The next day Heather woke up at 6 am, she wasn't much of a morning person but she did not want to face her sister, mostly because she was scared. She changed and put her hair in a neat ponytail.
She went to the common room just to find three boys on the couch, Peter, Remus and James. She figured Sirius was still asleep because of the time they went to sleep last night. She sighed, she certainly didn't mind them but they weren't the first people she would've liked to meet in the morning.
She climbed down the stairs when Remus waved at her. She waved back and went out of the common room.
"Remus, do you reckon Sirius actually likes Heather?"
"Yea, looking back at their conversation yesterday, he does. I mean it took him days just to tell all that to your parents. And he also gave her a nickname."
"I mean yes but what if she's just playing with his heart?"
"James, Heather is not that type of girl. I've known her for years now."
"Okay but I just don't want Sirius to get hurt you know."
Little did Heather know that Marlene was also awake and had gone for a walk with Alice.
"Allie, Heather likes Sirius a lot, don't you think."
"I mean yes. We've tried to force it, push it, everything it out of her but she didn't say a word. And now Black comes along and says a few words and now she's crying in his shoulder."
Heather looked at her watch and realised that it was time for breakfast so she walked into the great hall. She first glanced at Lily whose glare shot daggers at her and then she saw Alice and Marlene.
"Hey y'all."
"Hey Daisy." The girls said in unison making it feel creepy.
"Out nickname for you, no offense but Heather is a bit of a mouthful."
"I get it, so bye I guess."
"Brea'fas'?" Marlene asked with a lot of food in her mouth.
"Not hungry but I'll have the. Chocolate bar."
She picked up a random bar and munched on it.
On the way out she was pulled in a broom closet.
She looked around to see no other than James Potter himself.
"Sorry, I didn't have any other way." He said sheepishly.
"Okay? Can I go now?"
"No, we are here to talk about Sirius."
"Yes, Heather, I don't think you know but you are some one special to him, I mean he even gave you a nickname and he told you about his family. It took him days to tell all that to my parents and he only gives nicknames to people who are special to him!"
"I think you are wrong Potter. Heahter is a bit of a mouthful and he may have gotten used to talking about  it."
"You both are completely blind idiots who are in denial of their feelings!" James said raising his voice and jumping causing Heather to flinch at his actions.
"I... I will leave you alone James, uhh bye?" Saying that she opened the door and scurried out.
What James didn't know was that someone else was trying to talk sense into his best mates mind, Marlene.
Marlene grabbed Sirius' arm and dragged him into a closet.
"McKinnon! Let me go, what are you doing!?" Sirius said trying to open the doors to the closet.
"We are here to talk about Heather."
"Sirius, you are someone special to Heather. She told you all about her family in a minute! We tried everything to make her talk about it but then you came said a few words and then she was crying into your shoulder!"
"You are mistaken darling."
"Mistaken my ass Black, look at her, she never talked to anyone about it!"
"McKinnon, you are insane."
Saying that he simply unlocked the door and walked out as if nothing had happened.
While being in their thoughts they bumped into each other.
"Sorry!" They both apologized at the same time.
When they saw who they bumped into they burst out laughing.
