The Note[Part 3](Luke x Eugene )

Luke's P.O.V : 

Maaaannnnnn I can't believe that I just said that I wanted to go on a date with Eugene , but I think he couldn't understand what I said , and plus I said that I wanted to meet up with him , Joy , and Oliver today , but I think that I can not do that right now after what happened . I sat down on a bench , but breath , then Joy , and Oliver can to me , " Hey man you good ?" Oliver asked he sat down next to me , " After what I said , and did , what do you think ?" I looked up to see Joy , she was in front of , and the only one standing , " what ?" I said , " Why can't you just ask him out ? " was she being serious , I mean  yes some people can easily ask out other people ,  but it's very hard for me to do that . " well I just think it's hard to just ask him out , and I think he will reject me " Oliver turned to me , " well call him , and ask him out , or text him , or write him  a love note " I looked at him so did Joy , " Love Note ?" I said , " yeah , you just write a note with your felling's on it , and give it to him" Oliver explained , " THATS A GREAT IDEA OLIVER !" Joy said , " Okay so I'm going to write to him , and give it to him ?" , " yeah , but you can also leave it in his room , locker , or anywhere where he would be , but make sure that it says that's for him " Oliver added , " Okay that sounds great lets do it then !" I said . 

I , Joy , and Oliver , were working on the note , It was going great , I decided  to text Eugene . 

🍀 Eugene  🍀

You : Hey Eugene I just wanted to clear things up if you didn't know what was happening . 

You :  I wasn't really feeling good when we were going to meet up today . 

You : I hope we can see each other tomorrow just the 2 of us at the park , if thats okay 

You : I hope that you don't think that I hate you , bye .

I put  my phone down hoping that  Eugene would respond to the text . " Okay so now that you wrote the note , we just have to wait until the next day to give it to him  " , "Cool . . . . . .. . .  this is going to take a long time " Oliver said . 

Eugene's P.O.V : 

I had no idea what just happened outside the apartment , but I think I got that question answered , I took my phone , and looked at the text that Luke send , over , over , and over . I know that Luke didn't mean anything bad , but what he did he say  before he ran away ? Maybe he'll tell me tomorrow . But what happens if he doesn't tell me ?Well I guess that's okay . I deiced to respond   .

🌻 Luke 🌻

You : thx for telling me that , Luke 

You : And also can you tell me what you said before you ran away from me ? 

Luke : I'll tell you tomorrow 

You : k

Okay great he is going to tell me tomorrow , I just hope that it's a good thing , and not bad . 

It was the next day , I got ready , and was about to leave , " hey Eugene , where you going ?" my dad asked , " Im meeting up with one of my friends , he wasn't feeling good yesterday so he thought that we should meet up today " I opened the door , " okay , bye ","bye" I said , I ran out of the apartment , I stopped to catch some air , then I continued  to walk to the park  , it wasn't that far away where I lived so it would be easier to walk there . 

When I came to the park , there was nobody , I think I came too early , I decided to  sit down on one of the swings , I took the note to see who was it for , on the top of the note it said , "To Eugene . From Luke " , yeah it was for me . I opened the note , I started to read it . 

To Eugene 

From Luke 

Dear Eugene , 

I just wanted to tell you that I really like you , your so nice , awesome , cute , and cool . Your my best friend , and I want us to be more than just best friends . It's fine if you don't want to be more than best friends , and if you don't I hop that we could still be friends . ❤

- Sincerely Luke .  🌸

There was a red rose attached to the note . I blushed , I liked him  too , but I didn't know that he felt the same way I did . " hiiii Eugene " I turned around it was Luke , his face was a bit red same as mine , " oh hi Luke " I put the note in my hoodies pocket , " what did you think ?" he asked , his voice was a bit more quieter , and softer . "I really liked it , and I also like you too " I answered , it was kind of quiet after I said that . " Sooo you want to date me ?" Luke kept looking at me , then somewhere else , so did I . " Yeah " , " Cool " I took his hand , " do you want to go to my house , and play games ?" I asked , not knowing how to do anything right after you get asked out by your crush . " As a date yes , and as a hang out yes , as both yes " he intervened his hand with mine . I nodded , we walked to my house , holding hands , blushing , and talking . It was nice , even nicer when I get to be in Luke's arms all warm , and happy .    
