Chapter 16 : Loki Victory

A/N: This chapter is longer than the chapters.

I hope you all enjoy reading it.


Third person's POV

It was a sunny afternoon in Leopard village. Shadow was about to give her friends a tour of the village. Lin was also coming along saying she had nothing else to do today.

"Alright let go let's get this tour started, " Shadow said once Lin arrived.

"Yeah let's just hope we don't have to deal with any bandits today, " Lin said standing next to Shadow's side.

'Ugh, why does she have to come along,' Tigeress thought.

"We can dream but we know that never will happen. Even if Loki not here they still stealing for him, " Shadow said. "Anyway let's start walking."

While Shadow was leading the way. Lin walked over to the back to talk with Tigeress.

'She better stop looking at my man. I let her know that Shadow is going to be my boyfriend,' Lin thought walking over to Tigeress.

"This place here is called Mr. Wu Bean bun shop. The bean bun here our really good, " Shadow said pointing at a shop that had a lot of customers sitting down at tables eating.

"Are they really that go?" Po asked.

"They are I loved going there every day for my birthday, " Shadow replied.

"Really when is your birthday?" Viper asked.

"Actually it coming up soon, " Shadow said not really telling which day it was on.

'Wow he just said soon but not the actual day,' Po thought.

"What does soon mean?" Crane asked as Shadow was continuing the tour.

"It next week, " Shadow said turning around and seeing Tigeress and Lin all the way in the back talking and glaring at each other.

'Seriously they have been like that since this tour started. What has gotten into them today,' Shadow thought before turning back to face the front.


Meanwhile with Lin and Tigeress...

Tigeress's POV

"I see you eyeing Shadow, " Lin said with a growl.

"So I'm what your point?" I asked annoyed.

"The point is that. I have feelings for Shadow  so back off!" Lin stated.

"Oh yeah well I have feelings for him also, " I said blushing still not use to my feelings.

"Yeah well, I plan to ask him out once he is done with this tour. I knew him longer so I bet he pick me over you, " Lin said. "I doubt you even know his birthday next week October 17th, " Lin said walking away.

'Really his birthday coming up soon,' I thought trying to not what Lin said get to me.

'Would he really choose her over me?' I thought before snapping out of my thoughts hearing Shadow call out to me.

"You okay back there Tigeress. You kind of farther behind, " he said looking back at me.

"Yeah, " I replied catching up with them.

"You sure you are okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. So where the next place to see on this tour?" I asked trying to hide my worry that he might pick Lin over me.

I noticed everyone expected Lin was looking at me confused why I acting so oddly.

"The next place is I will actually paying a visit to someone important to me. Where going up to that building on that grassy hill surround by a lot of trees, " Shadow said.

"Oh, he will be so happy to see you after so long, " Lin said leaning against Shadow's shoulder.

'Maybe he will pick her. He not even bothered with her leaning against him, '  I thought trying to control my wandering thoughts and emotions.


Third person's POV

After a couple of minutes of walking, they were at the steps that lead up to the building on the hill.

"What is this place. It has the same symbol that on your house?" Monkey asked.

"This is the Royal Kung fu Academy. My uncle teaches here, " Shadow said before he felt a chill go down his spine.

"So your uncle who you were visiting?" Shifu asked.

"Umm yeah, " he replied not paying much attention to busy having a feeling something was about to happen.

"You feel something also don't you?" Lin asked.

"Yeah something coming, " Shadow said.

"You got that right, " A voice said.

Everyone turned around to see Loki and his loin followers.

"Loki!" Lin growled.

"Yep and that demon orb is mine! I know you aren't foolish to keep it at your house alone so you must have it somewhere on you," Loki said.

"Oh shut up Loki! You're a monster who ruined our peaceful village. As if we give an orb that could destroy everything we love., " Lin said getting in a fighting stance.

"Oh yeah mister young Lord doesn't even have the guts to fight me, " Loki said. "Look at him trembling. Anyway, you guys deal with the others. The two leopards are mine and the tiger. She going to pay for that punch!" Loki shouted getting in his fighting stance. While the other loins fought with Shifu, Viper, Po, Mantis, Crane, and Monkey.

"I won't chicken out this time!" Shadow said charging towards Loki. Lin was following close behind him.

Tigeress follow behind but was moving slower than usual.

'Just look at her by Shadow's side. It should be me yet it's not, ' Tigeress thought not paying attention to the fight. Until she heard Loki's voice.

"See he can't even hit me he just a coward, " Loki said.

Tigeress then look to see Shadow charged to punch Shadow but he was shaking so much he missed Loki's face. Yet Lin landed a kick to Loki's stomach.

"He not a coward!" Tigeress yelled charging at Loki and punched him.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot you were here, " Loki said. "You don't seem to have your mind focus on the fight."

Tigeress didn't respond and looked back at Shadow. Who was being comforted by Lin.

"Come on you can do it!"  Lin said rubbing his back.

Shadow took a deep breath and nodded and began charging at Loki with Lin.

