Chapter 3: Love amidst the crowd

Lil’Fiddleboy had just met this man, and had no idea where to find him. What a feeling like this could not be ignored. No matter how long it took, Lil Fiddle boy was determined to find this green angel. 
But where was he? Who was he?
 Left confused and unaware to answer these questions, Lil’Fiddleboy knew he would not have luck. But that did not stop him. So, Lil’Fiddleboy set off to find his green ogre, searching everywhere he could. Walmart, the book store, the desert, a bakery, a swamp. Everywhere in town, Lil Fiddleboy searched. Hours of searching turned into days, days turned into weeks. Exhausted, defeated, and all hope lost, Lil Fiddleboy began to wonder if it was even worth it to go through all this trouble to find a man he saw once. But, while Lil’Fiddleboy began to doubt his feelings, the green goddess’s face popped into his mind, and all his fears melted away. 
Of course. How could I forget what- no,who-I was searching for.
The song that Lil’Fiddleboy had written, was filled with all his emotions. The lyrics reflected his very soul, and his passion and desire for this man who’s name he did not even know. 
With all other options lost, Lil’Fiddleboy picked up his sheet music and guitar, and set off to the streets, hoping that his music and words would be heard by his beloved. 
Lil’Fiddleboy stood in the middle of the busiest street, pulling out his guitar, and gazing out into the large crowd. No one had paid any attention to him, until Lil’Fiddleboy began to sing. With a deep breath, he began to sing a melody, which seemed to enchant those around him. His voice and words filled with so much emotion and passion, struck everyone’s hearts, as they began to crowd around Lil’Fiddleboy. Although he was surrounded by so many people, there was only one person he wanted to see. 
Soon in the middle of the crowd people began to disperse. The crowd was chaotic as everyone was being pushed to the side. 
What was going on? Lil’Fiddleboy wondered. 
But before he could figure out what was happening, someone had pushed through the crowd, to get to Lil’Fiddleboy. That’s why everyone was being pushed, because one person was eagerly trying to get to Lil’Fiddleboy. 
He looked down upon this person, staring into his gorgeous brown eyes. His green skin glowed in the moonlight, and his soft voice spoke in a weird accent...
“Hi, it’s nice to finally see you again.”
The green ogre that Lil’Fiddleboy had been searching for, stood in front him, waiting for his response.
The ogre and Lil’fiddleboy sat down in a quiet, quaint cafe that sold roasted paper and a side of sewer water. An odd food choice, but the luscious ogre had a huge appetite and Lil’Fiddleboy did not want to disappoint. The two sat and started longfully in eachothers eyes, getting lost in pools of pupils and such. 
“I’m Shrek the ogre”
Lil’Fiddleboy was drifting off into dreamland. He had pictured a beautiful wedding of the two, and them going to a honeymoon somewhere far away. He and Shrek would-
“Hello I’m talking to ya mate” Shrek started screeching.
 “Oh, um...right...hi I’m Lil’Fiddleboy and um... i’m a boy” 
Shrek stared into his eyes, then so did Lil’Fiddleboy they found themselves closer every time they looked into eachothers eyes. They were destined to be...everyone knew it. They were about to share their very first memorable hug when they heard screeches coming from  outside. They rushed out the door, panic striking their faces. People were fleeing, being sent into carriages. Who (or what) would cause such a thing? 
They walked towards the crying and pleads for help. They slowly watched everyone be captured and they both knew they had to get out of there. Why was this environment so familiar to both of them? They both were aware of what was happening but no one wanted to say a thing. What they both knew could ruin their ever blossoming relationship with one another. They walked the opposite direction from the chaos, just as they were about to get out they heard a voice saying, “you stop right there”. It was none other than Lord Farquaad himself. 
