A Growing Relationship

Jordan's POV

"What is that??!!!" Yelled Bobby at the lunch table. He was talking about the mark that Jade left behind on my neck.

"Dog bite. Don't ask me how it happened." I quickly replied. Obviously I couldn't tell them the real story how I got that mark now could I?

"You gotta be more careful dude. That could have been a lot worse." Bobby said. I just nodded in response. Then, two hands suddenly covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" came Jade's voice.

I smirked in response and replied with, "Umm, the Easter Bunny." That earned a laugh and a playful smack on the shoulder from Jade as she sat beside me.

"No Jordan. It's me." Jade said, leaning in and pecking my lips. I smiled in response, but it widened once I caught the surprised look on Bobby's face.

"What the hey?? The bad girl goes for the nerd? I've seen everything now." Bobby said.

Jade chuckled at that statement, which filled me with a warm sensation. Jade then leaned closer to me and whispered, "I say we go to our spot once school gets out."

I instantly realized what she meant when she mentioned our 'spot.' That means she wants to have a heavy make out session, and who am I to deny a beautiful woman something like that? "Sure thing princess." I said, pecking her lips.

"OK, I'm gonna go before I throw up. You two should really think about getting a room!" Bobby said, before getting up and leaving the table. Jade and I laughed our heads off at his retreating form.

"It's just the two of us now." I said to Jade, wrapping an arm around her. She scooted closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I could get used to that idea." Jade said happily, looking at me.

"So can I." I replied with a sigh.

Once school was over, I was heading over with Jade to her motorcycle when I suddenly said, "You know, before we go to our spot, I'd like you to finally meet my family."

Jade stopped in her tracks and looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "You sure you can handle it?" she asked.

"I'm more concerned about you. My mom is a nice woman, but there are times when she gets very strict, especially when it comes to Trevor and me." I explained. "I'd rather get this monkey off my back now rather than later."

Jade smirked as she got on her bike and started it. "Then let's get it done Jordan." she said as I got on and wrapped my arms around her torso.

I guided her through the streets towards my house and she parked on the driveway, right next to Trevor's car. "You ready bad girl?" I asked.

"Sure am nerd. Are you?" Jade asked, grabbing my hand.

"Nope. Let's go." I said, making her laugh some more. I opened the door and allowed Jade to enter first before I went in.

Trevor was the first one to come into view as we entered the house and once he saw us, his face registered the biggest smirk I have ever seen, or at least one of them. "Well, hello Jade." he said with a hint of mischief in his voice. That is never  good when he talks like that. Last time he talked with that type of evil in voice, I ended up getting pelted with, not one, not two, but three water balloons.

"Jade, this is my annoying big brother, Trevor." I said.

"Nice to meet you Trevor." Jade said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Hey mom! Jordan finally brought his girlfriend over!" Trevor yelled. He then turned around and said, "I'll get the baby pictures ready."

Oh hell no! I am not letting Jade see my baby pictures! Such an embarrassing part of my life that I am not proud of at all......even if I can't remember it. Thankfully, before he could move, my mom sprinted into the room and skidded to a stop in front of us.

"Hi, I'm Jordan's mom. You must be Jade." My mom said, smiling at Jade.

"Yes Mrs. Whitehead." Jade said, and I put an arm around her shoulder. My mom seemed to be caught in between happiness and mortification as she saw that.

"Well, I have heard so much about you." she said.

"That's an understatement. When it comes to you Jade, Jordan WILL. NOT. SHUT. UP." Trevor said, emphasizing every word. I rolled my eyes and sent him a playful glare.

Jade giggled a little and said, "Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one who can't shut up about the person I'm dating." She then looked at me and smiled. I instantly returned it.

"Well sweetheart, let me tell you something before we move on to another topic." my mom said with a serious face. Oh boy, here it comes. "This here is one of my little sugar bears," Trevor and I rolled our eyes at that statement. "Jordan is a very fine gentleman, just like his father was. So I do hope that you treat him with the utmost respect that he deserves. Otherwise, well......let's just say that you probably do not want to face me if my baby come home heartbroken."

"MOM!" I said, exasperated. "Stop it."

"Of course. I understand that completely Mrs. Whitehead." Jade said, wrapping her arms around my waist. "I would never, ever think of doing something like that to your son."

The serious face melted off my mom's face and it morphed back into a smile. "Good." she said.

"Now for baby pics!" Trevor announced, pulling out his phone. Jade seemed to be interested in looking at them, but I took Trevor's phone out of his hand.

"No baby pics!" I announced. Jade could not hold her laughter back any longer and cover her face with her hands.

"I wasn't going to show her Jordan. I copied her number from your phone and texted them to her just a few seconds ago." he said, and I instantly went into shock the second I heard her phone go off.

"Do not look at them!" I said to Jade. She only smirked at me in a way that said, 'Of course I'm gonna look at them.'

"Well, it's been good, for the most part, but Jade and I have plans today. I'll see you guys later." I announced, sending a glare towards my brother, who was as smug as ever.

"Text when you're on your way home!" my mom said.

"Later lovebirds!" Trevor called.

Thank god that was over.
