Chapter 4: An Unwanted Visitor

Shrek and Lil'Fiddleboy turned around, shock overcoming with despair. They stared at the princess like-fair skin, 3'5, with jet black greasy hair person. He wasn't even like a human. He had looked like a dwarf, waiting for someone to help him. His shocked expression said it all, Shrek and Lil'Fiddleboy had now been faced with a huge challenge.
With a devilish smirk, Lord Farquaad declared
"Ah it's you, darling.We haven't spoken since I divorced you!"
"No I divorced you!" Shrek and Lil'Fiddleboy shouted.
Surprised, Shrek and Lil'Fiddleboy turned to each other.
"Oh my, I never thought that I would find both my exes together at the same place." Lord Farquaad sneered.
"You know him?" Shrek asked Lil'Fiddleboy.
"Yeah...unfortunately I do." he replied.
"Listen, Farquaad. Listen, Farquaad, I'm in a very healthy relationship right now." Shrek proudly announced.
"But-" Farquaad hesitantly said. You could see he was tired and had an expression as if he was hiding something.
"Are we officially dating now Shrek? I mean we've only known each other for a short amount of time." Lil'Fiddelboy asked.
"Well do you think that we shouldn't be together?" Shrek asked.
"But-" Lord Farquaad impatiently interjected.
"Of course not! Just, I wasn't even aware we were together...but now I know. So yes, I'll be your boyfriend!" Lil'Fiddleboy admitted. He was scared at this point, scared he would mess this up. He only had one chance to impress this goddess of an ogre.
"But-" said a slightly frustrated Farquaad.
"Oh boy boy boy...I never asked you..." Shrek said in a shocking manner. Shrek had realized he made a big mistake. He must let love overcome the two. He knew that one day they would be such a good couple, he was sure a book could be written about it! However, Lil'Fiddleboy was starting to get upset. Why was Shrek being mean?
"Why ya so mad dude?" Lil'fiddleboy said trying to be calm, but that calmness turned into hate and anger. He could not speak again, his temper would get the best of him. Lil'Fiddleboy took in a huge take of breath.
"Could you please let me spe-" Farquaad began to say, but he was interrupted by Shrek.
"I'm not mad! What makes you think I'm upset?"
Lil'Fiddelboy was shocked! His eyebrows furrowed and his face turned red, showing clear signs of anger.
"Let me spea-" Farquaad was becoming very frustrated at this point. He wanted to punch the two, however he knew that his fist would be no match for Shreks astonishingly onion-like face.
"YEAH SHUT UP FARQUAAD" Lil'Fiddelboy chimed.
"But I'm...I'm pregnant with one of your babies, I don't know which one of you is the father."
