Chapter 14 : The Truth about Shadow's past

Third person's POV

Shadow then opened the door to the treasure room and lead the other inside. The second he walked inside he could feel his legs shaking and started breathing heavily. He could see his parents dying all over again just by being in this room.

Lin noticed his panicking and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Relax it all in your head, " Lin said in a soothing voice. "Take a deep breath and calm down."

'Look at her touching and comforting my Shadow. That should be me not her,' Tigeress thought glaring, at Lin.

"What up with him?" Po asked as he looked at Shadow trying to calm down while Lin was saying soothing words to him.

"This room brings back bad memories. What happened in here was not a pretty sight." Lin replied.

Shadow finally calmed down and noticed that room was clean of all the bloodstains, his parent's bodies were gone, and everything that fell during the fight was back in place.

"Alright, I'm good. Just need a minute to clear my mind. I see someone had cleaned the house, " Shadow said.

"Yeah Leo's mother did it when she brought Leo over to find you when you never came to over to go on your daily afternoon jog with each other, " Lin said.

"Yeah those we're day, " Shadow said giving a small smile. "Anyway onto the story."

Shadow took a deep breath and began to tell the story.

"To start we should first talk about the day Loki came to Leopard village, " Shadow said looking at Lin telling her to take this part. She nodded and understood he was going to tell the part about his parents.

"Everything was peaceful in Leopard village. Until one day a sinister white loin came to the village with his pack of loins and started living in the cave in Leopard village woods. After that day there started being lots of bandit attacks. Loki himself never came into the main part of the village but he was seen and scared everyone from playing in the woods. Ever since that day security be very tight and this place has been harder to find. To avoid allowing more criminals into the village. If you want to move here you must pass a security check. Which was easy to pass if the Leopard guard didn't sense evil. The leopards in this village have what you say a gift to feel evil. Some leopards the ability is stronger than the others," Lin explained.

"And that the story of when Loki first came him, " Shadow said. "Now onto the night when he into the main part of the village himself."

Shadow took a deep breath trying to keep relaxed enough to tell them what happened that night.

"You can do it. I'm here for you every step of the way," Lin said hugging Shadow.

Tigeress growled sick and tired of seeing Lin hugging Shadow. Po once again heard her growl and saw her glaring at Lin again.

'Okay, something going on with Tigeress. She almost seems almost possibly jealous,' Po thought before turning his attention back to Shadow.

"11 years ago back when I was nine years old. I was sleeping peacefully in bed that night. Until all of a sudden, I heard a loud commotion downstairs. So I slowly got out of bed and made my way downstairs. I then followed th sound to this room and what I saw was the most terrifying and heartbreaking thing I ever saw, " Shadow said getting teary-eyed.

"You can do it, " Lin said rubbing Shadow back.

'Get your hands off of my Shadow man stealing leopard, Tigeress thought trying to keep herself from attacking that female leopard.

"Right anyway what I saw was my mother and father fighting Loki With serious cuts over their body. Loki there hit them with his claws and they fell on the ground with barely enough strength to keep fighting Loki. But the last words they said before dying was to go into that vault and grabbed the silver box with the demon orb and run and don't look back. I asked them what about them but thru told me they won't going to make it. Whatever I do keep the orb safe before they died. So I ran and have been on a long journey ever since to keep Loki from finding me. I spent each day training to get stronger, " Shadow said now crying on Lin's shoulder. Until I recently arrived at your Valley. I stopped traveling to rest after so many years of traveling. I was going to leave as soon as I got enough rest. Then you offer me a place to train."

Shadow sighed. "I didn't tell you about the real reason because I didn't want you involved in problems that evolve my past and my village. So if you want to leave and never see me again for keeping this secret that fine. I just stay here and fight Loki he probably realizes by now that I'm not in the Valley of Peace anymore, " Shadow said. "I will probably lose because Loki right I don't have the guts to fight. I totally got creamed." Shadow said walking out of the room.

"Hey, you're not alone. I'm not letting you fight that loin alone just to get killed, "  Tigeress said surprising Shadow with a hug.

Lin glared at Tigress not happy she was having Shadow.

'He is mine. I admit I did use to make fun of him at times but I always found him so good-looking, '  Lin thought.

"You sure you want to help me protect this, " he said taking the orb out of his bag and taking apart the grass patch to show a dark red orb.

"Of course you didn't completely lie to me. You did tell me they were killed when came into your room when heard you having a nightmare twice. Besides you only kept this secret because didn't want to get us involved plus it must be painful to remembering their death, " Tigeress said.

'Hearing those kind words from her beautiful self is so wonderful,' Shadow thought looking at Tigeress beauty.

"Tigeress right you had a good reason for not telling us about the orb, " Shifu said.

"You mean you actually stay and help since Loki probably making his way back. He was bound to have figure out by now if Shadow wasn't still at Jade Palace. He only could of went to one place back home, " Lin said.

"Yeah, we total help and even help bring back the peace to your village!" Po exclaimed.

"Thanks, Po. Well, I'm going to buy some food to cook since. I doubt any food is left in the house after so many years. There plenty of room upstairs. The room with an A painted on it is mine, " Shadow said leaving the house with Lin to go to the store.

'How dare she still be taking all of Shadow time. He supposed to be spending his time with me,' Tigeress thought still confused about why she was feeling this way.

"Hey Po can I talk with you about something after we take our stuff to our room, " Tigeress said looking at Po.

"Yeah sure, " Po replied.


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