First Date

Jordan's POV

Friday could not have taken any slower to arrive. The whole week I have been eagerly waiting to take Jade on our date. I decided that I was going to take her to dinner at a fancy restaurant nearby.

I had finally gotten my license before the school year began, so now I am able to drive there and pick her up myself. Trevor agreed to lend me his car for the date, but would murder me if I even got a scratch on it.

As I dressed up after school, my mom came into my room and stared me up and down with a huge grin and tears in her eyes. "Oh my baby boy! You look so handsome!" she sighed and said, "Your father would have loved this so much."

"Dad would also love it if you didn't wreck my car, so DON'T DO IT!!" Trevor intruded. Whatever though. I am not letting him spoil this moment. Then my phone rang, and I looked at the ID to see who it was. It was Jade.

"Hey Jade." I said with a smile on my face as my mom and brother walked out of my room to give me some privacy.

"Hey nerd boy." Jade replied. Judging by her voice, it seemed like she was wearing a smile of her own as well.

"Hope you're calling to tell me how awesome I am." I smugly said. Normally I do not act like that, but with Jade, it felt perfectly suitable.

I was awarded with a laugh on the other end. "Don't get too cocky mister! We haven't even started our date yet. Anyways, I was just calling to tell you that I'll just meet you at the restaurant, since we never discussed who is picking up who." Jade said.

"Oh right. We never did say anything." I said, embarrassed.

"Don't get embarrassed Jordan. Even if you did know where I live, I still would have told you to meet me at the restaurant." Jade said. When she said those words, I suddenly got a little suspicious. Why would she keep me away from her house? Is the re something there that she doesn't want me to see?

"How come? Are you....embarrassed to show me to your parents or something?" I asked.

"No, no, no. It's not that. There are just a going on around here, and I feel it would be best if you were kept away from them as much as possible." Jade quickly responded to my relief.

"Well, alright then. I won't question you about it any further. In fact what I should be doing is hitting the road, it's almost twenty minutes till seven." I said, checking the clock on my bedroom wall.

"Yeah, good idea. I'll take off soon to. See you in 'almost twenty minutes' Jordan." she said mocking me, before hanging up. I laughed at her behavior and got up to go to Trevor's car.

"Have a great time sweetie!" My mom said behind me.

"Don't wreck my car, or I will have to arrange another funeral!" Trevor said behind me as well. I knew he was just kidding around....... I think.

I got into the car and drove to the restaurant. Once I got there, I looked around the parking lot to see no black motorcycle. I hope she didn't bail on me.

I walked to the entrance and checked my watch. Five minutes till seven. As time ticked by, I decided to go ahead and reserve the table, while I wait.

"Went inside to get the table. I'll be waiting for you there." I texted Jade. A minute later, the waiter that led me to my table came back, but this time was accompanied by Jade. MY GOD!!! She looked absolutely beautiful! Even more so than usual! Her hair was set in a tight bun, she was wearing red lipstick, mascara and all that other stuff that women add to their face. She was wearing a burgundy dress with black high heels and carried a little black purse on her shoulder.

"Hi." Jade said, sitting down in the chair in front of me. I didn't answer her immediately. I was too busy staring at her with perhaps the stupidest face ever created by mankind. Thankfully I was not drooling.

I shook out of my state of stupidity and smiled back at her. "Hello miss Lewis." I said as calmly as I could.

Jade giggled a little. "Wow. Using the last name. So professional....for a nerd that is." She said as a wide smirk stretching onto her lips.

"Hey, this nerd got the guts to ask you out, especially in a time when he was not at his highest peak emotionally. Give me some credit, little bad girl." I replied, allowing a smirk to appear onto my face.

Jade rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling. "I gotta admit, that took a lot of wit to do that. Especially with the bad girl." she said, just as the waiter came back.

As he was taking our order, I noticed that he seemed to be eyeing Jade. And I mean way more than a waiter should be looking at a customer. I was starting to get really agitated. Can't he see that she's preoccupied right now??! He better leave soon before I bust his-

"I will have the same thing that Jordan is having." Jade said, interrupting my thoughts.

"As you wish." The waiter said, sparing one last look at Jade, before taking off.

"Good riddance." I mumbled under my breath. Jade tried to stifle her laughter as she looked at me, but was failing miserably. What? There was no way she could have heard me from there. I could barely hear myself say it! How could she have heard me?

"No reason to be jealous Jordan. I didn't agree to date him. I agreed to date you." she said, looking dead into my eyes with a serious expression. Those eyes gave me all the reassurance I needed, and I exhaled.

"OK."I said and she smiled at me. The waiter came back with our food, still sending glances at Jade, but she ignored him and kept her eyes focused on either me or her food. Eventually, and to my relief, he gave up.

"So, you are thinking of going into the medical field?" Jade asked me after a while.

"Yes. I want to be a radiologist one day. They make a good career, and I have always found the human body to be rather interesting." I admitted.

Jade looks really impressed by my interests and takes another bite of her food. "So what are you planning to do for a career?" I asked her.

Jade stops eating and is still for a few seconds, as if she is contemplating what to say to me. "I am planning to run business. And before you ask, it's top secret. My parents don't like me talking about it with anybody." she finally says.

Now I'm getting really suspicious. What's this 'top secret family business' that she's referring to? And would her parents not want her to discuss it? Is it working for the FBI or something? Or are they just very secretive people? This is bizarre.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions, but can we not discuss them please?" Jade asked with pleading eyes. I looked at her questioningly, but eventually nodded. She instantly relaxed and went back to eating.

Soon enough, we finished eating and we went to the parking lot. Jade appeared to come in a car instead of her motorcycle. "My mom lent me her car. Wearing a dress and riding a motorcycle do not exactly fit together." she explained.

As she said that, I had the urge to hold her hand, and this time I decided to follow my urges and grasp her hand in mine gently. Surprisingly, she opened her hand for me to take and gave my hand a light squeeze.

"I hope you had a fun time tonight Jade." I said as I looked into her eyes.

"I sure did. That was a nice first date Jordan." she said, with a bright smile on her face.

That smile made my heart melt. I would do this a thousand times over with her just to have this same feeling every day of my life. "I guess I'll see you next time." I said to her, still holding her hand.

She continued to smile at me as she said, "Yeah. Thanks for tonight Jordan. I really enjoyed it." And then she disconnected our hands so that she could wrap her arms around me. I quickly did the same to her. Then I felt her press her lips against my cheek as we embraced. They were just as soft as I remembered them to be.

We pulled apart from each other and she looked at me one last time, before she got into her car and took off. I just sighed happily as I drove home, eagerly looking forward to the next time I see her.
