Chapter 1: Love at first sight

T'was a normal day. Shrek was relaxing in his humble home. He got very bored and decided to spend his lonely day bouncing up and down on the trampoline. He walked up to his old, rusty, worn down trampoline. He climbed on it, he only gained a few couple pounds this summer, he would be able to fit. He got on, and started elegantly jumping. He heard a ripping noise. He didn't think much of it. He continued to jump all of his sorrowness away. Then another rip. RIP RIP RIP RIP. He did not want to get off. He continued to jump. Then BOINK. He fell through the now destroyed trampoline. What had he done? His only coping mechanism was destroyed. He must go to the store to fix it. He got in his car. As usual, his shoulders touched the ceiling. He didn't fit, but he didn't fit in anything. He wasn't concerned. This was normal for someone like Shrek, who never truly fit into society, or belonged anywhere. 
Shrek pulled up into the store parking lot, and entered Walmart, determined to find another trampoline. He scanned each aisle until his eyes set onto the last trampoline box. Quickly Shrek placed his hand on the box, when he felt someone else’s hand on top of his. When he looked up, Shrek saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen. They locked eyes, and just gazed at each for what seemed like an eternity. 
Thump Thump Thump
Shrek felt his heart racing as he stared at that magnificent creature, unable to find any words for what he was feeling. Right now Shrek felt like an onion. His tough layers had been peeled, and right now all he could feel was amazement, and think about the man who stood in front of him. 
After a while, the boy rapidly removed his hand, and looked at Shrek again, whispering “It is fine, you may have the trampoline.” 
His voice Shrek thought it’s beautiful. I bet he would be wonderful at singing. 
Bamboozled by the events that had just transpired, Shrek was at a loss for words, and simply blurted out “uh yeah kay thanks.” Embarrassed, Shrek quickly dashed out of the aisle. 
“Wait!” a voice called out. It was the boy. 
“Y-yeah?” Shrek nervously replied. 
“Um I-I...uh. Nevermind!” the boy said, running away flustered. 
Shrek hastily took the trampoline box, and walked away to go pay for it. Although he had come to buy a trampoline, the only thing Shrek could think about was the man he had just met.Thoughts raced through his head...
Who is he? What was he doing here? Why did he leave? And Will I ever get to see him again?
When it was time for Shrek to pay, he did so, and left the store, returning back to his swamp. Shrek had been so distracted by what had unfolded, that he completely forgot to even put up the trampoline.
 Now that Shrek has finally met this mysterious boy, he will find himself on an extravagant adventure, while his destiny unfolds, and love blooms. Shrek might even realize that he won’t even need the trampoline anymore, because maybe,just maybe, he won’t be so lonely for much longer.
