The First Meeting

Jordan's POV

"This is Jade. She's a new student and she has most of her classes with you. You can show er around." the principle said.

My god! So not only do I see an amazingly beautiful woman today, but I also find out that she has most of the classes that I have??! Fate is being kind to me today. I nodded at the principle and Jade followed me outside. I mustered enough courage to talk to her as I adjusted my glasses and rubbed the back of my neck. "Hello." I said, turning to her as we were walking out of the building.

"Hey." Jade answered flatly, looking at me with a sort of unimpressed look, which made my heart twist in pain.

"Your name is Jade right?" I asked, and she nodded once, not looking in my direction. "I'm Jordan. Jordan Whitehead." I continued, sticking my hand out to her.

"Yeah, whatever nerd. Look, don't expect us to be buddies just because you have the same classes as I do, alright? I'm not looking to make any new friends anytime soon." Jade said, coldly. So it seems that fate has its own nasty way of telling you that things do not always go your way. Why is she instantaneously giving me a sour first impression? I haven't done anything. Is this how all girls behave in the mornings, or is she just naturally crusty? Even so, she's still incredibly hot.

I brushed her comments aside for a minute and said, "OK then, let's go to first period." We made our way to the math room, where the teacher introduced her to everyone. Many of the guys looked at her greedily, and I obviously did not like it, even if she was being a little of a bi*ch to me earlier. But as that happened, I started to feel some sort of connection to her of some sort. I don't know exactly what it was that I was feeling, other than the fact that it was a type of connection with Jade. I brushed it off, and continued to pay attention to the lesson.

After math, it appears that Jade and I have all but our second period class together. She kept ignoring me as I kept stealing glimpses at her every now and then, and hasn't said a word to me ever since the administration building. Then at lunch, I was sitting all alone, when Jade came by my table with the other biker. I am assuming that it was her brother. Right as she was about to pass my table, her foot caught on the uneven concrete and her bottle of juice fell off her tray. I caught it just before it hit the ground and raised it up to her.

"You dropped this." I said as she placed her tray on the table and turned back towards me, a rare action today if I must say.

"Thanks nerd." she said, taking the bottle, but her fingers brushed against my hand for a millisecond, and I felt chills run through my entire body. As I looked up at her, I saw that she had not moved an inch since our hands touched, and she had a look of confusion and shock on her face as she stared at me. Then after a few seconds, she shook her head and joined her brother at the table.

The rest of the day flew by quickly, as she repeated her earlier actions of not talking or looking at me, except when it came to following me to my classes. Then as the day ended, and we were heading out of the school, I saw Jade heading for the parking lot, and I caught up to her. "See you Jade." I said.

She just looked back at me and hesitated before saying with a smug smirk on her face, "Later nerd." before turning back towards the parking lot. I sighed as I stared after her, getting this feeling of an empty void realizing that she was leaving.

"There you are Jordan. Come on, let's go home." said Trevor, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders on our way to his car.

All i could think of when we were driving home was Jade and I really would be lying of I said I wasn't ecstatic about seeing her again tomorrow, which probably should be the case. But even so, something in me told me that I cannot stay mad at Jade Lewis. "Till we meet again Jade." I thought to myself.
