A Journey Ends Where Another Begins

Jordan's POV

It has been a couple of weeks since Jade returned and we have become really close friends. The times that Jade and I hung out were by far the greatest of my life so far, even if we are just friends.

Yet still, I can't deny that I have strong feelings for this girl. Plus, there's something about her that is, I don't wanna say weird, but that's the best word I can come up with. That hug that she gave me at the mall a couple weeks ago was incredibly strong. I felt like my spine was gonna snap on me. Then that growl that I heard her make was something you would hear out a ravenous animal, like a lion or a wolf. I just have this feeling that Jade is hiding something from me. Something really big.

I hope she doesn't already have a boyfriend! Oh god no!!! That would be worse than finding your pet bunny in a pot! However, seeing as we spend almost every minute of the day together, I am confident that she doesn't have a boyfriend.

"Jordan! Come down here, now!" My mom yelled, interrupting my thoughts in my room. She sounds very upset about something. I didn't do anything......right?

Choosing not to keep her waiting, I hurried down the stairs to the living room to find her and Trevor on the couch with extremely woebegone faces. I suddenly was afraid of what it was that they were about to tell me.

"Sit down sweetie." Mom said through tears. I obeyed her and awaited the news. "We have just received word from the army. They just had a trip to Afghanistan, and they were ambushed.....Your father.....he....." she choked through tears, obviously too much in pain to finish the sentence, but she didn't need to. I connected the dots as tears filled my eyes. My dad didn't make it.

I instantly walked to the rest of my family as we cried on each other, as the sickening feeling arose inside my chest. My father, my role model was killed in trying to protect, not just us, but the rest of my country. He was a true hero. He was a person I always admired and loved because of the person that he was. And now that he's gone.....words cannot describe the pain that is filling me now.

We held his funeral that weekend at a local church, and let me tell you, it was quite possibly the worst experience in the world. It's the last place I would ever want to be in. Everyone was in deep sorrow, with their eyes closed, and filled to the brim with tears no doubt. Yet at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes glued onto me throughout the whole thing.

I decided that being inside that church was too much for me to handle once the service was over, so I stepped outside. But as I did, in the distance, I saw some type of animal watching me in the nearby trees with azure blue eyes. It looked like a large wolf, and I mean a REALLY large wolf, but because of the trees, I could not get a good look at the whole wolf. But I saw it had black fur and I could feel those azure blue eyes glued straight onto me. And for some reason, instead of running away scared like I should have been, I was instantly reminded of Jade. Why would I be thinking about her when a ravenous beast is staring right at me?

I closed my eyes and shook my head to clear those thoughts, but when I opened my eyes to look at the wolf again, it was gone. Creepy, that's all I could say to myself as I walked back into the church.

Two Days Later

Crap. That's the one word that can describe what I feel like now......Crap. And I probably should not have come to school today, considering the circumstances.

However, there was one thing that gave me a reason to attend today. I just had to see Jade's smiling face today. That smile could cure me from the saddest moment that could ever arise.

Then I remembered what me grandpa said to me on his death bed when I was eleven. "Jordan, make your life count and do whatever it is you want to do. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed to you." In that instant, as Trevor was driving us to school, I made my decision right then and there. I am going to ask out Jade Lewis.......today.
