Chapter 2 : Valley of Peace

Shadow's POV

It has been 11 years since my parents died. I years training to get stronger to keep this crystal safe like my parents wanted me to. After resting in that cave I found 11 years ago. I traveled from different villages to find food to survive and survive on fruit in the woods. My fighting has gotten really good that people now call me the shadow warrior after saving them from bandits. I was only called that because no one knew who I really was and snuck up on people like a shadow.


Right now I was in a small town finding some material to hopefully make some new clothes that fit. My old outfit was completely worn out from so much traveling. After finding cloth I made me a nice hoodie sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants using a thread of needle.

Once I had my new outfit.  I made sure my hood was on so if Loki found me he wouldn't see my face. I then continue my journey to the next village. The village coming up was called the valley of peace.

'Valley of peace? I heard that a few months ago the dragon warrior defeated Tai Lung a snow leopard. It was also the home of the Furious Five' I thought while traveling through the trees to the Valley of Peace.

"I just hope Loki hasn't had any luck finding me yet," I muttered as I picked up the pace.

'What should I know I can't keep running forward to keep Loki from finding me. I will have to fight him eventually.'

A few hours later...

I decided to take a break for a little bit to find something to eat. I then noticed that the trees had some apples in them. So I reached up to the top of the tree I was in and grabbed an apple.

"Perfect this apple looks delicious, " I said before taking a bite of my apple.

'I wonder how close I'm to the Valley of Peace.' I thought while still eating my apple.

Once I was done eating. I then continue my journey to the Valley of Peace.

"I will protect this crystal. I promise mom and dad, " I said looking down at my grass made necklace hidden under my sweatshirt.


Three hours later...

After another three hours of traveling. I could see a village was not much farther away. With my eyesight, I could see the top of the buildings.

'It almost nightfall but I'm almost there. Just a little bit more traveling do reach the Valley of Peace.'

"Hopefully my trail is still hard to find. I can't let this crystal get in Loki's hands. It way too dangerous yet I can't keep running. It getting really exhausting running so much. Maybe I can rest in the Valley of Peace for a while longer then I have in the other villages. I have rest in for a day or two. He hasn't found me after 11 years so it may be safe to rest here for a while, " I said while continuing my journey to the Valley of Peace.

Valley of Peace...

I let a sigh relief finally making it the Valley of Peace.

'I should get some food for dinner. Then get some rest. I figure out my next plan of action tomorrow, ' I thought walking into the village to find something to eat.

After a little bit of walking, I found a noodle shop. That place must be really good there a good amount of customers eating there.

I then walked into the noodle shop and saw people staring at me. I would be starting also if someone walked inside somewhere wearing a hood.

As I reached the counter, I was greeted by a kind goose. He was wearing a simple red robe with a light yellow lining, and a gold-colored belt with waves designs on it.

"Good evening, may I take your order?" He greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Well... Uhmm. I'm new here and kind of low on money but a bowl of soup please, " I said giving him the small amount of money I have.

"Oh my goodness, there's no need to worry, newcomers always get something free here." He said. Bruh, I feel like a pitied beggar. Aside from that, I took a deep breath of relief.

'Thank you, so much for giving me mercy.' I thought inside my mind. "That was very kind of you, I promise I will repay you back someday," I said while giving him a smile.


Three Minutes Later...

"Here is your noodle soup, coming right up." He said while bringing a warm steamy bowl of noodles filled with delicious soup.

"Wow! That was fast." I never have seen an order this quick in my entire life, it usually takes up to ten to twenty minutes for a soup, FOR A SOUP?! You know what I'm not even gonna ask how.

"Thank you for this soup." I thanked.

"Ohhh I do not need that, as long I can make a customer happy." He said in a silly way while raising his wing up? I sat on at the nearest table and begin eating my soup.

After I finished my soup and enjoying the comfortable seat, I sensed something coming for me. I look up and I saw a giant chubby panda and seems to be dragged by a small rabbit.

"There's that suspicious-looking guy over there!" The rabbit shouted in fear.

"Don't worry! The Dragon Warrior is here and he will kick some suspicious butts!" The panda said while gave the rabbit an 'OK' wink and prepared a fighting stance.

"Wait, Po, don't do it, son!" I turned around and I just realized that father of that panda is that kind sir over their?!

"Dad! Get away from him, he might be dangerous!" The panda warned.

As soon as I begin to hear louder footsteps and... Quickly got up and jumped on the roof and took off not wanting to fight.


I stopped running once. I noticed that I lost that panda.

"I can finally rest for a bit. Don't have much money left. It has had has been a while since I earn money-saving so I have sleep outside, " I said finding a place to rest.

I then found a nice tree feel area to seep in but decided to some practice sparing on the trees for a little bit before going to bed. Since sparing always helps me to fall asleep.

'Tomorrow going to be interesting. Maybe staying here nit a good idea,' I thought ending my sparring and laying down on the ground to rest for the night.


Hey lovely readers

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