Through time

(A few time skips in this chapter)

It had been a few days since Bucky had left and i had yet to hear from Steve I was starting to worry, because i remember how he got when he lost his mother. I pushed through and Candy tried to get me to go out but nothing felt like fun anymore now that Bucky was gone.

Once I got home after work I found a letter addressed to me from Steve. I furrowed my brows confused but opened it nonetheless.

Dear Olivia,

I know this is very last minute but I enlisted into the army. I finally got accepted for some project they started. I'm so sorry that I won't be there to comfort you after Bucky leaving. I just want you to know I'm okay and I hope you write to me while I'm here. Again I'm so sorry. I love you Olivia, please take care.

My eyes watered and I found myself crying again. Part of my is happy for Steve finally getting what he had been trying to accomplish for the last two years, but the other part of me just wishes he was home.

As time passed I wrote to both steve and Bucky and they wrote back occasionally. Of course the letters would sometimes arrive out of order but it was still nice to know they were okay. Bucky had written that the 107th were being deployed on a mission so he wouldn't be able to talk for a while. I had been feeling ill lately but I didn't want to burden them with that news so I mostly kept it to myself.

Steve on the other hand told me he was coming back to Brooklyn for some sort of test and that he was excited to finally see me. He also told me he was excited for me to meet Peggy, he'd spoken about her in nearly every letter he sent to me.

It was hard to believe that the scrawny Steve Rogers I knew was no more, now he was this tall buff guy that was all over the tv and on walls all over the city. He didn't have much time to talk now that he was busy all the time but I still made it out to a few shows where he'd wear tights and sing about America.

Unfortunately while everyone was away my health slowly got worse and I no longer went to the shows he would put on. I had to move in with my parents since I no longer worked long enough to pay for an apartment. It had been ages since Bucky wrote to me but i Still wrote to him keeping him updated on most of my life, excluding some things here and there.

One morning my mother walked into my room announcing I got a phone call. I weakly got up and made my way to the kitchen where the phone was waiting for me.

"Hello?" I said softly.

"Olivia!" Steve's voice beamed from the other side.

I grinned weakly. "Steve... I've missed your voice." I leaned on the wall feeling tired.

"Are you okay? You sound tired. God did I wake you?" He sounded worried.

I chuckled. "No Steve you didn't, I'm just a little sick. Nothing to worry about I'll get better soon."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yes Steve, how are you?" I asked.

"Not great." He sighed. "I feel like a dancing monkey... this isn't what I had in mind when I enlisted."

"I know." I sighed. "You can't ask the colonel for more?" I closed my eyes feeling tired.

"Hon, Maybe you should go lay down." My mother walked up to me worried.

I shook my head and shooed her away.

"He doesn't listen to me." He said. "He thinks I'm a joke."

"Since when does Steve quit?" I grinned.

He chuckled. "I'm not quitting."

"Well, personally I wish you'd just sing because at least I know you'd be safe.. but I know you want more, so I think you should go fight for what you want." I said.

I heard him grin, "thank you Olivia, I wish I could call you everyday."

"Me too... hey Steve?" I bit my lip.

"Any word on Bucky? I haven't heard anything..."

He sighed. "I'm sorry, I haven't.. I'll ask around again."

"Thank you." I said softly.

"Okay, you sound tired I'll let you rest so you can heal a bit quicker." He chuckled. "I'll get in touch soon."

"Okay, love you Steve." I smiled.

"Love you too." He chuckled and hung up.

I hung up and made my way back to my room slowly.

Days later there was another phone call and I sat down by the phone answering.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Doll?" That familiar voice called through the phone.

"J-James?" I gasped. "You're okay?" My eyes watered.

"I am, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get in touch. It's a long story." He sighed.

"I'm just so happy I got to hear your voice." I cried softly.

"Don't cry baby." He said softly.

"I can't help it." I wiped my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"That's a relative question." He said. "How are you?"

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Then how come I don't believe you? Why are you living with your parents again?" He knew me so well.

