Chapter 2: A glimpse of the heart

Lil'Fiddleboy raced home to his abandoned castle, heart pounding like a ping pong ball. His heart continued to beat furiously, he felt like his heart would race out of his chest. What was happening? He never felt his way, he liked the weird sensation but he also despised it deeply. Was this love?
He couldn't even think straight. He recalled his memories from the past few magical minutes. "I was in the aisle to buy a trampoline and...I made contact with that astonishingly beautiful but ugly ogre" ,he remembered. Even though Lil'Fiddleboy didn't get his trampoline, he didn't care. He felt like he would do anything at all costs to get to know that ogre. He felt like they were destined to be... He tried to keep his mind off the ogre but he couldn't stop thinking about him, he had to know him!
Lil'Fiddleboy tried to figure out different ways to grab the ogres attention. He couldn't kidnap him...that's a crime...then he got an idea. Then he realised...he could use his fiddle! He tried writing a song. After an hour, he came up with, "ogre how I wish to be with you!" Then he realised that if he said anything remotely like that he would get a fist to his face.
Lil'Fiddleboy decided to go listen to the radio, maybe it would clear his mind and give him inspiration to write a romantic song. He turned on the radio. Words boomed through the radio, "somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed." These words felt so significant for some reason. What was wrong with him?
Something in his head told him that he needed to use this song as his call for love to the ogre. He wrote down the lyrics, ready to perform this song to the ogre. If all went well he would find endless love! However, if he messed up he would be deeply ashamed and constantly live in shame. However, that's already where his life was, he was divorced and left poor. Then he realized that he needed to find the ogre in order to sing for him. Where would he find him?
