The Cradle

"I-im so sorry. I'll go. " Bucky stepped back after walking in on me trying to reach the wounds in my back.

"No wait, could you help?." I sighed. "I found the alcohol in your bathroom and figured I'd use it to clean up a bit. But I can't really reach." I sighed.

"I- are you sure?" He stumbled over his words a bit nervous.

I nodded. "please." I turned to face him and his eyes widened and he looked away.

I looked down at my chest, "sorry." I grabbed a random shirt and held it up against my chest to cover myself.

He cleared his throat. "um, I think I have a better idea. Why don't you pull on a shirt and follow me."

I nodded and pulled on the random shirt I found and walked over to him. "where are we going?" I asked.

"Just downstairs." He said. "I have a friend that I think can help."

I nodded. "okay." I followed him out and into the elevator. We stood in the back awkwardly looking at our feet as we went down.

The elevator stopped and I was going to walk off but James stopped me. "not yet." A few people walked into the elevator and and stepped closer to James and slipped my hand into his.

He looked down at me surprised. I blushed and pulled away. "sorry, I don't know why I did that."

"It's okay." He said and pulled my hand back into his.

The elevator stopped for a second time and we both got off. "Bucky?" A man, Bruce banner I think, walked over to us.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, Hi I'm Bruce." He extended a hand.

I shook his hand and looked up at James, "Bucky?" I furrowed my brows.

"It's a nickname." He smiled softly.

"What can I do for you ?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you still had Helens Machine, the cradle?" He asked. "Liv has a few cuts that could use the healing."

He nods. "of course, I'll go start up the machine." He smiled at me. "it's lovely to meet you Liv."

I nodded. It was still strange hearing people call me by something other than 414.

"You okay?" James looked down at me.

I nodded. "I'm just not sure I'm worth all the trouble. I'm fine, the wounds will heal themselves. "

"I know, it's better this way. Trust me." He smiled softly.

I nodded. "thanks for letting me borrow these." I tugged at the Hem of his big shirt.

He chuckled. "they look way better on you."

I looked up at him. "I sincerely doubt that." I grinned.

He grinned and looked away smiling to himself.

"Okay, where are the cuts?" Bruce walked back in.

"On my back." I said softly. Something about being here makes me feel so small compared to everyone.

He nods. "okay just lay forward in this chair here," he pointed. "back to us."

I nodded and pulled of my shirt keeping myself covered as I did what he said.

Bruce's eyes widened and he looked at James.

I frowned seeing him upset.

He caught my eye and wiped his tears and smiled.

Bruce cleared his throat. "this might sting a bit."

I nodded and closed my eyes. This wasn't torture. It was for my own good. Thats what I said everytime I failed a mission and my handler would punish me. "Okay."

He nodded and started up the machine. I felt a hand on mine and I opened my eyes. James was kneeling by me holding my hand. "I'll be here until it's over."

I smiled softly. "thank you, but I think I can handle it."

He smiled. "I know you can, but you dont have to."

As soon as it started I winced squeezing his hand tight.

"Woah, you've got a grip." He sounded surprised.

"Sorry." I tried to pull away my hand but he wouldn't let go.

"It's fine." He smiled. "I can handle it."

I smiled softly and stared into those familiar blue eyes. "Tell me about our history." I said.

"It's c-"

"If you say it's complicated one more time, I'll smack you." I interupted him.

He chuckled a bit, "okay, I'm sorry... I just don't want to confuse you."

"I'm already confused, you're supposed to be the enemy but you're treating me a whole lot nicer than I would have treated you if I had taken you."

He nods. "True, well I'm not the enemy alright? I'm a friend."

I winced as I felt the heat travel up my back. "The people I work for will kill me if I tell you anything."

"I'm not looking for Intel alright? I just want to make sure you're okay." He said.

"You're not?" I asked surprised.

He shook his head. "we used to be friends..."

"We did?" I asked.

He nods. "we knew each other years ago." He smiled with a Faraway look on his face. "you used to work at a diner and I'd always walk you on my way to work at the docks."

I scrunched my nose. "I worked at a diner?"

He laughed. "yes, you loved it."

I laughed. "I doubt it."

He grinned, "We met through our mutual friend Steve."

"Steve? As in cap?" My eyes widened.

He nods. "He was our best friend."

I gasped. "I totally attacked him."

"I know, I heard."

"I'm so sorry James, I didn't know! I thought they were gonna torture me, I had to escape before they could!"

"Hey hey, it's okay." He smiled reassuringly. "he knows you didn't mean it personally."

"I wish I could remember all of this." I pouted. "there's so much I can't remember." I sighed.

"You can't remember anything?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I only remember my training, I know my backstory but I can't remember. If that makes sense... It's like someone just told me something and I assumed it happened." I shook my head. "I sound crazy don't I?"

"Hydra." James mumbled.

My eyes widened. "how did you know?"

"I used to work for them." He furrowed his brows seeming more closed off than before.

"You did?" My eyes widened. "is that where we met?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "No, they used to call me the winter soldier." He said.

My eyes widened and my head started pounding. I squeezed his hand as I felt the wave of pain flow through me.

"Come back to me." I felt him place a hand on my cheek.

I tried to focus on his voice and I slowly opened my eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't really control my headaches."

He nods. "I know, I'ts the programing... Your brain is trying to fight it."

"does that mean that maybe I'll remember soon?" I asked.

"I hope so." He sighed kissing my hand softly.

A/N: another chapter! Woooooooo idk what I'm doing but here we are lol. Thanks for keep up with me :)
