed my dampen cheeks. This rarely happened it was only when my emotions were intense and all over the place. However, I was always collected. Not even empire stress can affect me like this.

I sighed and checked the time. It was mid-morning. I needed a drink before going to the airport. Hence, I got ready to go to the town.

Mystic Falls was a small town, indeed. Not much was here, like Kol said. This was actually my first time visiting the town. I scrolled around the town trying to find a nice place to have a drink. I settle to a fairly crowded bar called 'Mystic Grill'. I adjusted my sunglasses and walked to my destination.

Yup! Today I was feeling generous to my eyes letting them free of contacts.

I sat on the table at the back with the least people and ordered a gin.

Just as my drink had arrived, there were 3 strangers approaching my table. I looked at them, 2 males and a female. The female approached first, blonde --- eyes. She honestly looked beautiful yet fierce. Then, the dark hair man in a suit. Good-looking man all in his formal style. Last is the blonde man with blue eyes. God, I think he invented the word attractive. Not even Kol could matched his charm.

"Long day?" the blonde asked with sexy Brit accent. Sorry, Kol. I believed I found your match.

"You could say that." I smiled.

"Are you new in town?" asked the man in the suit.

"Yea, but I'm just passing by."

"You guys locals?" I asked

"You could say that." The blonde smirked. "Now tell me love, have you heard of the hottest news of the town?"

"No, should I?" I asked confused.

"I believe you should, darling. There was a mass murder of 10 people last night." the blonde female said with an accent.

"The town council believed it was us who caused it. When in reality, we were busy attending other matters at hand." The dark hair man continued.

"Bloody annoying to have them disturbed my long due beauty sleep, you know. Especially when we were falsely accused." The blonde girl grunted.

"The problem is, even though it has been increasingly irritating as the time passed, we couldn't eliminate them just yet, not when we need them for our plan." The main in the suit finished.

I sighed. "Again, enlighten me, why should I care?"

The blonde man who was now sitting in front of me took a hold of my glass and sipped my drink.

"Nice choice." He complimented. "Now although I want to spend more time with your pretty face much longer," he said as he raised his hand to put a strand of my hair behind my ear," Unfortunately I have other matter to attend to."

"Now tell me what you know about the mass murder last night." He compelled me.

Unlike my electric blue, his were sea blue. Peaceful. Yet they screamed nothing peaceful about him. I looked straight to his blue eyes. "I don't answer to you." I hissed as I reached his hand and break his fingers holding my drink. I caught the glass before it dropped.

I leaned back to my seat before continuing sipping my drink. Then suddenly everything went dark.
