Time flew by quickly and it was time for Christmas.
Heather found a compartment for her and Marlene. The girls seemed to have settled down after a few minutes.
"Marlene! Stop. Eating. My. Macaroons!"
"But. I am. Hungry!"
Marlene struggled to say as Heather had jumped on her because Marlene had taken the last macaroon.
They were so caught up with their Macaroon that they hadn't noticed the four boys standing by the door.
The boys were trying really hard to not laugh but Remus and Sirius finally gave in, startling the two girls.
Heather and Marlene kind of teleported to their seats, embarrassed. Seeing the opportunity Heather immediately grabbed the Macaroon on the table and stuffed it in her mouth.
"Go' I' !"
"Black, I am two seconds away from murdering you, you lost me the last macaroon." Marlene said glaring at him.
"Could we sit her, everywhere else is full." James asked.
Before either of the girls could answer the boys stepped in and made themselves comfortable in the compartment.
"Okay, uhhh... Now that there's six of us this is a bit full." Marlen said trying to move.
Heather was stuck between Sirius and Remus.
Marlene was stuck between James and Peter.
Heather inhaled some air and found herself coughing.
"Who the hell has applied Juniper cologne here!" Heather asked between coughs. She walked out of the compartment to get some fresh air and as soon as she left Sirius turned red as a tomato.
"You have Juniper cologne don't you?" Marlene asked.
"Yea, anyone have something to cancel it, we need Heather alive by the end of the train trip."
Marlene tossed some small blue bottle towards him which smelled pretty good.
"Marlene, what is this?"
"Some ordinary cologne Sirius, now use it before she comes."
Sirius put on the cologne and the Juniper smell was gone.
"Marlene! Give me on good reason to not murder my own sister!" Heather said, stepping into the compartment with her hair in knots.
Sirius thought she looked like she had snogged someone but the three boys were pretty concerned.
James was mainly concerned about Lily.
"What happened?" Marlene asked, not even amused by that.
"Ahh, the Juniper smell is gone, thanks Sirius. And Lily Evans here decided that tripping me in the middle of the train would be fun."
"I'll tell you one reason Daisy, Potter will murder you if you murder her." Marlene said.
The whole compartment burst into laughter, James joined in a few minutes later too.
The train ride was all talk and laughter.
When the train ride ended Heather was the one who was the saddest of them all.
"Cheer up Daisy! It's Christmas!"
"Another reason to be sad!"
"My family can forget about me and I can sulk in the attic."
"Well, that's great then! I am officially inviting you and McKinnon to my house for a Christmas party!" James said putting his elbow on Heathers shoulder.
"Yea, mail me first Potter!"
"K, I'll explain in a letter tomorrow."
"Better go before they forget me, bye!"
The Evans reached their house and sent Heather straight to the attic.