"Job cuts, I couldn't afford the apartment." I half lied.

He didn't believe me. "Steve told me you had gotten sick.."

I chuckled softly. "He probably exaggerated, you know Steve.."

"Mhm..." he didn't sound too convinced.

"Are you coming home?" I asked hopeful.

"Actually, Steve got some information and we're heading out to London.." he said softly.

I frowned. "Oh, of course."

"Don't be upset... someone's got to take care of this kid, reel in his crazy." He tried to joke.

"Yeah.. i understand." I twirled the cord with my finger.

"When I do get home... would you ... Uh would you.." he stuttered a bit.

"Would I What?" I asked.

"Marry me?" He blurted.

"Marry you?" My eyes widened.

"If you still feel that way." He said quickly "if not I completely understand, or if you found someone else-"

"No! I haven't. Only you." I giggled. "Of course I'll marry you."

"You will? Oh thank god." He laughed. "I- hold on doll." He was interrupted then came back to the phone. "I'm sorry love I've got to share the phone... I'll call as soon as I can."

"Okay, stay safe will ya? Steve too." I said.

He chuckled. "I love you."

"Love you too." I smiled and hung up after our goodbyes.

My eyes watered, I wasn't getting any better and Bucky still was not coming home. I can only pray for the medicine to work.

In 1944 i read about how Steve had singlehandedly saved over six hundred men. I remember smiling and thinking to myself, "always so dramatic."

As the months passed i no longer felt as weak as I used to. Maybe it's been all the good news I read in the newspaper about the Howling comandos taking down Hydra bases with captain America.

One morning i awoke feeling great, i figured I'd go for a walk to test my strength. As I got ready there was a knock on the door. I walked out and opened the door, my stomach dropping at the sight. There were two soldiers standing there with grim looks on their face.

"Miss ward?" They asked.

I nodded. "That's me."

"We're sorry to inform you Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes has gone Missing In Action."

A sob escaped my mouth as soon as the words left his lips. They handed me a card and nodded. My parents rushed over to me and led me inside. My father stayed back to talk to the officers.

"No mom it's not true! Steve would have called me!" I sobbed.

"Honey I'm so sorry." She led me to the couch. "Please calm down.."

"Calm down?" I sobbed. "My fiancé is dead!"

"We don't know that.. he could just be hiding?" She tried to cheer me up.

"Just leave me please." I begged as I clung to the necklace he had given me so long ago. I closed my eyes thinking about all the good times, just like he had said to do. "You promised." I whispered to myself.

A few days later there was a phone call from Steve. I went over to the phone. "Hello?"

"Olivia.. hey how are you?" He asked timidly.

"Is it true?" I asked in a monotone voice.


"Just tell me!" I yelled.

"Yes, I'm so sorry." He sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I sobbed. "Why didn't you call me?!"

"I'm so sorry- I just couldn't bear to tell you."

"Oh I'm sorry it was an inconvenience for you." I felt myself get angry.

"Liv, I'm so sorry... I was grieving... I was mad at the world.. at myself." I could hear he was crying too.

"You made me wait who knows how long! This whole time I was planning a wedding with a dead man!"

"Olivia please understand.."

"No Steve! I don't want to speak to you right now. Don't call again." I hung up and slid down the wall crying in the kitchen as my parents kept their distance.

Steve continued to call but I wouldn't take any of the calls. I know it wasn't his fault but I was so angry and I couldn't exactly be angry with a dead man. After a while I was too prideful to answer.

Later the phone calls stopped and I felt a bit relieved but also guilty.

One morning I was feeling sick and decided I was going to call Steve, I couldn't ice him out forever. Before I could, I picked up the newspaper and my eyes widened in horror. The title read "Rogers Disappears."

I quickly dropped it, "no, this is fake.. I can't be real... not again."

I started hyperventilating and soon my vision blurred and I blacked out.

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is kind of everywhere I know I'm sorry! Just need to get through a few things before it gets interesting.
