The Potter Manor.

"Mum, so I want to invite a few more people this year, if it's okay."
"Ofcourse it's okay James! Who is it?"
"So Marlene McKinnon and Heather Evans."
Euphemias face lit up hearing the second name but no one noticed.
"Great! Write to them."
The Evans Household.
The only thing you could hear at the Evans Household was the couple praising Lily and nothing else.
A few days later
"Heather Evans! Get your arse down here and cook the breakfast!"
"Yes mother." It was barely a whisper.
As Heather cooked the breakfast her father yelled.
"Heather!Clean this up! You careless Idiot!"
"Yes Father." Again it was barely a whisper.
As she cleaned up the spilled tea she had forgotten about the bacon on the stove. The smell of smoke filled the air and the angry voice of her parents came towards her.
"You Filthy Scum! Can't even clean or cook! Your grades are dropping but still you can't do shit!" Her mother yelled.
"Ofcourse I don't blame you Lily, once out of control, always out of control."
Lily smirked.
"No dinner for you for a week and you are not to attend the family Christmas party!" Her father yelled at her.
"To your attic now!"
Heather walked past her parents, tears threatening to spill. However, Lily had 'accidently' left a knife on the armrest of a chair with its blade sticking out.
Heather hadn't noticed it but when she walked past it, there was a huge gash on her left arm. It was bleeding heavily and it was a fresh wound.
No one cared and Lily smirked.
Heather ran to the attic and fell to the floor, crying. A few moments later she got up to search for bandages and some ointments for her her wound. The bleeding hadn't lessened.
She found some bandages and she frantically wrapped them around her arm.
Just then an owl came in through the window.
Hey foxy, Heather.
Can you come over tonight? Are you connected to floo network?
My parents really want to meet you! Please.

Hey James and Sirius
Sure, and Yes I am connected to Floo network. I might come like really late like at 12am or something.

Her parents had starved her for the night so they had technically forgotten that she existed.
Heather got up from her bed and packed a few days. She walked towards the fireplace, grabbing the floo powder she stepped in.
"Potter Manor."
When she opened her eyes she was in the living room of the Potter Manor.
Suddenly she was grabbed in a group hug of James and Sirius.
"You made it!" James yelled.
"Of course I made it James, I wouldn't dare leave you hanging."
"Darling! Heather I missed you so much!" Euphemia came in hugging Heather again.
The gash hurt but she tried not to show it.
"Is she here? Is sh-" the voice of Fleamont Potter came but then there was a loud thud.
He tripped.
"Nice to meet you to again Mia!"
"How is my daughter!" Fleamont came grabbing her in a bear hug.
That's definitely where James got his hugging skills from.
"I'm great thank you Fleamont." Came the muffled voice of Heather.
"How do- what's happening?" James and Sirius asked.
"How do you know her!?"
"Long story short, I stayed here for a night during the second year vacation. Hope you still have your Adele and ABBA posters in you room James."
James turned red with embarrassment and shock.
Everyone just laughed at his face.
"James take her coat and Hang it."
"No honestly, it's okay."
"I insist." James said in a I-hate-this voice.
Saying that James pulled her coat off to reveal a huge bandaged gash.
Everyone gasped.
"I just fell of a bike."
"Yes, ofcourse you were biking without a coat in winter Foxy."
"Infact I was."
"Darling, wha- how did this happen, this is most certainly done by a knife!"
"There was a knife on a side walk, yes, there was."
"You can't even bloody lie Heather." James said.
"Can we not discuss this." Heather said, she hated that attention.
"Well, come with me so I can bandage it better." Euphemia said, she used to work at St. Mungos years ago.
After bandaging it better Euphemia Told James to show her the guest bedroom.
It was huge, a bit overwhelming for her though.

She put her stuff in a corner and fell on the bed. A few hours later she got out of bed and went to their backyard.
Even though it had been four years since she had visited the backyard was still the same, the ivy creeping on the fence, small random creepers at the edges and the corners of the fence.
It was the summer of 2nd year. Her parents had forgotten her in diagon alley due to their craze of her sister. The potters saw her and let her stay for the night. James was at Remus' place so she hadn't met him. She was still really grateful for them letting her stay.
Her thoughts were then suddenly, rudely interrupted by.
None other than Sirius Black.
"What actually happened Foxy?"
"How did you get hurt?"
"I told you."
"You can't lie, atleast not to me."
"I told you, I fell of the bike."
"You are damn good at making excuses and hiding pain but it won't work for me, I'm the expert."
"Lily, Lily happened."
"What, what happened?"
"Well I was cooking and then my father yelled at me to clean the spilt tea but then I forgot about the bacon on the stove. Then they yelled at me and then Lily had put a knife on the armrest of a chair and then when I ran past it, this happened. Not a big deal honestly. I mean I've been better but I've been worse too and no one cared so it's not a big deal."
"That's a huge deal! Oh my god! You can't just say that Heather!"
"I'm better now Sirius, its okay."
"You can't stay there! You need to leave Foxy, stay here if you want or Marlenes but not with your sister!"
"I know Sirius, I'm running away before new years eve."
"Where are you staying?"
"My house."
"I just said you can't go back there!"
"No, I'm saying my own house. "
"You have your own house?"
"Yea, it's more likely an inheritance. My great grandfather had left it, I quote 'The next witch or Wizard in this family shall inherit this manor' and since I'm 2 minutes older than Lily, It's mine."
"Wow, lucky."
"Does it hurt?"
"I've been worse so it's a 7 for me."
"Hey, it's okay. You aren't alone."
Sirius said, hugging her while she sobbed silently.
