As much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't deny it any longer — someone was knocking on my door. I groaned and rolled over onto my back, my eyes fluttering open to be greeted by light shining into the room through the gaps in the blinds. I had no clue what time it was and didn't appreciate being woken from what had been a peaceful sleep. I reluctantly stumbled out of bed and looked through the little peephole in the hotel room door to see my sister waiting on the other side.

"Get dressed," Hayley said the minute I threw open the door, "otherwise we'll miss breakfast."

"Hello to you too," I muttered. Everyone in my family was just so pleasant.

I invited Hayley inside before rifling through my suitcase for something to wear. I decided to ask her about her and Trent and listened as she told me everything, from their first date to the first 'I love you.' I just couldn't believe my sister had managed to keep the whole relationship a secret for so long.

"Jude's going to be heartbroken," I joked.

"Not my problem. I always made it clear that I didn't like him like that," Hayley said.

"And then you proceeded to flirt with him every time you saw each other. Mixed signals, Hayley."

She rolled her eyes. "Spare the lecture, Hannah, and hurry the fuck up. I'm starving."

During breakfast, Hayley and Trent told everyone that they were dating, resulting in mixed reactions. Some already suspected that something was going on, whilst others were pleasantly surprised. I risked a glance at Jude whilst Trent was breaking the news to him — he didn't look pleased. I sort of felt sorry for him considering we were pretty much in the same boat — I understood how soul-crushing it was when the strong feelings you had for someone weren't reciprocated.

Afterwards, Hayley suggested that we go check out the pool before we had to leave. When we got down there, we were glad to find that it was empty. Erling cannonballed into the water and Jadon jokingly shoved Jobe into the pool. I laughed at the childish display, sitting beside the pool and dipping my toes into the warm water.

All of a sudden, I lost my grip on the side of the pool and felt two hands shoving me into the water. "Hey!" I called out once I resurfaced, turning to confront the culprit. When I saw Jude laughing at the side of the pool, however, my smile disappeared. "Fuck you, Bellingham," I grumbled.

"Bet you're glad you won't have to drive him back to the airport," Jobe said with a laugh.

"Yep, it's the best news I've heard all week," I replied.

"Anyone else shocked about Trent and Hayley?" Jadon asked as he and Erling swam up beside us.

"I was convinced her and Jude were going to get together," Erling added.

"We all were," Jobe said. The four of us turned in unison to glance at Hayley and Trent who were putting on a disgusting display. Hayley's arms were snaked around the back of Trent's neck and he was holding her close to him, planting kisses on her forehead and her nose and her lips.

"I'm gonna be sick," I muttered.

Jobe laughed. "Come on, let's go," he said to me as he climbed out of the pool.

"Where are we going?"

"I dunno. Somewhere far away from the lovebirds, I suppose."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hey, wait up little bro!" Jude said, following after us when we tried to make a swift exit.

"Kill me now," I mumbled under my breath, quiet enough that the Bellingham brothers couldn't hear me.

"Where are you two sneaking off to?" Jude asked.

"We were just going to get a drink from the bar," Jobe replied.

"Oh, I'll come with you," Jude said. He looked at me and smirked, knowing full well that he was irritating me. Jobe looked at me apologetically.

I got changed out of my swimsuit and begrudgingly followed Jobe and Jude to the bar. We ordered our drinks and proceeded to sit knee-deep in silence, the air so brittle it could snap. Nobody said a word, the possibility of creating a conflict warding off any potential conversation topics. Poor Jobe was sitting in between us, throwing awkward glances at both me and Jude. It was unfair that he always seemed to be in the middle of the tension between me and his brother, always trying to make peace yet his attempts were in vain.

Jobe cleared his throat. "So," he began, turning to his brother, "how's Gio?" He was referring to Jude's teammate, and one of his closest football friends, Gio Reyna.

"He's good," Jude stated nonchalantly, absentmindedly swirling the straw around in his glass.

"That's...good to hear."

More silence followed. This was painful.

The silence was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. Jobe patted his pockets and pulled his out. I watched as relief washed over his expression. "Excuse me," he said, quickly getting up out of his chair, "I need to take this." He swiftly exited the bar which left me and Jude glaring at each other without saying a word.

He was the first to give in to the silence. "I'm sorry about Hayley and Trent," he said.

"Why are you sorry?" I questioned. "They seem happy enough."

