The girl appeared in the fire place, the place was quite old and dusty.
There was no one in the house so she figured that the letter hadn't reached the Potters until she heard bickering outside.
That's when it hit her, only a Evans could use the floo network to appear in the fireplace.
She opened the door to reveal Fleamont, Euphemia, Sirius and James.
"Sorry, it didn't occur to me that you would appear outside." She grinned sheepishly.
"Why, it's okay! And besides the 2 boys were the only people who were bothered so no one cares." Euphemia stated.
"This place is beautiful!"
"Can we get going! It's really cold out here!" James said, rubbing his palms together.
"Sorry, come in!" Heather said stepping inside, just to find Sirius on the couch that he had dusted off.
"Padfoot! You traitor!" James screamed dramatically and pointing a accusing finger at him.
The couple and Heather just chuckled.
"So what did you need help with?" Fleamont asked.
"I needed a simple Scourgify and with the charm on the fireplace."
"On it."
And within two minutes the place was squeaky clean and the charm on the fireplace was gone.
It turns out that it had taken the four people 15 minutes to notice that Heather was wearing a ball gown.
"Foxy! You look beautiful in that dress, wait did you jump out of a window wearing that?!"
Heather blushed at the compliment.
"Heather, darling! You look absolutely mesmerizing!"
"Wow, I never thought I would like redheads!" Fleamont chuckled.
"Wow Heather, you look awesome but I can't let you take the attention!" Saying that he jumped on her tackling her to the couch and tickling her.
Believe it or not James and Heather had grown incredibly close, she was like a sister to him.
The girl couldn't stop laughing.
"Okay, Okay! Who wants a tour!"Heather said between breaths.
"I do!" James said jumping up.
The others just chuckled at his excitement.
"As you can see this is the living room, that's the kitchen."
She said walking into a dusty place, Euphemia just muttered Scourgify.
"I have a feeling the upper three rooms won't be dusty."
She led them up the stairs.
"Why! These paintings are beautiful!" Euphemia exclaimed, taking a watercolor portrait of the wall.
"I painted them when I was twelve, I loved to paint."
"These must be the bedrooms!" Sirius said jumping on a huge bed.
"Heather, this place is beautiful! I bet you Euphemia will be begging me to buy a similar place when we get home!" Fleamont said, admiring something on the shelves. Euphemia just blushed at the statement.
"As much as we like it here, we have to get home.Come on boys! Bye!"
"Mum, Can we stay here for the night?"
"Only if Heather is okay with it."
"I'm more than okay with it!"
"Great then, goodbye Heather!" Fleamont said grabbing the floo powder and disappearing, same with euphemia.
"So, what do we do now it's 2 in the morning?" Sirius remarked, looking at the clock.
"We sleep? Okay what do you want to do?"
"Eat!" Both of them said in unison causing Heather to laugh.
"I, I can't cook."
"Prongs Can!"
Just like that, they had spaghetti and some pasta at 2 in the morning.

A/n: I have found a picture for Heather!

Heather Evans (foxy)