'Ugh just look at them. I should have known he never love a monster like me,' Tigress thought not noticing that Loki charging towards her.

"Tigeress lookout!" Shadow shouted stopping so fast in his tracks causing the demon orb to fall out of his pocket.

"Huh, " Tigeress said before Loki kicked her hard in the stomach sending her flying right into a tree.

Shadow and the others gasped. While Lin landed a punched on Loki right in the chin.

"Tigeress, " Shadow said when he saw her hit the tree.

Loki rubbed his chin and kicked Lin away and began to walk over to where he saw the red orb. So he picked up the pace and picked it up.

Shadow was about to walk over to see if Tigeress was okay until he heard Loki's voice.

"Yes, the demon orb!" Loki exclaimed.

Shadow turned around and saw he had the orb.

"No, " Shadow said realizing he must have dropped it.

"Oh yeah, you going to come and get it back or make sure your tiger friend is okay?" He asked laughing again.

Shadow looked back at Tigeress and then back at Loki. 'I need to get that orb out of his hands but Tigeress could be badly hurt,' Shadow thought and sigh know what choice to pick.

"The orb yours for now, but I will get it back. For now, my friend is more important, " Shadow said running over to Tigeress.

"Interesting choice let's go, " Loki commanded and took off with his loin followers.

Shadow ran over to Tigeress and checked her body for wounds. Everyone came running over expected Lin who was rubbing her stomach.

"Is she okay?" Everyone asked worried.

"Yeah but has a bruise on her stomach. Luckily her head doesn't seem to be injured, " Shadow replied.

"Ugh, " Lin said walking over still rubbing her stomach.

Shadow turned to see her. "You okay. Lin?" he asked watching her rub her stomach.

"Yeah, just a little sore. It Sucks Loki got the orb but at least he won't be able to use its power right away. Sadly we don't know how long it takes for the person's body to get used to the power, " she said.

"We will just have to prepare to fight him again but to do that I need my uncle help with my problem so I can actually fight him without shaking. I visit him tomorrow. For now, let's take Tigeress back to my house, " Shadow said picking up Tigeress.

"Yeah good idea, " Viper said.

"Hey, Shadow after you take her back. Can you come over to my house I want to talk with you about something, " Lin said before walking away to head back home.

"Yeah I see you later, " Shadow said waving bye to her.

Once she was gone Shadow and the others headed back home in silence.


Shadow's POV

Once we arrived back at my house. I went upstairs and took Tigeress upstairs to lay down in bed. I also grabbed an ice pack for her stomach.

When I enter the room I laid her down on the bed. Then put the ice pack on her stomach.  While the others were standing in the back of the room.

"Alright this ice pack should help her bruising, "Shadow said. "I'm going to see what Lin what's if I'm not back before dinner one of you can cook instead. See you later, " I said walking over to the door.

"Okay see you later buddy, " Monkey said.

"Yeah bye dude, " Po said.

'Tigeress I don't know what happened back there for you to lose focus, but I will ask you about it later,' I thought leaving the room.

I then quickly walked downstairs and headed out the door to head to Lin's house.


When I arrived at Lin's house. I saw her mother in the herb garden watering the herbs.

"Hello Lin's mother, " I greeted.

Lin's mother quickly looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, Shadow. Lin told me you finally came back. It so wonderful to see you, " she said.

"Same here anyway came here because Lin wanted to talk with me, " I replied.

"Of course she in her room drinking herb tea for her soreness from fighting Loki, " she said and I nodded.

"Okay sorry she got hurt, " I said walking inside the house.

When I walked inside the house. I went straight up the steps and to Lin's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in, " Lin said.

"Hey, Lin you want it to talk to me about something," I said.

"Oh yeah, actually well the thing is, " she started. I nodded for her to continue. "That I like you more than friends and wanted to know if you would go out with me?" She finished.

'She has feelings for me, '  I thought surprise at what she just told me.

"Lin I used to have feelings for you back as kids. As my journal said when Coby read it. But I don't anymore. I love someone else are will still friends?" I said hoping she wasn't too upset.

"Yeah, still friends. I'm upset you don't feel the same way. As long as this someone makes you happy then I'm fine with it, " she said smiling.

"Thanks. You find someone who loves you, " I said hugging her.

"Yeah see you tomorrow we need to come up with a plan to get that orb back from Loki. I know history didn't say how long it took for a person's body. To adjust to the power from the orb. I'm going to guess maybe a couple of months. He will gain the power once he says the chant to activate the orb, " she said hugging her back.

"Yeah, it late the others are probably making dinner now. Also smells like your father or mother is cooking, " I said smelling the food.

"Yeah probably my father since he and my little sister with out to buy some ingredients to make his soup tonight, " She said.

"Sounds yummy. Hopefully, we can come up with a plan before his body has adjusted to the power. Visiting my Uncle tomorrow at his place."

"You going to do anything for your birthday next week. It's funny how you basically still 19 while the rest of us are 20 years old, " she said laughing.