"I know you liked him, Hannah."

I looked down into my lap, my cheeks flushing red. Is it really that obvious? I thought to myself. I was usually quite an open person with the people I was close to, but my feelings for Trent were something I'd kept to myself. The fact that Jude of all people had worked it out left me wondering if anyone else knew. I'd tried so hard to bury this part of myself, both ashamed and pained to know that Trent would never feel the same, and yet Jude somehow knew all along.

"And I'm sorry too," I said eventually. "I know you've always had a thing for my sister."

"Nah it's fine," Jude dismissed, "I'll get over it."

I looked at him carefully, not quite buying into the seemingly unbothered facade he was putting on. I'd seen the disappointment on his face earlier on when Trent had told him what was going on between him and Hayley — it was bothering Jude a lot more than he let on. I sighed, not entirely sure why I seemed to care all of a sudden. I'd never really given a shit about Jude's feelings but within the last two days, I'd found myself feeling sorry for him on multiple occasions. Usually, I'd say that he deserved the hassle since he was such an asshole to me all the time, but this time I couldn't bring myself to be that mean.

"Well," I said, raising my glass, "here's to us and our shitty luck." To my surprise, Jude actually smiled and lifted his own drink into the air, clinking his glass against mine.

"By the way, your mascara's smudged," Jude grinned.

"What? Why didn't you say something earlier!?" I exclaimed, scrambling to find the little mirror I kept in my bag.

Jude shrugged. "Because it brings me great pleasure to see you make a fool of yourself?" And just like that, the moment of kindness and understanding between us had faded, and he was back to being his usual annoying self.

"Ugh I can't wait for you to bugger off back to Germany," I muttered.

"You know, now that you've said that, I was thinking of sticking around..." Jude smirked.

"You can't stay. Your team needs you."

Jude tilted his head to the side. "Oh yeah? Why's that, then?"

"Because...you're one of their best players."

Jude's mouth fell open in fake shock. "Are you actually complimenting me, Hannie? I never thought I'd see the day."

"Shut up," I frowned just as Jobe came wandering back.

"Who was that on the phone ?" Jude asked his brother.

"Nobody," Jobe said, trying and failing to fight the smile on his face.

I gasped. "Does Jobe Bellingham have a secret girlfriend?" I grinned.

"No," Jobe answered. I knew he was lying — the look in his eye gave it all away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him. I leant forwards, eager to know more.

"Maybe because it's none of your business, Hannah," Jude snapped.

"Jude!" Jobe scolded his older brother. "I didn't want to say anything until I knew the relationship was going somewhere," Jobe admitted, turning back to me. "I want to take things slow this time."

I nodded, showing that I understood. Jobe's last girlfriend had cheated on him multiple times and it'd been awful having to see Jobe so hurt. He, of all people, didn't deserve to experience that kind of betrayal.

"Well I'm happy for you, bro," Jude smiled. "She clearly makes you happy."

"She really does," Jobe grinned.

Soon enough, it was time to head home. I hugged my family and friends goodbye. "Are you going to be okay?" Dad asked me, referring to the journey I had ahead of me that I would be doing solo this time.

"Of course," I smiled at him.

"Text us when you get home, yeah?" Hayley said.

"You know I will," I said, hugging my sister tightly and holding on for a few extra seconds. It was still strange that she lived in a different city now and I couldn't just show up at her house or invite her out for a drink like I used to. I missed her but it brought me some comfort to know Trent was looking out for her now.

Erling drove past and beeped his horn. I waved him goodbye, feeling slightly saddened that we were all heading in different directions now. It was very rare that we all got to hang out in the same place these days, especially when the guys were almost always busy when football season was in full swing.

Next it was Mum's turn to hug me. "Are we still on for tomorrow?" She asked me.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's happening tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Lunch with Denise and Jude before they fly back to Germany."

I groaned internally. I'd completely forgotten about that arrangement. Denise was lovely, it was just her son that was the issue. I forced a smile. "Of course," I answered. My parents didn't know Jude and I despised each other. Neither did Mark and Denise Bellingham. Jude and I faking pleasantries with one another had a tendency to cause issues for us, such as having to put up with each other when our families got together.

"Great," Mum smiled, "I'll pick you up at eleven-thirty tomorrow."

Can't wait, I thought to myself. I meant that sarcastically, of course.
