A New Beginning

Jordan's POV

Crap. That's the word to describe how I feel right now. Crap. I was feeling pain in my head and my torso as I was waking up. When I opened my eyes, I saw myself in a hospital bed inside a small room.

Then I heard quiet breathing coming from beside me, and I turned to my left to take a look. Jade was in a chair right beside my bed and was fast asleep. I smiled at the look of her peaceful face as she slept.

"So adorable." I mumbled. Apparently she heard me because she started to stir and her eyes fluttered open as she let out a yawn. The moment she saw me looking at her, Jade sprung up from her chair and wrapped her arms around me, but not too tight, considering my condition.

"You're awake!" I heard her whisper into my ear. "How do you feel?"

"Well, considering that I had a concussion, a sliced arm and a few broken ribs, I was feeling like crap." I answered. "But then I saw the most amazing person sitting at my side and I am now elated, despite all the pain." I added.

Jade released a huge smile, before leaning over to softly kiss my lips. "You really know how to flatter a girl, handsome." she said.

"Handsome eh? Well, it's a good thing we've moved on from nerd or nerd boy." I said with a smirk plastered on my face. Jade chuckled a little and rolled her eyes. But then her face switched to a mix of anger, concern and sadness.

"Jordan, why didn't you leave when I told you to?! You could have gotten killed!" Jade said.

I looked down at the ground for a second before saying, "I couldn't leave. I couldn't just leave you all alone." I told her sincerely. "And it was a good thing I reacted that way too, because he almost killed you not once, but twice."

"Jordan....you stayed because of me??" Jade asked.

"Of course I did." I said, grasping her hand in my left hand and putting my right hand on her cheek. "I love you Jade Lewis. You're my mate, my other, my life. I will do anything for you. And though I may be banged up now, it was all worth it to see your eyes staring back into mine. To feel your touch, to have you still in my life."

"Jordan, that's how I feel about you! Had you have died....." Jade said, but seemed too emotional to continue that sentence. "I don't want to lose you either. I am extremely grateful for you looking out for me, but I should be looking out for you."

"And you did. You killed that wolf and you brought me here. This looking out thing worked both ways for us. And it should have. We have each other, so we will protect one another, whatever the price." I said, grasping her hand tighter.

Jade regarded me for one second and then closed her eyes and smiled. "You sound so formal right now, it's almost funny." she said, but opened her eyes again. "But you're right. This shows that we love and care about each other. I've just never been in this position with dating a human. Werewolves are very durable and much more accustomed to protecting themselves. So protection for each other is not a big factor, though for someone you love, it comes with the package. That want  to protect your loves one or mate. But with you being a human, it's like carrying around this little precious and fragile statue." My face fell flat as she said those words. She gave me an apologetic look and continued. "Sorry sweetie, but it is the truth. You humans to us wolves are fragile. So that is why I am more determined to keep you safe from my kind. You're my everything too you know? I refuse to let any one or anything take you away from me. My little nerd."

"And there's the nerd name we were missing." I said, smiling.

"Jordan, I'm serious." Jade said.

"I know." I said smiling. "You know, it's amazing how I am able to move now. Granted I'm still in pain, but I can move at least. How long was I out?"

"Almost a whole day. And this is the pack hospital, and they have remedies for curing werewolf injuries. Since our body is much more durable and complex due to the shape-shifting, it takes a little while for the effects to kick in. With a human such as yourself, it takes half the amount of time since you are.........and I mean this in the nicest way possible........since you are not as complex as we are." Jade said, wincing a little in case I was gonna blow a gasket.

But I kept my cool and just nodded. She wasn't trying to offend me in any way, so why would I act like she was? "Well, at least all that is over. And at least my girlfriend is alright." I said.

Jade smiled, and took my hand that was on her cheek and kissed my palm. "And I am glad my boyfriend is recovering well. Two broken ribs and thirty-six stitches is not easy to overcome." she replied.

Jade then stood up and got into the bed with me and we snuggled with each other for the rest of the day.


One Week Later

"Feels great to be out of the hospital." I said,  sitting at the lunch table.

"Yeah. It's great to have you out." Jade said, placing her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sure relieved my family bought the story of how I just got attacked by a dog. Which was true in a way." I said to Jade.

"Worked like a charm." Jade whispered, kissing my cheek.

"WHITEHEAD!!!" Here comes Jack Wilson, and he's mad. I guess he just got the news. "You ratted me out to the principle?!! You pathetic piece of s-"

But before he could finish, I yelled, "SHUT UP!Seriously, what good is it doing you now?! it's because of these actions that you are expelled. Rightfully so if you ask me."

"Watch yourself Whitehead-" Jack started but he was cut off again. This time by Jade.

"You watch yourself  Wilson! You're lucky my boyfriend has not reported you to the cops, due to the way you attacked him that night with a metal pipe! It was that type of behavior that brought this fate upon you! You have no one to blame but yourself for being an asshole!" Jade yelled.

Jack looked like he had been punched in the face. "Yeah, so how about you go enjoy your last day of school and leave us alone. If you don't, I will tell the principle again and security will take you out! Also, I will also inform the police of your actions that night and you will be thrown in prison. Now if you don't want that to happen, go away and leave us alone.....for good!" I said.

Jack gave me one last look of hatred before walking away. "Well played nerd. Well played." Jade said smiling at me.

"You too." I said, smiling.


Jade and I were in a clearing in the woods, laying down on the grass and snuggling each other.

"I never would have guessed that I would be the mate to, not just a bad girl, but a werewolf." I admitted, kissing Jade's forehead.

Jade beamed up at me and kissed my chin. "Neither did I. I never knew my mate would be a nerdy human. But I wouldn't change anything about it." she said to me.

"Neither would I. I guess you could say that I am the wolf's nerd now, huh?" I said smirking.

Jade laughed and traced patterns on my chest. "Yes, I suppose you are." she replied.

I looked down at her and smiled even wider. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you." Jade said, and we softly kissed each other. I knew right then and there, that as long as I have Jade with me, I am ready for anything coming in my life. Or at least I really think I am.

Well, that's it. This story is complete. This is my very first story and I hope all of you enjoyed reading it! I will write more stories in the long run for you guys. Till next time!
