Heather's parents had left without saying goodbye to her again. She trudged behind Lily lazily.
"Heather take my trunk and bring it along." Lily ordered.
"No." Heather said, she didn't know where this new-found confidence was coming from but she liked it.
"Excuse me? I make the rules Heather so take it or leave the compartment and never talk to me or my friends again."
"I guess I choose the second option!" Saying that Heather skipped away, leaving Lily alone with her trunk.

Heather grabbed an empty compartment and leaned against the window. A few minutes later after the train had left she heard obnoxious laughing, that could only belong to The infamous marauders. Heather sighed.
The door flew open but the red headed girl didn't even bother to look.
"The transfer students are pretty cute don't you think James?" The unholy voice of Sirius Black spoke up, Heather felt him eyeing her.
"Excuse him, could we please sit here, everywhere else is full." Remus Lupin said calmly.
"Sure." She said  glancing at him and smiling and looking out of the window again.
"So love, where are you from? Ilvermorny? BeauxBatons?Durmstrang?" Sirius said taking a seat beside her, draping his arm around her shoulder.Heather shuffled in her seat annoyed.
"I am sorry if you have not noticed, I have been in Hogwarts since the first year with you in gryffindor!"
Peter curled in the corner while Sirius  quickly took back his arm, clearly embarrassed. James just scratched his neck.
"Heather Evans I assume?" Remus said holding out his hand.
"Yes thank you at least someone knows me."
"And Black, use some common sense, if I were from Ilvermorny I would have an American accent."
Sirius turned red with embarrassment.
"As in your Lily Evans' sister?! Whats her favourite colour? What does she like to eat?! What does she like to wear-"
"Not everything revolves around my sister Potter!" Heather snapped.
James shrunk in his seat.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"It's okay, and her favourite colour is pink, food is pasta and clothes are anything that makes her feel superior."
"Awesome! I bought pink lilies today for her!"
Saying that Remus and Heather both took out Pride and Prejudice at the same time and gasped.
"You read it?!" They said in unison.
"Yea, I'm on the 2nd chapter." Heather sighed.
"Awesome, now I have someone who doesn't only talk about everything except books." The werewolf exclaimed.
"And Potter and Black, stop taking credit for the pranks you haven't done."
"We don't, all the pranks done were done by us!" Sirius said, offended.
"Oh really? What about the feathers in the blankets! Sudden rain in the great hall? And the fake snake on the slyhterin table?"
All the boys froze at the sudden confrontation.
James scratched the back of his head while Sirius' jaw dropped.
"We're sorry love, we couldn't let anyone else get in trouble and so what? We can work on the next pranks together. Just the 2 of us." Sirius said slithering his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. The boys stared at him, never had he gone to this extent of flirting.
"Number one I'm not your 'love' two, I'm not pranking anyone with you, three never touch me again."
Sirius took back his hand and Remus and James were shocked, never had a girl spoken to him this way.
As soon as the redhead reached Hogwarts she left them.
"Did she realise who she was talking to! She was talking to THE Sirius Black!"
Sirius ranted all the way to the feast, not caring if the boys were listening.

Heather sat far away from Lily and the Marauders. She didn't want to cause a conflict with either.Everyone knows what happens to someone who messes with the Marauders but only Heather knows what happens if anyone messes with Lily.
Dumbledore had finished his boring speech and everyone had started eating when Marlene McKinnon slipped between Heather and another gryffindor.
"Let's be outcasts together Heather!"
"Woah! What happened?"
"I asked Lily to for once put her trunk herself so she threw me out of the compartment and I couldn't find you so I sat with Dorcas! Who did you sit with? Hope it wasn't Snape."

"I had to sit with the infamous, annoying Marauders!"
Marlene gasped at the statement.
"How was Sirius Black? Oh! And Lupin, what about him?"
"Sirius Black is a stupid flirtious boy who can't keep his hands to himself while Lupin is nice and sweet, the opposite of Black really."
Heather could feel stormy grey eyes staring at her but she didn't dare to look anywhere else except Marlene and her food.
"Anyways, we have to share a dorm with Lily and Mary..."
They walked to the common room only to find the four boys lazily sitting  on the couch.
"I won't be surprised if she starts yelling at us." Marlene said.
"Hello darling, did you have a wonderful feast?" Sirius asked the moment he saw Heather.
Heather just rolled her eyes at this and walked to her dorm.
"Ahhh, I was waiting for you Marlene, you are sleeping on my bed pick up all your stuff and put it there." Lily said smirking.
"No Lily! That's my bed!" Marlene subtly took out her wand pointing it at Lily. Heather didn't want any commotion so she pushed down Marlenes wand as she proceeded to pick up some of her stuff and put it near the other bed.
"Heather what are you doing?" Marlene exclaimed.
"Marlene it doesn't matter, you get to sleep beside my bed and anyways who wants to sleep beside Mary anyways?" Heather said taking Marlenes last bag off the bed and putting it on the one beside her.