"I don't know it has been a while since I celebrated my birthday. It, not my fault that all every kid who was born the same year as me has earlier birthdays than me."

"You should do something this year now that you are finally back home."

"I will think about it, " I said walking out of the room.

"Bye, " she said waving bye.

When I got downstairs. I saw her father and sister in the kitchen making dinner and her mother walking inside the house.

"Take it you finishing talking with Lin, " her mother said seeing me heading to the door.

"Yeah, my guest our probably waiting for me to join them for dinner, " I replied.

"Yeah, Lin told me you had the Furious five with you. Well anyway, see around."

"Yeah, I do they will be helping me deal with Loki. Anyway, bye enjoy your dinner, " I said opening the door.

"Good luck with him I know if anyone can beat him it's you. Your strong then may believe yourself to be also if you ever need medical herbs you know where to come. That what this family does we grow and sell medical herbs to villages that don't have proper soil to grow there only.  After all, not all the villages have great soil to grow plants and herbs like us, " she said waving bye.

"Of course your herbs are the best, " I said finally walking out the door.


Meanwhile back at Shadow's house...

Tigeress's POV

I woke up feeling something cold on my stomach and noticed I was back in my room at Shadow's house. I then slowly move my blanket and saw an ice pack on my stomach after lifting up my shirt a little.

'I must have passed out after Loki stomach me into that tree. I can't believe I got distracted like that because of what Lin said, '  I thought taking the ice pack off my stomach.

I then smell something cooking. So I got out of bed and went to head downstairs to see what was cooking.

When I walked into the kitchen. I saw Po cooking his usual noodle soup. I also saw Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, and Master Shifu sitting at the table. I walked over and sat at in the spot I sat at last time next to where Shadow was sitting last night.

"I see you finally woke up, " Master Shifu said.

"Yes, " I said.

"How are you feeling?" Viper asked.

"I'm feeling fine my stomach doesn't hurt as bad as it did we he kicked in the stomach."

"The ice pack most likely helped to relieve the pain, " Crane said.

I nodded and looked around for Shadow. Not noticing a bowl of soup was placed in front of me.

"Where is Shadow?" I asked turning to face the others and finally noticing the bowl.

"He left a couple of hours ago to go to Lin's house. She wanted to talk to him about something. He hasn't come back yet, " Mantis replied.

'So she must have told him how she feels. He must have said yes if he still there, '  I thought feeling like  someone stabbed me in the heart

"You know what I'm not hungry," I said turning away so they couldn't see the tears trying to fall down my face.

"Is something wrong Tigeress?" Viper asked.

"No I'm fine," I said still looking away.

"Really Tigeress because you have been acting odd since the tour," Master Shifu said.

"Don't know what you're talking about Master," I said.

"This has to do with Shadow not being here doesn't it?" Po asked.

"Is that what bothering you Tigeress because he not here. You have feelings for him don't you," Master Shifu said.

"Okay maybe I do but clearly he wants to be with a different female," I said getting up from my sit and pushing my bowl away.

"So that why you been spending so much time with him lately?" Viper asked.

I nodded.  "Yeah but he clearly likes Lin since he still over there."

"You don't know that he probably just got caught up with seeing his old friend after so long and her family also was probably talking to him. Since she lives with her parents and sibling and helps with the family herb garden," Master Shifu said.

"Yeah maybe," I said not believing that. "Anyway, I'm going to bed," I stated leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs to lay in bed.


Once I arrived upstairs to my room. I quickly got into bed and sigh.

"I should know he never feel the same way," I muttered so close to breaking down to tears.

'I don't know what it is but ever since. I got so close to Shadow. I have been becoming more emotional than normal.  I usually wouldn't want to cry just because a guy doesn't love me. I couldn't even focus during the fight because I love Shadow and was worried he would choose Lin over me. Maybe Master Shifu is right maybe he doesn't love Lin. I want to believe that but just can't ' I thought finally breaking down into tears.

After a while of crying.  I started drifting off to sleep, but before I was completely asleep.  I heard the door of Shadow's room open.

He finally home but doesn't come to even check on me to see how I'm doing after getting hurt.  I guess he really did choose Lin over a monster over me,' I thought crying some more until I was asleep.


Meanwhile in Shadow's room...

Shadow's POV

After arriving home. I went straight to my room. I was going to check on Tigeress, but the others told me she just went to sleep before I arrived. I came back after stopping at Leo's house to see how he was doing. So I ate dinner with them.

While I was now laying in my bed. I was thinking about what happened during that fight.

'Why was Tigeress so distracted that not like her.'

I was brought out of my thoughts. When I heard faint sobbing coming from Tigeress's room. I was about to check on her but then the sobbing stopped.

'What is up with her see really seems to be acting odd. Maybe the others got her to tell her what was wrong. I just ask her or the others about it in the morning, ' I thought before falling asleep.


Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also, don't forget to comment, and vote.

Q: What was your favorite part of the chapter?

Q: What did you think of the girl fight between Lin and Tigress?

Q: Who ready for these two love birds to finally get together?

Thank you for reading 💖💖💖
