Chapter 12: Journey back Home

Shadow's POV

Today was the day that I was leaving on a journey back to my home in Leopard village. Along with the members of the Furious five and Master Shifu and the Dragon warrior. I was finally going to tell the others the whole story about my past.

Right now I was back in my room back at the Jade palace grabbing the demon orb and the box. Taking it with me so if Loki comes back he won't find it. I also grabbed a bag of clothes since we were going to most likely be gone for a while.

'I put the demon orb in my bag. I'm less likely to drop it and losing it that way,' I thought putting the orb in one of my bag's pockets and zipping the pocket up.

I sighed and grabbed my bag and put it on my back and walked out of my room, and went to meet up with the others outside.


Tigeress's POV

I and the others were sitting in a cart we were using to travel to Leopard village. While waiting for Shadow so he can show us how to get to Leopard village.

'Where is Shadow? He should have been here by now I heard him getting up and moving around.' I thought looking around for him then finally spotted him coming down the steps.

"Alright ready to go, " Shadow said getting in front of the cart ready to lead the way to Leopard village.

"Lead the way then since your the only one who knows the way to the village," Shifu said.

Shadow nodded and began leading the way. While Shifu followed him driving the cart slowly through the valley and out to the woods.

"So Shadow what is your home like?" Po asked sitting next to me.

"It okay, " Shadow answer but did look like he was paying much attention.

After only a few minutes of traveling. I noticed Shadow looking very depressed. Which for some reason I didn't like seeing him like that it made me so upset seeing him like that.

'He seems so sad that expression doesn't do his handsome face any justice,' I thought looking at him while he was leading the way.

My eyes then widened not believing that I just called him handsome.

It has almost been an hour of traveling now. Po was asking Shadow more questions about his home when we arrived at a bamboo forest. Shadow just kept walking not answer his questions. So far for some reason, I couldn't take my focus off of Shadow.

'He really hasn't said anything since we started traveling. Maybe I should go cheer him up or least walk next to him, '

I shook my head wondering where these thoughts were coming from. I just couldn't understand why I felt so upset seeing him like this.


Third person's POV

Shadow and the others stop traveling after another hour to eat lunch. Shadow wasn't really in the mood to eat. He was too busy thinking about how Loki finally found him and remembering the night his parents were killed.

Tigeress decided since they stop to eat that she would go and try talking to him and see if he was okay. Po noticed her walking over to Shadow and was staring at her confused about what she was doing.

"Hey Shadow, " she said sitting next to Shadow.

"Hi Tigeress, " Shadow said snapping out If his thoughts and turning to face her.

"You okay you haven't really eaten any of your food," Tigeress said looking at the apple he was holding.

"Yeah, no need to worry. I just lost in thought, " he said taking a bite of his apple.

'You don't seem okay,' she thought looking at his facial expression.

"Alright if everyone is done eat. Let's continue our journey, " Shifu said.

Shadow nodded and stood up. Tigeress looked back at him before going over to the cart and sat once again next to Po. Shadow then started walking a leading the way once again to Leopard village.


It has been four days now since they started their journey. They were finally out of the mountains and back on a path full of trees. Po and the others noticed that Shadow was even more distant than he was a few days ago. He was at least nodding anything the others said, but now he wasn't even nodding. He just kept walking straight ahead.

"Is it just me or  has Shadow became extremely distant?" Po asked.

"Now that you mention it he hasn't responded to anything for the last few days, " Viper said.

"Well, he didn't seem so happy talking about his home. So maybe it has something to do with something back at home, " Mantis stated.

"Probably he did seem upset she Loki mention his past. Clearly, something happened for him to be so upset, " Crane said.

"Yeah, but what could have put him in such an awful mood?" Monkey asked.

"Well we won't know until we get there, " Shifu said also curious in what had Shadow so upset.

'His behavior is definitely similar to Tigeress when I met her at the orphanage. So depressed and look so lonely. His eyes shown that same loneliness as Tigeress did. When I asked him to remove his hood,' Shifu thought.

'Poor Shadow going back home probably bringing back awful memories of his parent's death. If only they knew about the pain he was going through. Still, I wonder what orb that Loki guy was talking about,' Tigeress thought while looking at Shadow walking with head down and only looking up to make sure he was going the right way still.

"Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a song.  Are maybe some kind of game, " Po said.

'Oh, here we go more of Po's stupid ideas. That not going to help Shadow. If anything it will just make him annoyed,' Tigeress thought knowing this wasn't going to end well.

Po just continued listing more ideas and Tigeress was starting to get really annoyed hearing his dumb ideas and didn't like the fact he was going to do something stupid and upset Shadow.

"Ugh just shut up! He doesn't need to deal with any of your stupid ideas! He just needs to be left alone to his thoughts! So keep your ideas to yourself!" Tigeress shouted annoyed.

Everyone expected Shadow turned to look at Tigeress confused about where that came from. Tigeress noticed them staring at her and growl.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"Ugh, nothing, " They all said.

'What up with her she been looking at Shadow this whole trip and constantly hanging out with him since she stopped hating him,' Po thought as he watched Tigeress turn her attention back on Shadow and saw a small smile on her face and not her fake-looking smile it was so real.

Po knew something was definitely up with Tigeress but then know what it was yet. He just knew something was going on with her.


After the past few days. Shadow finally spoke again.

"Alright, we're almost there, " Shadow said. "The entrance to the village is just up ahead."

Right after he said that the group saw a huge sliver gate with two snow leopards standing on the side next to it and there were two leopard heads on the rails of the gate.

'Well I'm back home after 11 years now,' Shadow thought looking at the familiar gate.


Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also, don't forget to comment, and vote.

Q: What was your favorite part of the chapter?

Q: Do you think the villagers will recognize Shadow after so long?

Q: How long do you think it will take for Loki to realize that Shadow left the Valley of Peace?

Thank you for reading 💖💖💖
