Chapter 11 : Loki appearance

Third person's POV

Everyone was now in the kitchen eating Po noodle soup since he was the one who cooked dinner for tonight. Shadow was sitting next to Tigeress at the table like he does every day during mealtime.

'This soup is so good. His father definitely taught him well when teaching him how to cook,' Shadow thought eating some of his soup.

"This soup is great just like always Po, " Viper said.

"Glad you like it, " Po said.

Shadow then stop eating his food. Suddenly getting a feeling something bad was about happen. Tigeress being the closest to him notice his sudden change in behavior.

"Is something wrong Shadow?" She asked causing everyone to turn and look at Shadow.

Shadow shook his head. "No just thought I heard something in the hall of heroes. I'm probably just hearing things, " he replied going back to eating his food.

Tigeress looked at Shadow not believing his response but decided to just let him be for now and went back to eating her food. Shadow sighed glad that she wasn't going to question him any further.

"You sure? Because you really seem jumpy the last few days?" Monkey asked.

Shadow was about to answer until a loud combination was heard this time Shadow was sure he wasn't hearing things this time. Since he noticed everyone else was looking in that direction.

"Maybe you won't hearing things. Sounds like someone really is in the hall of heroes, " Tigeress said.

"My students let's go see who here, " Shifu said.

Everyone stood up and now. "Yes, p Shifu."


When everyone arrived in the hall of heroes.  They saw two medium-size brown male loins. There were also two male white loins. Then the last figure was completely cover up with a black cloak standing behind the other loin who look like they were looking for something. They stand in the shadows, for now, to see what they were up to.

"Come on where is it?" One of the brown loins said.

"You idiots be quiet before someone hears us, " The cloaked figure muttered.

Shadow eyes widened recognizing that voice.

'No way it can't be. Yet those other loins look like his main followers Daniel, Leo, Leon, and Shi.' Shadow thought looking at the loins.

"You okay Shadow you seem freaked out?" Tigeress whispered into Shadow's ear.

"I recognize the voice of the cloaked figure, " he replied.

"You do did you meet this guy before?" She asked.

"I tell you later for now let's get rid of them, " he replied.

"That orb has to be here somewhere. This is the right place right sir?" One of the white loins said.

Tigeress nodded."Come on let's get rid of these guys, " she said leading the way.

"I don't know what you're here for but you better leave now, " Shifu commanded.

"Nobody tells me what to do! Besides, I won't be leaving until I get what I came here for, " The cloaked figure stated.

"Then we force you to leave, " Shadow said getting ready to fight with the others.

The cloaked figure turned to look at Shadow and spoke up in a sinister voice. "Oh as if you could Shadow you don't have the strength to fight me not after what happened the last time we saw each other." He then started laughing like a mad man.

'It really is Loki that definitely his voice,' Shadow thought started to panic.

"Wait how do you know this guy Shadow?' Po asked looking over at Shadow.

"Ugh well, " Shadow said having a hard time to tell them that this was the guy that killed his parents. He already had a hard time just telling Tigeress about his parent's death.

"You need a reminder who I'm then here you go, " the cloaked said pulling his hood down to reveal a white mane and dark blue eyes. With a sinister smile on his face. "It has been a while leopard. You have grown but get ready to join your parents."

"Join his parents?" Monkey and Mantis both asked confused.

'Is this the loin from Shadow's nightmares?' Tigeress asked looking at Shadow then back at Loki.

"So you know Shadow but who are you and why are you even here?" Crane asked.

"The name is Loki Hong some of you may have heard of me. I'm here because the leopard has something I want, " Loki said looking back at Shadow who was looking back at him with wide eyes. "Now tell me where the orb is now!"

"What orb?" Viper asked.

Loki laughed. "So the brat hasn't told you about his past. Not surprising I wouldn't either with a past like his."

"Shut up you're the reason I don't talk about my past! You ruined my life more than my so-called best friend did! You never get what you are looking for!" Shadow shouted.

"Alright then let's do this hard way. Daniel, Leo, Leon, and Shi you take the others. I will take care of the leopard." Loki said getting ready to fight Shadow.

'I can do this don't let my nerves get to me,' Shadow thought trying to relax his nerves.

"Fine Loki your mine, " Shadow said getting in her stance and started running towards Loki. While the others were fighting his followers.

Shadow then jumped up and was about to kick Loki, but froze when he looked into his eyes. So he ended up getting punched in the stomach.

Shadow coughed losing his breath for a moment due to the power of that kick.

"Ugh that hurt but I'm not done yet, " Shadow said getting back up.

"Oh yeah really coward?" Loki asked laughing.

"I'm not a coward, " Shadow said standing up and charging at Loki once again.

"Keep telling yourself that, " Loki said blocking Shadow incoming punched then grabbed his arm and tossed him into a wall.

"Ugh, " Shadow groaned getting back up.

"You're pathetic, " Loki said walking over toward Shadow. "Now tell me where the orb is."

"Never!" Shadow shouted. "I won't let you take it! I made a promise to keep it out of your hands. You monster!" Shadow shouted charging at Loki and this time landing a hit on Loki and punching him in the face.

"Not bad someone clearly got a pair of guts all of a sudden, " Loki said. "This will be a little more interesting now."

Shadow growled and attacked Loki again a lot faster this time feeling a flow of strength running through his body. He landed a couple of hits and kicks on him but then felt his fear coming back after looking into his eyes.

Shadow then saw Loki about to strike him with his claws but he then saw an orange stripe paw punch Loki in the face.

'Tigeress she protected me,' Shadow thought.

"Geez, dude you can punch. Where out of here for but that orb will be mine, "Loki said. "Daniel, Leo, Leon, and Shi come on let's go, " he commanded and
Daniel, Leo, Leon, and Shi all got up off the ground after getting their butts kicked, and follow Loki out of Jade palace.

"Shadow who was that guy and what orb was he talking about?" Viper asked.

Shadow sighed. "It a long story, but his name is Loki he a well no crime back from home. It will be easier to explain if we go visit my home village, " he replied.

"Alright, then we leave tomorrow for Leopard village, " Shifu said.

"Yes, master, " Everyone now facing Shifu.

Shadow sighed and headed to his room to go to bed for the night. He wasn't really looking forward to going back home.

Tigeress noticed his sad expression and was going to talk to him but decided that it might be a bad idea.

'Why do I care so much about him. He just a friend I have never been this worried about anyone else before,' Tigeress thought before heading to her room also after seeing that everyone else already left.


Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Q: How do you think the journey to Leopard village will go?

Q: How do you think Tigeress will deal with her strange feelings?

Thank you for reading 💖💖💖
