The Note [Part 1]( Luke x Eugene )

Luke's P.O.V : 

I woke up , brushed my teeth , eat breakfast , took my bag , said bye to my parents , and walked to school . On my walk to school , I waited for Eugene to come up , so that we can talk . I looked around for him , but I couldn't find him . Maybe he was sick , or he got hurt ? Or he is just late like again . I started to walk again , " HEYYYY !!! LUKE !! " I heard my name being yelled , I turned around . It was Eugene , yay , " hi dude , you good ? " he started to pant , " Ye-yeah , Im goood "   he giggled slightly after he said that . Cute , " Let's go " I put my arm around his shoulder , when he got up . " So how's your day been -" I cut myself off , before I can say anything embarrassing . " Ehh , I woke up at the wrong time , and I tripped , when I was walking here " he fixed his glasses . 

We made it to school on time , I , Oliver , Joy , and Eugene . We were talking about games , and some animes  . " Oh I really like ' Cardcaptor Sakura ' " Eugene said , Joy looked at him " Wait isn't that show like for little girls , or kids ?" she started to play with her pencil . " Yeah , but I just really like the storyline , outfits , and that there are lgbtq+ characters " Smiled , man that smile is sooooo pure . " And also ' Sailor Moon ' is great too " he added . " really ? I watch it now , and then , but I mostly listen to it  , when I'm doing something " Oliver said ,  " no way , I wanted to cosplay Sailor Mercury , but I didn't have enough money , and  sowing  is pretty hard " Eugene explained , " Wait , how many characters did you want to cosplay ? " Oliver asked , " Well there is -" before he could say anything else , the teacher told us to quite down . 

It was a few minutes before school ended , I started to put my stuff in my bag slowly . Until the Teacher told us to . School ended , Me , Joy , and Oliver were just talking , Eugene wasn't there , because he told us in lunch that his parents are coming home tomorrow , so he needs to clean up the place . We were just having a normal conversation until Joy said " Sooooo Luke , when you going to ask out Eugene ? " she smirked , I blushed . I had crush on that guy since we became friends . " Well I'm not sure if he likes guys , or likes me " I looked down , because of embracement , and also just talking about me liking Eugene . " He is gay " Oliver said smiling like a idiot , Joy looked at him in surprise " WAIT REALLY !!! " she yelled , " Shhhh" I punched  her arm , " How did you know ? " she asked quietly , Oliver looked at us , he stopped walking , and smiled again " Oh well we're just hanging out , and he told me to tell you guys that he likes boys " . I was kind of mad , " And you didn't tell us ? " Joy looked at me , " Yeah I forgot " . I was almost close to my house , so I had to say goodbye to them . 

 Eugene's P.O.V : 

I got home , I put my bag on the floor , I took a nap , and woke up . I started to clean the house , I tried to make it fast , I wanted to make it on time to the office , and have time to do my homework . 

I was done with cleaning , I was a bit tired . I laid on my bed falling asleep .  I woke up a few hours later , I opened my bag , and took out my homework . I tried to do it , but I was still kind of tired . Beep Beep , I heard my phone ring . 


Luke : Heyyyyy dude 

Me : hi 

Luke : can we talk ?

That " can we talk ? " it made me skip a heartbeat , but no in a good way . I just need to stay calm , it's fine .

Me : yeah , whats up ?

Luke : Well Oliver told me that your gay .

Luke : And I just wanted to tell you that I like guys too . I support you , and who ever you date . 

Ohhhhhhh thank god , and wait Luke likes guys too ? Well I guess that makes two . 

Me : Cool 

Luke : Yeah , but do you want to hang out tomorrow after school ? 

Me : With Oliver , and Joy , or one of them , or just us ? 

Luke : just us 

Me : yeah sure if I have time 

Luke : cool cool 

Luke : at your house ?

Me : yeah sure , my parents have heard of you ,Joy , and Oliver . So they are happy to meet us , and them 

Luke : nice 

Luke : I have to go now byeeee

Me : oky bye 

I put my phone down. I looked at my homework , maaaannn , I should get this done . 
