Can I come with you ? ( Luke x Eugene )

" Hey Eugene ? " , " Yeah ? " , " Can I come to your job ? " . . . . 

That happened two days ago , Eugene was waiting for Luke , when he come , he just needs to explain how to get to the office that's all . ' Bring Bring ' , " Coming !!"  he yelled putting down the two flowers on his desk . He opened the door , " Hey Luke " Eugene smiled , Luke felt warm when he saw him smile . " Come in , we need to go in my room to do this ! " he said , he took Luck's hand , now Luke didn't know what was happening , or the office , so his mind was in another place when he heard what Eugene said . They walked into the red hooded boy's room , he closed the door , " Okay , ummm ..... sit here , let me just , get this . " he kept mumbling , while trying to found out what to do . " Okay . . . . you got to trust me with this " , " Yeah , of course , I'll trust you " Luke said blushing , " Okay listen to me , you need to bite this flower , while sleeping , okay? " Eugene said sitting down next to Luke handing over a flower to him . " Wait that makes no sense " Luke looked at Eugene confused , " Look , I know that , but trust me " Luke nodded , and did what Eugene said to do .

Luke opened his eye he was a ghost , and he was sitting on himself , " WOW , WHAT THE HECK " Luke got off the bed , " Calm down , let's go now " Eugene took Luke's hand as they walked out of Eugene's apartment room . " Wait , I'm dead ? " he looked at his hands , " what no , your still alive , you can get back in your body if you wanted " Eugene looked at the ground disponed , Luke wanted to see where Eugene worked at , but he didn't want to see small friend sad , " No it's okay , show me where is it " Luke smiled at him , he took his hand , they started to walk again .

" We're here!" Eugene said happily , all of the ghost looked at the two boy standing in front of the door . " Hi " Luke said , " Hey ! " a black , and white girl came over to them , " Hi , I'm River , you must be Luke " She induced herself , " Yeah your right " , " Hi , I'm Hayden , that is Joan , and Sean is not here " The little boy said , " Oh okay" , a old lady looked at him , " I thought you would be more talkative , than you are " , " what ? " , " She means that Eugene talks about you sooo much , and you really sounded like you like to talk " River said , Hayden went back and sat down , " I don't talk about him tooo much " Eugene's face became red  , so did Luke's . " You sure , because you said that you love when he hugs you " River grinned , " Well  .. . . . well ... . it's not like that " he became redder , and redder , " oh come on River stop " a guy walked to the group , " This is Boss " Eugene said , Boss looked Luke up , and down " Eugene , you know if there are any monsters that you have to keep him safe , got it " He pointed his finger to the two boys , " Yes sir " he said , " Come on Luke , we can wait for monsters , or anything " He dragged the taller boy to a sat , as they chatted .

 " okay so there are some monsters , but there is only two , so River , Eugene , and Luke , will go , and Joan , and Hayden will get the other monster " Boss said standing close to the front door , " Where though ? " Luke asked , " The alleyway " River said , " Let's go !! " She ran out of the front door , and into the streets , the two boys tried to run to her , but only Luke ran to River , and Eugene had to walk to them " wow your really slow " River said teasing glasses " Fuck you " He looked up at River , Luke was shocked " Eugene don't say that " , " No" he said , being followed into the alleyway , " okay so see that monster Luke , I'm going to kick it ass " the tall ghost said , " Yeah , but you have to be careful- " Eugene was interrupted by Rive running at the holed filled monster ,   destroying it , Luke was just standing there , thinking that Eugene could be die at any moment , because of these monsters , "River are you okay ? " Eugene yelled at the ghost girl , " Yep " she walked to them , well more of teleportation , she apparated from the ground , " Wow newbie your friend looks so scared " , Eugene looked at Luke " Yeah I'm fine , I . .. . . . just haven't seen monsters before " Eugene took his hand , " Well we are done here , so lets head back now ". 

They were on their way to the office until " Eugene ! Eugene ! " It was Hayden " Oh hey Hayden " he smiled and waved his hand to him , " I have to show you something , come come  ! " The little boy took the hooded boy's hand , he let go of Luke's hand , and went with Hayden . Luke , and River were alone . He wanted to start a conversation , but disseated not to , " Hey what do you think of Eugene ? " Rive stopped ,  Luke turned his face to River , " WHAT , I mean what " , " You know what I mean " Luke face stared to blush , " Yeah yeah I mean , he is really nice , I want to hug him all the time , and he is so cute when he smiles , and laughs "{ then he realized what he just said , " You know that he is gay right ? " River said , " Really I didn't know ! " he was shocked , " You want to know more about him ? " Luke nodded , they walked while River told what Eugene liked , and what he thought about him . 

" Hey Luke ! " Eugene ran to him , and hugged him , " Hey Eugene " , " Boss said that we can go home now , let's go " He let go of the hug , and Took his hand , " hey can I tell you something ? " , Luke said " Yeah what is it ? " the smaller boy turned  , they were standing close to Eugene's apartment , Luke let go of his hand , " Is everything okay ? " he's face got conserved , " look Eugene  . . ..  " Luke took a deep breath , " I really really like you ' He said , " Ah ! " Eugene stared to blush  . " Your like the sun , bright , warm , and I could sitar at you , and even thought it might burn my eyes " he said , " NO DON'T , I mean thank you , but don't harm yourself for me " He said his face was a light red  , Luke put his hand on Eugene's cheek , " Your skin is so soft  .. . .. your eyes are like the galaxy " he said . Eugene's face was getting redder , by what he said , " Let's  . .. .  just go now " he took Luke's hand from his cheek , and hold it as they walked to apartment room . 

They got back into their bodies , " Hey . .. . . ummm " Eugene sat , " Yeah " Luke said ," So we're not friends anymore ? " he said scratching the back of his neck , " What do you mean ? " , " You don't want to kiss , and sleep in the same bed with your friends " he said , his face still red . " I mean your my friend , and I want to do all of those things with you " Eugene looked at him , so did Luke , " Maybe we could be more ? " Luke came closer to him , " Yeah mmm , we can be boyfriends " the red boy looked down at his legs , " Are you asking me out ? " Luke asked , " I mean you literally flurried with me , and told me that you like me , so yeah " , " Yes " the taller boy stared to blush a little . "ha ? " Eugene looked at him , " I mean yes I want to be your boyfriend " , " oh me too " He smiled , " Cool , so does that mean I can call cutie , or baby ? " Luke turned to his new boyfriend , " umm , I'm not sure " Eugene looked down , " that's okay , no pressure , got it " Luke hugged him , " Ummm you can stay here for the night " Luke broke the hug , " what ? " , " umm well , it's too dark outside , and it's Sunday tomorrow , so you can sleepover here for the night " Eugene stared to play with the sleeve of his hoodie , " Oh shit , your right , whelp  I guess I can just cuddle with you then " He smirked , as he flopped on the bed , and hugged Eugene , as they drifted to sleep .                               
