Hey Luke ! [chapter 2](Luke x Eugene )

Eugene's P.O.V : 

Luke had to go home , so we said goodbyes to each other , to be honest I wanted him to stay with me for some reason , but I don't know why . I walked back to my room , for some reason I didn't want to go to my job , I just wanted to stay home   .. .  .. . . . . .  , and just chill out . I don't know what is this feeling like I can trust Luke with everything ? Maybe , because he is the first ever person that would listen to me , and with my feelings . I took a fresh pair of clothing , when to the bathroom , and started the bathtub .

I got out of the tub , and put on the clothing . I went to my room , I took one book from my bookshelf , and stared to read . Until I got a text from Luke .

Luke : hey dude 

You : what's up Luke 

Luke : Do you want to hang out tomorrow ? 

Ummm okay me , just don't freak out , he is not going to talk about today , or ask any questions , he just wants to hang out , but why ? I don't know , but hey let's go with it , anyways .

You : Yeah sure , where ? 

Luke : idk 

Luke : you got a idea ?

You : Maybe a café 

There are like four ? Yeah four different cafés in this town , but which one , maybe the closes one to our homes ? 

Luke : Cool 

Luke : Let's meet in the Lakewood café . 

You : sounds good 

You : See you tomorrow , Luke 

Luke : See you , hoodie :)

Okay great , I'm going to meet him tomorrow , just don't be awkward  . I put my phone down , and my book too . Brushed my teeth , and went to sleep .

Luke's P.O.V :          

      I was sitting , playing games on my phone , waiting for Eugene  . It's been 9 mins , and he still hasn't showed up , maybe it's because I came here supper early , hehe . Eugene had a good idea with coming here , here are soo many flowers here , he probably loves this café . " I'm here ! " I heard a voice coming behind me ,  it was EUGENE yay , I got up , and hugged him " Hey dude , how are you been ? " I asked him , hoping he is okay , " Yeah I'm good , you ? " he kind of broke the hug , but his hands around my waist , " Yeah I'm fine " he took off his hands around my waist , we walked to the table where I was sitting , " So what do you want to talk about ? " he asked , " I really don't know , what do you wan to talk about ? " One thing I did learn about Eugene , while playing 21 questions , he loves stars , he never talked about stars , and I wanted to know more , " Ummm . . .. . " he looked like he was thinking about what to talk about , I would give him all the time if he needs it . " Do you wan to talk about Greek gods ? " he said smiling , " I don't know anything about Greek gods , but you can teach me ? " I asked hoping he would , " yeah sure " , he got up , " Where are we going ? " I got up too . " Well I was thinking to talk to you about stars , so let's go to the hill " he smiled as I followed him .

" So pretty much Dionysus is a drunk guy , who made a cult ? " I said walking up the hill looking at Eugene , " Yeah that's how you would summarize him " he said , he looked at the sky " Wow , it's going to get dark soon , we should get home " he was about to turn , I took the sleeve of his hoodie , " no " he looked at me , oh god , I sound so possessive now " what do you mean ? " he probably going to hate me , " It's just that , you said you were going to talk about stars with me , so I wanted to do that " he said nothing just looked at me , " It's okay that you don't want to " I let go off his sleeve , looking down , oh man I did something wrong " No no no , it's okay , we can , plus I would love to talk about it too " he sat down at the ground , I sat next to him . we looked at the now night sky , " Will your parents be okay with you coming home late ?" , " Yeah I told them that we would hang out late " I said hopping that this didn't sound weird , " cool" he looked at me . Woah his eyes are like the sky , " Sooo why do you like stars ? " I asked , I really wanted to know , " I don't know , I just think that their really pretty , and beautiful " he said softly , I looked at the sky , and he was right it was beautiful . 

We stayed there talking about stars , mostly Eugene . We decided to go home , but Eugene told me that it would be a bad idea for me to go home alone . So I was going to sleep in his house for today , " Okay so tomorrow is a Monday , so you can borrow some clothing that were too big for me , and I'll clean your clothing , so it would be clean when you have it back " he explained , "Sounds goo man " I was sitting on the floor of his room , " great , take a shower , and we'll do that " I got up " oh the clothing are the next door close to the bathroom " he added , I walked out , and took the clothing . I went to the bathroom , and was ready to take a shower . 

Eugene's P.O.V :         

I got dressed to go to bed , Luke was in the shower , but there is only one bed , well also my parents room , but I was told that nobody is able to go there , or me . I don't want him to sleep on the couch , and I don't have another matters . " Okay I'm done " Luke walked into the room , " Soooo where am I going to sleep ? " he asked , he was waring grey shirt , and pajama pants . " Umm I don't have another matters , you ,or me are not aloud in my parents room , and I don't want to you to sleep on the couch , so in my bed " I said thinking that this sounded normal , until " With you ? " My face got red , " no o - what - it's not like- no " I stared to stutter , " It's okay , plus your bed is big , and we would both have space to sleep " he said smiling , " yeah okay " I laid on my bed , Luke got on my bed too " Also why do you have big clothing ? " , "It's my dad's old clothing " I said ,I turned to my side so that I looked at the wall , " Okay goodnight , Eugene " he patted me on the head , before he fell on the matters , and fell asleep . I was slowly falling asleep too .

I woke up as a ghost , Boss , River , Joan , and Hayden were around me . Oh crap , " Why weren't you at your job yesterday ? " Boss asked , " I wasn't feeling too good " I looked down , " Look I'm sorry , I'll do any just forgive me " , " it's okay everybody has bad days , so it's alright if you need a break " River said , " Yeah thanks " I smiled . " Why is Eugene sleeping with a guy in his bed ? Are they dating ? " Hayden asked , my face turned red , " What no , it was late , and I didn't want him to walk home late, and none is aloud in my parents room , and I didn't want him to sleep on the couch , and I didn't want too" I said in a rush , " Well anyways , let's go , and go are job " Boss said , so we went . 
