It Was For Work ( Boss x River )

Requested by x_Seeker_x 

" Sooooo you did date him ?" he asked , trying to figure everything out , " Yup ! " we were almost almost close to the office . " Okay so , you two worked together , and then started to date , right , but why are you guys hiding your relationship from others ? " Eugene turned his head to me , I sighed , " It was for work reason as he would say " I said , he became more confused , I thought that it would clear all of that up , but I guess not , " What's that soused to mean ?" he asked , oh god , this is going to be a long day . 

We made it to the office , we sat down , " okay so we did date , and we are still dating , and we just kept it as a secrets . Does that clear things up ? " he shook his head , " Okay here is how it all went , we worked together , I was just a normal worker , and he was my boss , we started to talk , and hang out , and then we got closer , and we went on a few dates , and then we started to date , and we are still dating to this day ! " I explained , he nodded , " Okay great , but why did you have to keep it a secret ? " he asked , " Because people would think she was getting paid more , and then I would have to fire her " Boss walked into the room , " And also , you just didn't like people knowing about your love life , and if you were not my boss , you would still keep it a secret " I added . " So you guys just didn't want people getting the wrong the idea of you two " Eugene asked , we both nodded . 

" Did you really have to tell him ?" I looked at him , " Yeah of course , how are you spouse to back up that you are not dating your boss , when you just said , ' Yeah I defiantly date my boss ' , come on , you would be stock there , and then you would have to explain everything !" I said , he took a sigh , and started to walk out of the room , he yelled out " I hate you " , " Love you too " I yelled at him . 

Thank you ,  x_Seeker_x                 
